贝壳电子书 > 财会税务电子书 > 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 >



小说: 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 字数: 每页4000字

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Men scoured the whold coundtry looking for the lost child。
The servant scoured the frying opan until it shone like silver。
He swaggered down the street after winnign the fight。
The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man’s vagary。
Ability to get along with people is an asset in busineess。
There was a deep opolitical chasm between the two countries which nearly led to a war。
The cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments。
I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks。
The wing of the airplance came off and the machine hurtled to the ground。
He wanted to be acused of larceny; because he felt fortable in prison 。
He sworked so hard that the weariness pervaded his whole body。
Though he was tortured to make him change his religion the prisoner would not recant。
He left his affairs in a plete shambles when he died。
Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries。
He wore all the trappings of high office。
Lesson 4
When the king abdicated his throne; his brother succeeded him。
Ability to think clearly will accrue to you from good habits of study。
The salesman has been badgering my father for two weeks to buy a new car。
They succeeded in baffling the enemy’s attack plans。
He conjectured that his new stocks would rise on eh stock market。
The poor woman’s mind has been deranged for many years。
The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend。
The mother was pining to see her son and daughter。
The gas almost smothered the coal miners but they got out in time。
The long climb up the mountain made her heart throb rapidly。
Many people usually drink hot broth when they are sick。
Some tiny plants grow in the crevice of the stone wall。
The duke’s son demeaned himself by doing manual babor with his servants。
We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital。
Our country has prospered by various incentive systems。
A guide led us through the maze of tunnels in the cave。
She pored over the picture book in silence enjoying the various colors。
Like human skin;soil has holes that are called pore。
Pick up the rubbish and throw it in the garbage an
We don’t need to speculate about the possible winner in the game。
Sweet music caught and held him transfixed aainst the iron fence 。
A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly。
If you look at the end of your nose;your eyes converge。
We have a duplicate key to the front door。
There were few peaceful epoches in the history of our country 。
Hunger and suffering from cold had made the lost hikers gaunt。
The incessant barking of the dog kept him awake through the night。
Though the teacher asked a simple question about her parents;the little girl stood mute with embarrassment。
He was a passionte partisan of these people and had organized a Worker’s Union。
The parents of the sick boy scanned the doctor’s face for a sign of hope。
She scanned the newspaper in a few minutes。
He stabbed a piece of meat from the plate with his fork。
I tried to cook a nice dinner;but I’m afraid I’ve rather botched it 。
Her new shoes chafed the skin on both her feet。
After a brisk moring widn dissipater the clouds;the sky was clear all day 。
The foolish son dissipated his fater’s forturn by spending it on drinking and gambling 。
The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time。
There was a glint in her eyes that showed she was angry。
Overtime work is often onerous;though it is well paid。
The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his mand hat she go。
Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery。
Mother singed chicken to get rid of hairs。
The little boy put on his father’s medals and strutted around the room。
There are many kinds of diseases that medical science is yet ot unravel。
He bellowed in pain when the hammer came down on his finger。
The horseback rider drew his cloak tightly around him in the rain。
His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intention。
The ministry was a vvery devout man and devoted his whold life to Christian mission work。
A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of the woodcutter。
The power of a grain of wheat to grow into a plant remains latent if it is not planted。
He pawned his watch to byuy food until he could get a job。
When the cannon was fired the earth quaked under his feet。
Famine has often been the sequel of war。
After the ship sank; salvage of its argo was impossible。
The battle was won with so great a loss of soldiers that it was a virtual defeat。
He does things that are marvellous or apparently impossible;he is a wizard。
Vocabulary 22000
Imagination Radiating Method
Young Ben franklin learned the printing trade by serving as an apprentive to his half brother James。
Eric is clumsy with tools;he has little mechanical aptitude。
To build a house; you need the servic3s of carpenters;bricklayers;plumbers;electricians;and several other craftsmen。
You can’t expect an apprentice to have the same dexterity as a master craftsman。
Our adroit passing enabled us to score four touchdowns。
Jack is an ambidextrous hitter;he can bat right…handed or left…handed。
Leonardo da Vinci was remarkably versatile。He was a painter;sculptor;architect;musician;engineer and scientist。
     By hard work;many Americans have raised themselves from indigence to wealth。
     Housewives can economize by buying their milk in gallon containers。
     The increase in dues is only 10 cents。 It will not impoverish any memer。
     The severe earthquake killed hundreds of people and left thousands destitute。
     The old man had nothing to eat but bread and cheese;yet he offered to share this frugal meal with his visitor。
     An allowance of 200 a week for lunches and fares isn’t much;but you can get by on it if you are frugal。
     People who suffer from avarice spend much less and save much more than they should。
     With his wife’s dowry;the young attorney was able to open a law office。
     To own an expensive home;a yacht;and a limousine;you have to be a man of means。
     Dickens contrasts the opulence of France’s nobility with the indigence of her peasants。
     Peter coveted his neighbor’s farm but could not get her to sell it。
     If your brother paid 400 for that car;he was fleeced。the mechanic says it is worth 150。
     Tom had a reputation as a miser who hoarded every penny he could get his hands on。
     The new wing to the hospital was made possible by a gift of 500000 from an affluent contributor。
     People who keep spending more than they earn usually get into financial difficulties。
     The young heir was warned that he would soon have nothing left if he continued to be lavish with money。
     Vera’s position is good;but it doesn’t deserve the lavish praise that Linda gave it。
     To run a restaurant is a lucrative business。
     A hero risks his life to help others;a craven runs from the scene。
     I thought Carol would be nervous when she made her speech;but she delivered it without trepidation。
     Brave men defy tyrants;instead of cowering before them。
     The younger boys would not have given up the playing field so quickly if the older boys hadn’t intimidated them。
     Several apprehensive parents telephoned the school when the children were late in getting home from the museum trip。
     It was dastardly of the captain to desert the sinking vessel and leave the passengers to fend for themselves。
     If the other team challenges us; we should accept。 Let’s not be so timid。
     Robert E。Peary won worldwide fame for his exploits as an Arctic explorer。
     The captain showed remarkable fortitude in continuing to lead his men despite a painful wound。
     Risking serious injury;the outfielder made an audacious leap against the concrete wall and caught the powerfully hit ball。
     After we had waited for about twenty minutes;an audacious freshman came along and tried to get in at the head of our line。
     Inspector Javert discovered that John Smith was not the mayor’s real name but an alias for Jean Valjean; the ex…convict。
     Jean Valjean;alias John Smith; was arrested by Inspector Javert。
     I have 

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