贝壳电子书 > 财会税务电子书 > 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 >



小说: 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 字数: 每页4000字

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The words “snake”and “red” have unpleasant connotations for many people。
The denotation of the word “home” is “place where one lives;”but it has many connotations。
Cheating on a test is considered one of the most contemptible acts in the Military Academy。
The rich man is contemptuous of my humble home and poor surroundings。
We experienced a continual series of hot spells last summer。
On holidays; we can see a continuous line of cars on highways。
It hardly seems credible that your son has grown so tall in one year。
Only a credulous person would fall for that old trick。
An umpire must be an entirely disinterested but keen observer。
The audience yawned and seemed uninterested in the politician’s speech。
The office where everything had worked so smoothly;became pletely disorganized after Mr Levine resigned。
Form a union;an unorganized mob can acplish nothing but chaos。
A well…balanced diet is made up of divers foods。
A great many diverse opinions were expressed at the meeting;but none was worthwhile。
The training airplane has dual controls;oen set for the learner and one for the teacher。
The opposing two lawyers fought a duel to settle their differences。
John is such an egoist that he only cares about himself。
Marian is such an egotist that she talks about herself all the time。
After the shower; the sun emerged from behind the clouds。
He immerged his aching feet in a bucket of hot water。
It is expected that the total number of emigrants from this country will reach 20000 this year。
California has several thousands of immigrants from other states。
Lesson 2
The judge absolved the man of the crime。
The umpire should have no bias in favor of either side。
Our baseball team is contending for the championship。
We deplore the terrible traffic accident in which 30 persons were killed and 50 injured。
The boy fell from a tree and suffered fractures of his right arm and leg。
A crowd of great magnitude attended the President’s inauguration。
The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education。
I have no relish for seeing people being whipped。
Trying not to be seen; they quietly sneaked into the room。
The messenger brought tidings from the battlefield。
Many people would be aghst at the thought of another war。
We shall not cumber our thought with his reproaches。
The city government decreed that all dogs must be licensed。
The children were frolicing with the puppy in the backyard。
There was much mercial intercourse between the two countries before World War II。
In dry weather forest fires are a great menace。
I was standing on the very edge of a bank; a precipice not less than fifty feet deep。
The church is generally considered as a sanctuary。
After a light spring rain;leaves began to sprout from trees。
She trod lightly in order not to wake the sleeping baby。
The soldiers still had their guns but they were out of ammunition。
A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child。
The artist ws so engrossed in his pinting that he didn’t notive the people watching him。
If you got a deep cut in your arm; there’s usually a gush of blood。
The deep river was an insuperable barrier to those who could not swim。
Her life has been full of ordeals;sickness;poverty and loss of her beloved son。
He kept his tobacco in a leather pouch fastened to the belt。
The brakes screeched and the car suddenly stopped with a jerk。
A man who is six feet talll is bove the average stature in China。
The President’s enemies are spreading ill rumors to undermine his authority。
The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods。
Damages from last week’s flood have been assessed at 50000。
The children searched each and every chamber of the house for the cat。
The Congress of the United States has two House of  Representatives。
Now that she is rich;she disdains to speak to her old friends。
One day Robinson Crusoe espied a foot print on the sand。
The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight。
The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night。
She bought a packet of envelops at the stationery store。
The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indian hands。
The meat was black and scorched outside but still raw inside。
The grass is scorched by so much hot sunshine in summer。
The ship surged in the stormy seas;rolling and pitching with each wave。
Pots;pans and kettles are useful kitchen utensils。
When the soldiers ran out of ammunition; they fixed bayonets to their rifles。
passion for the orphans caused him to give money for their support。
Lazy boys sometimes are detained at school to do extra work after ordinary lessons are finished。
The police detained the suspected thief for more questioning。
A faction in our club tried to make the president resign。
The diamond shoen with every hue under the bright sun。
He polished the metal until it had a fine luster。
The deeds or heroes add luster to a nation’s history。
He persevered in his study until he succeded。
Because of his high fever;the sick man raved all night。
He intended to slay his fatheer’s murderer。
The doctor told her to take three tablets a day。
Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent look。
Lesson 3
The only access to the farm house is across the rice fields。
Only high officials had access to the emperor。
The guide for visitors beckoned us to follow him。
I concur with the speaker in condemning every criminal。
This summer two weeks of rain concurred with our vacation。
He was denounced as a coward and traitor。
The first blow makes the anger;but the second makes the fray。
Long wear had frayed the collar and cuffs of his old shirts。
Heavy clothing hampered the movements of the climbers。
Cancer and tuberculosis are serious maladies in every country。
The old man was plodding wearily along the bank of the river。
Since the factory moved;this town has only a remnat of its former population。
The child with a cold in his nose snored all night。
Blood tinged the water as he washed his wound。
It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailments。
The children are bickering with each other about who is the tallest among them。
The inventor contrived a new kind of engine with fewer moving parts。
The bright light of the motor car on the dark country road dazzled my eyres。
She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen to write a memorandum。
Poor food and hard work impaired her health and she became thin。
The parents were mortified by their children’s bad behavior before the guests。
The United States became the predominat nation in the Western Hemisphere。
He worked to improve the sanitary condtions of slums。
He always keeps a lot of money in his wallet。
Do you consider the wild behavior of the crowd was enough of a warrant for the police to use force?
The ford foundation allocated millionjs of dollars for cancer research。
The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby。
The boys made several cynical remarksj to cover up their disappointment at being left out of the play。
She embellished the simple dress with colorful laces and ribbons。
The defence of the alamo was a heroic action of gallant men。
He immersed his aching feet in a bucket of cold water。
He rode his new bicycle up and down in front of our house in an ostentatious way 。
Soapy followed the man with a presentiment that luck would again run against him。
She was so satiated with bananas thaat she would not even look at one。
The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze。
A shop selling woman’s apparel is at the corner of the street。
He cajoled his fridends into deciding in his favor。
You can discard your old coat but not your old friends。
During the middle ages; Greek civilization declined and became effete。
She has had a grudge against me ever since I disagreed with her。
Four men kidnapped the little girl; but he police soon caught them and rescued the girl。
There is some hope that a peace pact will be signed between the two countries。she pries tooo closely itno the private life of her friends。
Men scoured the whold coundtry looking for the lost child。
The servant scoured the frying

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