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  • 更新时间:2019-08-08 《fb.ozmaofoz》
  •     The wind blew hard and joggled the water of the ocean, sending ripples across its surface.Then the wind pushed the edges of the ripples until they became waves, and shoved the waves around until they became billows.The billows rolled dreadfully high: higher even than t...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-08 《rr.thebrentfordtri》
  •  The solitary figure in the saffron robes shielded his eyes from the glare and squinted down the glacier to where the enormous black vessel lay, one-third submerged, in the floor of the valley. Allowing for the portion lost below the icy surface of the frozen lake it was easi...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-08 《jamesclavell.noble》
  •  work as a tribute to Her Britannic Majesty, Elizabeth II, to the people of Her Crown Colony of Hong Kong - and perdition to their enemies.   Of course this is a novel. It is peopled with imaginary persons and panies and no reference to any person or pany that was, o...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-08 《cussler.blueandgol》
  •  Sao Paulo Airport, Brazil, 1991   With a POWERFUL KICK FROM ITS twin turbofan engines, the sleek executive jet lifted off the runway and shot into the vaulted skies above Sao Paulo. Climbing rapidly over the biggest city in South America, the Learjet soon reached its cruis...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-08 《cyclops》
  • March 9, 1918Caribbean SeaThe Cyclops had less than one hour to live. In forty-eight minutes she would bee a mass tomb for her 309 passengers and crew a tragedy unforeseen and unheralded by ominous premonitions, mocked by an empty sea and a diamond-clear sky. Even the seagulls...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-08 《mc.prey》
  •  Doyne Farmer and Alletta Belin, 1992  There are many people, including myself, who are quite queasy about the consequences of this technology for the future. K. Eric Drexler, 1992  Introduction Artificial Evolution in the Twenty-first Century  The notion that the wor...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-08 《lrh.fortuneoffear》
  • Disclaimer      There is more than one reason why the Crown finds this overimaginative work most unacceptable.   First and foremost, of course, is that it purports to be about a planet called "Earth" and no such planet exists under that name or its pretended astrograp...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-07 《sk.dreamcatcher》
  • KINGDREAMCATCHERHodder & StoughtonGrateful acknowledgement is made for permission to reprint excerpts from the followingcopyrighted material:"Dying Man" (c) 1956 bv Atlantic Monthly Co. The Waking (c) 1953 by Theodore Roethke from Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke bv Theodor...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-07 《rl.thebourneultima》
  •  Prologue  Darkness had descended on Manassas, Virginia, the countryside alive with nocturnal undercurrents, as Bourne crept through the woods bordering the estate of General Norman Swayne. Startled birds fluttered out of their black recesses; crows awoke in the trees and c...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-07 《thedestroyer.slave》
  •   While Europe was a collection of warring tribes and Rome merely another city-state on the Tiber and the people of Israel shepherds in the Judean hills, a little girl could carry a sack of diamonds across the Loni Empire in East Africa and never fear even one being taken fr...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-07 《earlderrbiggers.th》
  •  Kona Weather  MISS MINERVA WINTERSLIP was a Bostonian in good standing, and long past the romantic age. Yet beauty thrilled her still, even the semi-barbaric beauty of a Pacific island. As she walked slowly along the beach she felt the little catch in her throat that somet...
  • 更新时间:2019-08-07 《cpike.thelastvampi》
  •    I am a vampire, and that is the truth. But the modern meaning of the word vampire, the stories that have been told about creatures such as I, are not precisely true. I do not turn to ash in the sun, nor do I cringe when I see a crucifix. I wear a tiny gold cross now arou...
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