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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第67章

小说: war of the spider queen 2 insurrection 字数: 每页4000字

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; puncturing the many…sided orb like a massive pin cushion。 The spider thrashed about in response。
   At the same time; Ryld was on his feet again; running with the spider; looking to get in another strike。 This time; however; the warrior was not so lucky。 As the jerking; pain…crazed creature spasmed along the street; one of its legs swept the warrior off his feet; sending the burly drow tumbling。 Ryld landed hard; losing his great…sword in the process。
   The massive arachnid was skittering straight toward Pharaun and Valas; and the wizard could see Jeggred on top of it; sitting astride the thing's huge neck; slashing madly with his claws and flinging gobbets of flesh and black blood everywhere as the fiend sawed into the spider's head。 The spider reared and jerked; trying to shake Jeggred from its body; but the draegloth clung tenaciously to it; sinking his claws deeply into the beast's flesh to maintain his hold。
   The wizard took an involuntary step backward as the onrushing spider closed the distance quickly; its rapid steps making the web street buck and bounce。 Raising his wand; the mage fired off a second lightning bolt; letting it crackle over the spider's head; knowing Jeggred would be resistant to its destructive power。
   The electrical discharge obviously hurt the massive beast… Pharaun could clearly see scorch marks on its shiny black skin…but it didn't slow a whit。 It ambled drunkenly toward the mage and the scout even as Valas pumped a dozen arrows into it。
   Goddess! thought Pharaun; backing up another step。
   He wanted to turn and run; but he couldn't make himself stop watching the charging creature。 Valas was back…stepping too; still firing arrows; but they were both in the spider's sight and it was clearly targeting them as the cause of its woes。
   Just as the spider reached the pair of drow and snapped downward; Ryld leaped into view; swinging Splitter in a huge arc and smashing the blade savagely across the creature's face。 The lightning bolt had obviously bought the weapons master enough time to retrieve his greatsword。
   The arachnid jerked backward; more blood dripping freely from the fresh wound; but it was not to be so easily deterred。 It snapped at Ryld once; twice; and the warrior fended the attacks off with his greatsword; laboring to keep the twitching mandibles away from him。
   Pharaun scrambled backward again; happy enough to let the broad…shouldered weapons master bear the brunt of the bat。 Pharaun raised his wand for a third lightning strike; hoping that would fell the beast; but before he could activate the wand the spider snapped down at Ryld a third time; and the warrior's luck ran out。
   The spider's mandibles closed tightly around the Master of Melee…Magthere; who grunted in pain and nearly lost his grip on Splitter。 The creature hoisted him into the air; squeezing its captured prey tightly; trying to crush the life out him。 Ryld arched his back in agony and began desperately hacking at the mandibles with his sword。
   Pharaun hesitated to expend his magical bolts with Ryld in the way; and Valas likewise seemed at a loss; sighting down a drawn…back arrow but faltering。 There was no clear shot。 Even so; Jeggred continued to hew into the spider's flesh。 The draegloth's arms were pletely coated with sticky black fluid。
   Why won't the blasted thing die? Pharaun thought in dismay。
   He was tempted to jolt the creature despite the presence of his panions then he remembered his other wand。 Reacting quickly; the wizard managed to fish the second item from inside his piwafwi just as the spider stumbled into both him and Valas。 The scout went sprawling; rolling into a tumble several yards away; while Pharaun managed to avoid the worst of the blow by leaping out of the way at the last moment; aided by his magical boots。
   Landing to one side; the wizard flicked the wand at the spider and uttered the trigger word; sending a host of glowing projectiles streaming from its tip directly at the spider's eyes。 The five missiles swerved unerringly around Ryld and struck the creature's eyes in rapid succession。 The great spider flinched away; opening its mandibles to chatter in pain; dropping Ryld in the process。
   The weapons master fell limply toward the ground but somehow still retained consciousness enough to halt his own descent; drifting the last couple of feet to the pavement。 The spider; meanwhile; reared up; its face a bloody mess; Jeggred still slashing at the top of its head。
   There's no way it can withstand much more; the wizard thought。
   〃Finish it;〃 Quenthel said; pointing past the spider。 〃Kill it and be done with it。〃
   Pharaun could see the second spider ing their way; so he quickly discharged a second round of screaming projectiles from the wand。 When they struck home; the spider finally collapsed in the middle of the street; nearly landing atop the still…prone Ryld。 The creature didn't move; though its legs and mandibles spasmed awkwardly。
   〃Withdraw!〃 Quenthel demanded。 〃The other one is ing。〃
   Pharaun ran to help Valas get Ryld to his feet; and the trio scurried as fast as they could back into the alley。 Jeggred leaped down from his perch atop the dead arachnid and joined them。 They all reached the protection of the side street simultaneously; and Pharaun turned back to see what had bee of the pair from House Melarn。 Farther up the street; the wizard could see the magical emanations of Halisstra and Danifae。 They were walking toward him as quickly as the limping drow could move。
   〃They're almost here;〃 Pharaun said; gesturing back to where he knew only he could see the two。 〃Keep still;〃 the Master of Sorcere warned。 〃It might sense vibrations。〃
   The two groups waited; apprehensive。 Halisstra and Danifae stopped moving; pressing against the wall of the closest building as the second spider came closer。 Pharaun slipped back into the shadows。
   As the beast passed; Pharaun prepared to cast the spell he'd considered earlier; one that would bring about a heavy mist; should they need it; but they did not。 As the giant arachnid moved off; the vibrations grew calmer。 Pharaun stole another glance and saw that the two females were drawing closer。
   〃You would openly defy me?〃 Quenthel snarled; slapping a still…woozy Ryld across the cheek。
   Jeggred rose up to his full height and moved to stand beside the high priestess; backing her while she meted out her discipline。
   Ryld staggered back from the blow; and a trickle of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth; but he didn't flinch from the high priestess's gaze。
   〃They aren't so expendable as you might think;〃 he said weakly but with his chin in the air。 〃Give them a chance to prove themselves before you abandon them。 It might be you she's rushing back to aid next time。〃
   Jeggred growled and took a step forward; but Quenthel held up her hand in a signal for him to be still。 The draegloth glowered at Ryld but obeyed his mistress。
   〃Your days of questioning my authority are nigh ended;〃 Quenthel said; turning to face both Ryld and Pharaun together。 〃When we get out of this city; there will be some changes。 I am tired of this。〃
   As if to mimic the Mistress of the Academy's foul mood; the snakes of her whip began to shimmy back and forth; hissing in vexation。
   〃All I say is that you are too quick to dismiss them;〃 Ryld insisted。 〃They are more valuable than you give them credit for。〃
   〃He's right;〃 Pharaun said; 〃Halisstra has demonstrated some resourcefulness。 Don't discount them simply because they are not from Menzoberranzan。〃
   Quenthel scowled at the two of them in turn then drew in Valas with her gaze for good measure。 Halisstra and Danifae reached their position; still invisible。
   〃I am sorry;〃 Halisstra said upon arriving; 〃but I could not abandon her。 She still has a certain value to me。〃
   Quenthel snorted but waved her hand in dismissal; as though minimizing the entire episode。
   〃You are aware of the conditions under which you will be permitted to stay with us。 Keep up; or fall behind。 We will not suffer you to slow us down。〃
   She just doesn't want t

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