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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第5章

小说: war of the spider queen 2 insurrection 字数: 每页4000字

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   Stooped forward as though afflicted with a hunched back; the creatures were reminiscent of ores; though their features were decidedly more demonic; with their scaled; sloping foreheads and their prominent tusks。 They wore little armor; for their hides were scaly and tough; but the battle…axes many of them brandished were heavy and vicious…looking。
   Pharaun shook his head in resignation and prepared to weave a spell。
   The tanarukks howled in delight and lunged forward; eager; it seemed; to take the battle to their cornered prey。 Several swarmed at Jeggred; and the fiend bellowed his own war cry; crouching and slashing wildly。 He tossed one of the tanarukks aside effortlessly; slamming it against the far wall; near Rylds position。
   Pharaun gaped for a moment at the unbridled might and ferocity the draegloth displayed; even as two more of the humanoid attackers went down before the precision slashing of Splitter; the enchanted greatsword wielded with greater skill by Ryld Argith。 Faeryl fired her crossbow from beside Pharaun then stooped to reload it。 Quenthel; in the meantime; seemed content to watch her subordinates at work。 More of the tanarukks swarmed in; though; and the wizard almost didn't react in time to one that slipped through the line of defense that Jeggred and Ryld had formed。
   The slavering; green…skinned tanarukk leaped toward the wizard; its axe cocked back for a savage blow。 Pharaun was just able to backpedal enough to avoid the slashing blade as it swooshed through the air where his face had been a heartbeat before。 He considered calling the magical rapier from the enchanted ring that held it; tiny and out of the way until needed; but he knew the effort would be futile。 The thin blade would never withstand the force of the axe; and besides; he couldn't get enough room between himself and the beast to use the more nimble weapon effectively; He was quickly running out of space to maneuver。
   When the tanarukk arched its back and howled in pain and fury; Pharaun saw that Quenthel was behind it; already drawing her arm back for another swipe with her dreaded whip。 The tanarukk whirled around; still screaming in anger。 It raised its axe high for a killing blow; but before either it or the high priestess could finish their attacks; a flash of shadow materialized at the edge of Pharaun's field of vision…and the shadow became Valas Hune。
   The mercenary scout darted in low behind the green…skinned creature and pulled one of his kukris harshly across the tanarukks hamstring; crippling it with the oddly curved knife。 Black blood spurted everywhere from the deep wound as the beast sank to one knee; flailing feebly with its hands; trying to find the source of its torment。 As quickly as Valas had appeared; he was gone; vanished again in the shadows。
   Quenthel took the opportunity to bring the whip down on the tanarukk again; and Pharaun saw the fangs of the snake heads sink deeply into the flesh of the creature's face and neck。 Already; it was beginning to cough and choke; its face and tongue bloating; poisoned by the lashes from the whip。 It dropped its axe and crumpled to the floor; spasming and crying out in anguish。
   Pharaun realized he was holding his breath and exhaled sharply; regaining his wits。 Disgusted with himself for being so undisciplined; he remembered the tiny piece of squid tentacle that he had in his hand。 Righting himself; he made a rapid inspection of the battlefield in order to determine where best to place the spell he had in mind。
   A host of dead tanarukks had piled up around Jeggred and Ryld; but still the remaining creatures fought their way to get nearer the pair; snarling and leaping about; looking for an opening where they could use their axes。 The wizard decided he could easily position the magic behind those few savage humanoids that remained; but then he paused; startled。
   A face had caught the drow mage's eye at the far back of the passage。 He blinked and peered more carefully; not trusting his assumption。 Lurking in the darkness; watching the battle; was a beautiful woman。 Pharaun found her attractive; despite the fact that she was not a drow but appeared human。 Black curly hair framed her face; and she was dressed in a tight; shiny leather corset that hugged her curves like a second skin。 She seemed to be saying something to the last rank of humanoids; giving them orders and gesturing; but when she noticed Pharaun staring at her; she smiled; her highly arched eyebrows raising even farther in a bemused grin。 That was when the wizard also noticed the black; leathery wings sprouting from her back。 She wasn't human after all。
   Pharaun shook his head in wonder。 Such a gorgeous creature manding a pany of foul…smelling; enraged half…fiends somehow didn't seem right to the wizard。 But; beautiful or not; she was on the other side of the fight。 Sooner or later; he supposed; she would have to be dealt with。
   Not here; though; not now。
   Snapping back to the task at hand; Pharaun finished casting the dweomer he had chosen; and a collection of black tentacles sprang up; situated between the contingent of drow and the remaining tanarukks。 Each of the slimy; writhing things was as thick as his thigh and squirming around; trying to locate anything to entangle。 Too late; Pharaun noticed that Ryld had felled the remaining enemies that had challenged him directly and was stepping forward; ready to confront the handful that hung back。
   Pharaun opened his mouth to shout a warning to the weapons master; but before the words were out he saw Jeggred reach over and grasp the Master of Melee…Magthere by the collar of his breastplate and yank him back; out of harm's way。 An instant later; one of the tentacles wrapped itself around the lifeless body of a tanarukk that had been at Ryld's feet and quickly coiled more tightly; constricting the corpse。 If the weapons master had still been there; it would have been his leg instead。
   Numerous other tentacles squirmed and lashed out; grasping the surprised tanarukks and coiling around them。 The creatures bellowed and screamed; thrashing and biting as the tentacles began to crush the life out of them。 The she…demon on the far side merely arched one eyebrow at the appearance of the spell; taking a single step back so that she was clearly beyond the reach of the writhing black appendages。 She seemed oddly content to watch as one by one; her troops began to grow silent; their breath lost; their ribs cracked。
   Pharaun didn't waste time waiting for the spell to end and allow either the beautiful fiend or any of her remaining minions to reach his team。 Not wanting to reveal the extent of his magic any more than necessary; the wizard stooped quickly and slapped at the ground before him。 He took one last look at the beautiful fiend opposite him as darkness welled up between them。 The moment that spell was finished; he began another; producing a pinch of gem dust from another pocket and weaving a spell that placed an invisible wall between the drow and the tanarukks。
   The magical barrier was impervious to any normal attack; would withstand most magical assaults; and would buy the expedition time to find another way out。 The wall of energy would not hold indefinitely; but it would last long enough for them to figure out how to escape unseen。 Pharaun dusted his hands as he stepped back from the casting。
   〃Well; a fine solution that is;〃 Quenthel sniped; 〃sealing us in here。 We'd be better off facing those filthy beasts on the other side than just sitting here。〃
   Ryld hunched down nearby; breathing heavily; cleaning his blade with a piece of cloth。 Faeryl slumped; exhausted; against the far wall; trying to catch her breath。 Only Jeggred and Valas seemed unwinded; both of them standing easy。 The scout moved to study the blockage; while the draegloth hovered near Quenthel。
   〃As I tried to tell you;〃 Pharaun retorted; running his hand along the surface of the damp; gray substance that prevented their passing; 〃this is the Araumycos。 It could go on for miles。〃
   The drow wizard knew his scolding tone was unmistakable; but he didn't care。 Quenthel let out an exasperated sigh

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