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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第48章

小说: war of the spider queen 2 insurrection 字数: 每页4000字

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   Pharaun sighed; chagrinned that he had raised his voice enough to be overheard。
   〃Very well;〃 he said。 〃We will attempt to find her before we depart; but remember what I said。 If the House falls down around our ears; I will personally blame both of you。〃
   He smiled; hoping a little levity would ease the tensions。 Ryld still scowled but nodded curtly once the decision was made。
   Another rumbling shock wave rocked House Melarn and forced everyone to shift their feet in order to keep their balance。 Halisstra looked around with no small level of concern in her eyes。
   〃If you want to find your high priestess; then let me take you to her;〃 she said。 〃Danifae and I have no quarrel with you; as I admitted before; and everything I've told you thus far is the truth。 We have no allies here; and neither do you。 Joining together could be mutually beneficial。〃
   〃All right;〃 Pharaun said。 〃We'll suppose for the moment that we're going to trust you to take us to her。 It will make our chances of getting out of here in one piece markedly better; but just to make certain you don't consider trying anything; shall we say; troublesome; I think Danifae here will acpany us with her arms bound behind her。 Valas and I will keep a good eye on her while you and Ryld keep to the front。〃
   Danifae's eyes widened the slightest bit in protest at the suggestion; but Halisstra nodded after only a moment's consideration。
   〃Very well;〃 she agreed。 〃We'll do it your way…for now。 First; you must do something for me。 You must answer a question; if you can。 What is the state of things out on the streets? I have not had a chance to find out for myself since the shock waves began。〃
   Pharaun shrugged helplessly。
   〃I fear I cannot tell you with any degree of accuracy;〃 he said。 〃You were in the audience chamber when the attacks began and heard the warning cry。 These duergar appear to be organized; though。 My suspicion is that someone else; someone powerful; is behind them。〃
   Halisstra looked sharply at the wizard and asked; 〃What gives you that impression?〃
   〃The blasts we're feeling are due to incendiary alchemy。 We encountered similar destruction back home recently。 Whoever is supplying the duergar with them may be associated with the forces we dealt with in Menzoberranzan; and I will warn you now; the stone does indeed burn。 We will be at risk as long as we remain inside your House。〃
   Halisstra looked fearful; but she nodded in thanks。
   〃Then the sooner I can get you what you want; the sooner we can get outside and find out for sure。 Danifae; I want you to ply with their instructions。 Do you understand me?〃
   With a small sigh; the other drow female nodded。
   〃Yes; Mistress;〃 she answered then moved over so that Valas could use a length of cord to bind her hands securely behind her back。
   〃Wonderful。 It's nice to see how we're all getting along so well together;〃 Pharaun said。 〃Now; Halisstra Melarn; why don't you lead the way?〃
   〃Before I do; allow me to help you in a more immediate way。 Let me heal your injuries。〃
   Pharaun glanced over at Ryld; who subtly shook his head; frown…ing。 Shrugging; the wizard decided to ignore his panion's con…cerns。 His face hurt where the acid had burned him。
   〃All right;〃 he answered; 〃you can tend to me。 But if this is a trick; my two patriots here will see to it that it never happens again。〃
   〃I understand;〃 Halisstra said。 〃I'm just going to pull a wand out; so please don't get jumpy; all right?〃
   Pharaun nodded and waited as the daughter of Drisinil Melarn produced the wand and utilized it。 The mage immediately felt the effects of the divine magic and breathed a sigh of relief。
   〃Thank you;〃 he said。
   Quickly enough; Halisstra similarly healed both Ryld and Valas。
   〃There 。 。 。 you see?〃 she said; tucking the wand away again。 〃We really are on your side。〃
   〃Indeed;〃 Pharaun replied nonmittally。 〃We'll just develop the trust slowly; I think。 If you please?〃 he said; gesturing down the hallway。
   Halisstra eyed the wizard for a moment; as if assessing whether or not she was making a mistake; then turned and set off down the corridor。 Ryld walked close by her side; Splitter hovering protectively close to her。
   Aliisza was not certain exactly when the battle outside the noble House had gotten so out of hand; but it was clearly being a major engagement; drawing the attention of the entire city。
   Sitting on the edge of a building that hung off the side of a web street several street levels above the raging bat; her feet dangling off into space; she watched anxiously as yet another wave of goblins and kobolds crashed into the ranks of duergar positioned around the spacious structure。
   The alu wasn't sure why she felt worry over the oute of the clash。 Oh; she understood well enough that she actually felt concern for Pharaun's well…being。 She just didn't understand why she did。 She wouldn't have imagined that she would care at all for the drow; and indeed her feelings were nothing close to true affection。 Still; she found him clever and amusing; and she had enjoyed her time with him earlier in the day。
   I guess I'm just not through with him; she decided。
   So she waited and watched; wondering if he was going to get out alive。 She knew he might have managed to transport himself and his two panions someplace else by means of an extradimensional doorway or similar magic。 That was the most likely possibility; actually; and she doubted he was still inside。 For some reason; though; she felt pelled to stay and watch。 Something in the back of her mind told her that the wizard was still there。
   At least the battle is interesting; Aliisza mused。
   The gray dwarves had soundly defeated the initial force of drow; pinning the dark elves between the two lines of attackers like steel caught between hammer and anvil。 The dark elves were flattened and slaughtered in a matter of moments。 Some lucky few had managed to get inside the front door of the manse; but the duergar were in the process of battering that down。 Aliisza doubted the portal would hold much longer。
   Beyond the walls of the estate; more drow marched to relieve the siege or perhaps to gain their fair share of the spoils。 Arriving quickly; driving slave troops before them; the new force was larger than the duergar's; and the gray dwarves found their position reversed; defending the house rather than attacking it。 Though the goblins and kobolds outnumbered the duergar by a substantial ratio; they were no match for the gray dwarves' battle tactics and incendiary pots。 Three times; the drow had forced their army of lesser beings to assault the walls; and three times they had been repulsed; suffering heavy casualties。
   Aliisza understood the tactic all too well; though。 The duergar were forced to expend magic to defend themselves; and the drow were happy to sacrifice their shock troops in exchange for draining the gray dwarves' reserves of magic。 They were only slaves; after all。 A few more waves; and perhaps the duergar would begin to break。
   The only problem; Aliisza realized; was that the duergar had utilized such a large quantity of the incendiary clay pots that most of the plaza was burning。 The air was getting thick with smoke; and the drow were forced to stay back from the spreading conflagration。 In several places; the palatial house was burning too; and Aliisza wondered how much damage the building could sustain before it began to break apart。 Though she knew the stone…shaping forces used to build the city had made the web streets and their attached structures as strong as steel; the abode was still precariously perched。 If enough of the stone burned; the whole house might break away。
   That would be a sight to see。
   Aliisza spotted a motion down a side street; not far from the plaza where the bulk of the fighting had been taking place。 There were a handful of drow there; but little else。 The alu supposed they might have been a scouting or screening force。
   The fiend decided to move in for a closer look。 She stepped over the side of the roof and dro

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