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“All men must die;” said a voice quite close at hand; “but all are not condemned to meet a lingering and premature doom; such as yours would be if you perished here of want。”
“Who or what speaks?” I asked; terrified at the unexpected sound; and incapable now of deriving from any occurrence a hope of aid。 A form was near—what form; the pitch…dark night and my enfeebled vision prevented me from distinguishing。 With a loud long knock; the new…er appealed to the door。
“Is it you; Mr。 St。 John?” cried Hannah。
“Yes—yes; open quickly。”
“Well; how wet and cold you must be; such a wild night as it is! e in—your sisters are quite uneasy about you; and I believe there are bad folks about。 There has been a beggar…woman—I declare she is not gone yet!—laid down there。 Get up! for shame! Move off; I say!”
“Hush; Hannah! I have a word to say to the woman。 You have done your duty in excluding; now let me do mine in admitting her。 I was near; and listened to both you and her。 I think this is a peculiar case—I must at least examine into it。 Young woman; rise; and pass before me into the house。”
With difficulty I obeyed him。 Presently I stood within that clean; bright kitchen—on the very hearth—trembling; sickening; conscious of an aspect in the last degree ghastly; wild; and weather…beaten。 The two ladies; their brother; Mr。 St。 John; the old servant; were all gazing at me。
“St。 John; who is it?” I heard one ask。
“I cannot tell: I found her at the door;” was the reply。
“She does look white;” said Hannah。
“As white as clay or death;” was responded。 “She will fall: let her sit。”
And indeed my head swam: I dropped; but a chair received me。 I still possessed my senses; though just now I could not speak。
“Perhaps a little water would restore her。 Hannah; fetch some。 But she is worn to nothing。 How very thin; and how very bloodless!”
“A mere spectre!”
“Is she ill; or only famished?”
“Famished; I think。 Hannah; is that milk? Give it me; and a piece of bread。”
Diana (I knew her by the long curls which I saw drooping between me and the fire as she bent over me) broke some bread; dipped it in milk; and put it to my lips。 Her face was near mine: I saw there was pity in it; and I felt sympathy in her hurried breathing。 In her simple words; too; the same balm…like emotion spoke: “Try to eat。”
“Yes—try;” repeated Mary gently; and Mary’s hand removed my sodden bon and lifted my head。 I tasted what they offered me: feebly at first; eagerly soon。
“Not too much at first—restrain her;” said the brother; “she has had enough。” And he withdrew the cup of milk and the plate of bread。
“A little more; St。 John—look at the avidity in her eyes。”
“No more at present; sister。 Try if she can speak now—ask her her name。”
I felt I could speak; and I answered—“My name is Jane Elliott。” Anxious as ever to avoid discovery; I had before resolved to assume an alias。
“And where do you live? Where are your friends?”
I was silent。
“Can we send for any one you know?”
I shook my head。
“What account can you give of yourself?”
Somehow; now that I had once crossed the threshold of this house; and once was brought face to face with its owners; I felt no longer outcast; vagrant; and disowned by the wide world。 I dared to put off the mendicant—to resume my natural manner and character。 I began once more to know myself; and when Mr。 St。 John demanded an account—which at present I was far too weak to render—I said after a brief pause—
“Sir; I can give you no details to…night。”
“But what; then;” said he; “do you expect me to do for you?”
“Nothing;” I replied。 My strength sufficed for but short answers。 Diana took the word—
“Do you mean;” she asked; “that we have now given you ay dismiss you to the moor and the rainy night?”
I looked at her。 She had; I thought; a remarkable countenance; instinct both with power and goodness。 I took sudden courage。 Answering her passionate gate with a smile; I said—“I will trust you。 If I were a masterless and stray dog; I know that you would not turn me from your hearth to…night: as it is; I really have no fear。 Do with me and for me as you like; but excuse me from much discourse—my breath is short—I feel a spasm when I speak。” All three surveyed me; and all three were silent。
“Hannah;” said Mr。 St。 John; at last; “let her sit there at present; and ask her no questions; in ten minutes more; give her the remainder of that milk and bread。 Mary and Diana; let us go into the parlour and talk the matter over。”
They withdrew。 Very soon one of the ladies returned—I could not tell which。 A kind of pleasant stupor was stealing over me as I sat by the genial fire。 In an undertone she gave some directions to Hannah。 Ere long; with the servant’s aid; I contrived to mount a staircase; my dripping clothes were removed; soon a warm; dry bed received me。 I thanked God—experienced amidst unutterable exhaustion a glow of grateful joy—and slept。
Chapter 29
The recollection of about three days and nights succeeding this is very dim in my mind。 I can recall some sensations felt in that interval; but few thoughts framed; and no actions performed。 I knew I was in a small room and in a narrow bed。 To that bed I seemed to have grown; I lay on it motionless as a stone; and to have torn me from it would have been almost to kill me。 I took no note of the lapse of time—of the change from morning to noon; from noon to evening。 I observed when any one entered or left the apartment: I could even tell who they were; I could understand what was said when the speaker stood near to me; but I could not answer; to open my lips or move my limbs possible。 Hannah; the servant; ing disturbed me。 I had a feeling that she wished me away: that she did not understand me or my circumstances; that she was prejudiced against me。 Diana and Mary appeared in the chamber once or twice a day。 They would whisper sentences of this sort at my bedside—
“It is very well we took her in。”
“Yes; she would certainly have been found dead at the door in the morning had she been left out all night。 I wonder what she has gone through?”
“Strange hardships; I imagine—poor; emaciated; pallid wanderer?”
“She is not an uneducated person; I should think; by her manner of speaking; her accent was quite pure; and the clothes she took off; though splashed and wet; were little worn and fine。”
“She has a peculiar face; fleshless and haggard as it is; I rather like it; and when in good health and animated; I can fancy her physiognomy would be agreeable。”
Never once in their dialogues did I hear a syllable of regret at the hospitality they had extended to me; or of suspicion of; or aversion to; myself。 I was forted。
Mr。 St。 John came but once: he looked at me; and said my state of lethargy was the result of reaction from excessive and protracted fatigue。 He pronounced it needless to send for a doctor: nature; he was sure; would manage best; left to herself。 He said every nerve had been overstrained in some way; and the whole system must sleep torpid a while。 There was no disease。 He imagined my recovery would be rapid enough when once menced。 These opinions he delivered in a few words; in a quiet; low voice; and added; after a pause; in the tone of a man little accustomed to expansive ment; “Rather an unusual physiognomy; certainly; not indicative of vulgarity or degradation。”
“Far otherwise;” responded Diana。 “To speak truth; St。 John; my heart rather warms to the poor little soul。 I wish we may be able to benefit her permanently。”
“That is hardly likely;” was the reply。 “You will find she is some young lady who has had a misunderstanding with her friends; and has probably injudiciously left them。 We may; perhaps; succeed in restoring her to them; if she is not obstinate: but I trace lines of force in her face which make me sceptical of her tractability。” He stood considering me some minutes; then added; “She looks sensible; but not at all handsome。”
“She is so ill; St。 John。”
“Ill or well; she would always be plain。 The grace and harmony of beauty are quite wanting in those features。”
On the third day I was better; on the fourth; I could speak; move; rise in bed; and turn。 Hann