the days of my life-第74章
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ains; put them in a box and buried them; but a few days later the box was washed out of its bed; and the party decided to carry it to the sea…coast。 Before Ingram left England he gave the mummy — which he had agreed to sell to the British Museum — to Lady Meux of Theobalds Park; who placed it in her Egyptian collection。 There it lay for several years; and Lady Meux used to go the museum every day and pray by the side of the case containing it。 Budge published a full description of the mummy and coffin; and a splendid collotype reproduction of the coffin; in the “Catalogue” of the Meux Collection which he made for Lady Meux。 The collection was bequeathed to the British Museum by Lady Meux; but her conditions were such that the proposed gift could not be accepted。 The collection was then sold by auction and dispersed。
I asked Budge if he believed in the efficacy of curses。 He hesitated to answer。 At length he said that in the East men believed that curses took effect; and that he had always avoided driving a native to curse him。 A curse launched into the air was bound to have an effect if coupled with the name of God; either on the person cursed or on the curser。 Budge mentioned the case of Palmer; who cursed an Arab of Sinai; and the natives turned the curse on him by throwing him and his panions down a precipice; and they were dashed to pieces。 Budge added; “I have cursed the fathers and female ancestors of many a man; but I have always feared to curse a man himself。”
Two other stories of Budge’s are worth preserving。
When he was at Cambridge Dr。 Peile of Christ’s offered him an exhibition if he would be examined in Assyrian; and as Budge’s funds were exiguous he was very anxious to get the exhibition。 An examiner; Professor Sayce of Oxford; was found to set the papers — four in all — and the days for the examination were fixed。 The night before the day of the examination Budge dreamed a dream in which he saw himself seated in a room that he had never seen before — a room rather like a shed with a skylight in it。 The tutor came in with a long envelope in his hand; and took from it a batch of green papers; and gave one of these to Budge for him to work at that morning。 The tutor locked him in and left him。 When he looked at the paper he saw it contained questions and extracts from bilingual Assyrian and Akkadian texts for translation。 The questions he could answer; but he could not translate the texts; though he knew them by sight; and his emotions were so great that he woke up in a fright。 At length he fell asleep; but the dream repeated itself twice; and he woke up in a greater fright than before。 He then got up — it was about 2 A。M。 — went downstairs to his room; lighted a fire; and; finding the texts in the second volume of Rawlinson’s great work; found the four texts and worked at them till breakfast…time; when he was able to make passable renderings of them。 He went to College at nine; and was informed that there was no room in the Hall; it being filled by a class
Chapter 14 MEXICO
J。 Gladwyn Jebb — His character — Mr。 and Mrs。 H。 R。 H。 visit him in Mexico — Death of their only son while absent — New York on way to Mexico — Reports — Their loyalty to each other — Mexico City — Don Anselmo — Golden Head of Montezuma — Treasure hunt — Zumpango — Journey to silver mine — Chiapas — Vera Cruz — Frontera — Millions of mosquitoes — A mule load of silver — Attempt of robbers to steal it — Silver mine — Tarantulas — Mishap on journey back — Return to England。
During the year 1889 I made the acquaintance of my late friend J。 Gladwyn Jebb; one of the most delightful persons whom I have ever known。 Some irony of fate brought it about that Jebb should devote his life to the pursuit of mining and mercial ventures — a career for which he was utterly unsuited。 The result may be imagined: he worked very hard in many evil climates; broke down his health; dissipated his large private means in supporting unremunerative enterprises; and died saddened and impoverished。
I have described his character in my introduction to “The Life and Adventures of J。 G。 Jebb;” by his widow; from which I quote a short passage。
In the city of Mexico; where business men are — business men; he was respected universally; and by the Indians he was adored。 “He is a good man; Jebb;” said an honourable old Jewish trader of that city to me — “a man among a thousand; whom I would trust anywhere。 See; I will prove it to you; amigo: he has lived in this town doing business for years; yet; with all his opportunities; he leaves it poorer than he came here。 Did you ever hear the like of that; amigo?”
Would that there existed more of such noble failures — the ignoble are sufficiently abundant — for then the world might be cleaner than it is。 It matters little now: his day is done; and he has journeyed to that wonderful Hereafter of which during life he had so clear a vision; and that was so often the subject of his delightful and suggestive talk。 But his record remains; the record of a brave and generous man who; as I firmly believe; never did; never even contemplated; a mean or doubtful act。 To those who knew him and have lost sight of him there remain also a bright and chivalrous example and the memory of a most perfect gentleman。
Unfortunately for myself; a connection in the City had introduced me to certain Mexican enterprises in which he was concerned that in due course absorbed no small sum out of my hard earnings。 Also he introduced me to Jebb; which good deed I set against the matter of the unlucky investments。
Jebb urged me to e to Mexico and write a novel about Montezuma; both of which things I did in due course; also as a bait he told me a wonderful and; as I believe; perfectly true tale of hidden treasure which we were to proceed to dig up together。 Of this treasure I will write hereafter。
Jebb and Mrs。 Jebb returned to Mexico during the year 1890; where my wife and I made arrangements to visit them at the mencement of 1891。
And now I e to a very sad and terrible event that pierced me with a sudden thrust which has left my heart bleeding to this day。 Yes; still it bleeds; nor will the issue of its blood be stayed till; as he passes by; I touch the healing robes of Death。 I refer to the death of my only son。
This child — he was just under ten when he died — possessed a nature of singular sweetness; so sweet that its very existence should have and indeed did warn me of what fate held in store for us。 So far as my experience goes; children who bring with them to the earth this twilight glow of the bright day in which perchance they dwelt elsewhere; who wear upon their brows this visible halo of an unnatural charm and goodness; rarely remain to bless it long。 That which sent them forth soon calls them back again。 And yet; could we but understand; their short lives may not lack fruit。 Through their influence on others they may still work on the world they left。
My son Rider — he was by his own wish called Jock; to avoid confusion between us — was such a child as this。 I can never remember his doing what he should not; save once when he teased his little sisters by refusing to allow them to e out of a place where he had prisoned them; and for his pains had the only scolding I ever gave him。 Yet he was no milksop or “mother’s darling。” He bore pain well; would ride any horse on which he could climb; and even while he was still in frocks I have known him attack with his little fists someone who made pretence to strike me。 He was an imaginative child。 One example will suffice。 We left London on our holiday: it was the year in which I ain。” When we drove from the station to the farm the full moon shone in the summer sky。 “Look; dad;” he said; pointing to it; “there is God’s lamp!”
The boy was beloved by everyone who knew him; and in turn loved all about him; but especially his mother and myself。 How much I; to whom all my children are so dear; loved; or rather love; him I cannot tell。 He was my darling; for him I would gladly have laid down my life。
It is strange; but when I went to Mexico I knew; almost without doubt; that in this world he and I would never see each other more。 Only I thought it was I wh