贝壳电子书 > 科幻未来电子书 > [科幻]宿主 >



小说: [科幻]宿主 字数: 每页4000字

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into the side of my face。 The blow was so hard that my feet left the ground before my head slammed into 
the rock floor。 I heard the rest of my body hit the floor with dull thumps; but I didn’t feel it。 My eyes 
rolled back in my head; and a ringing sound shimmered in my ears。 I fought the dizziness that threatened 
to spin me unconscious。

 Stupid; stupid;I whimpered at her。I toldyou not to do that!

 Jared’s here; Jared’s alive; Jared’s here。She was incoherent; chanting the words like they were lyrics 
to a song。

 I tried to focus my eyes; but the strange ceiling was blinding。 I twisted my head away from the light and 
then swallowed a sob as the motion sent daggers of agony through the side of my face。

 I could barely handle the pain of this one spontaneous blow。 What hope did I have of enduring an 
intensive; calculated onslaught?

 There was a shuffle of feet beside me; my eyes moved instinctively to find the threat; and I saw Uncle 
Jeb standing over me。 He had one hand half stretched out toward me; but he hesitated; looking away。 I 
raised my head an inch; stifling another moan; to see what he saw。

 Jared was walking toward us; and his face was the same as those of the barbarians in the desert—only it 
was beautiful rather than frightening in its fury。 My heart faltered and then beat unevenly; and I wanted to 
laugh at myself。 Did it matter that he was beautiful; that I loved him; when he was going to kill me?

 I stared at the murder in his expression and tried to hope that rage would win out over expediency; but a 
true death wish evaded me。

 Jeb and Jared locked eyes for a long moment。 Jared’s jaw clenched and unclenched; but Jeb’s face was 
calm。 The silent confrontation ended when Jared suddenly exhaled in an angry gust and took a step back。

 Jeb reached down for my hand and put his other arm around my back to pull me up。 My head whirled 
and ached; my stomach heaved。 If it hadn’t been empty for days; I might have thrown up。 It was like my 
feet weren’t touching the ground。 I wobbled and pitched forward。 Jeb steadied me and then gripped my 
elbow to keep me standing。

 Jared watched all this with a teeth…baring grimace。 Like an idiot; Melanie struggled to move toward him 
again。 But I was over the shock of seeing him here and less stupid than she was now。 She wouldn’t 
break through again。 I locked her away behind every bar I could create in my head。

 Just be quiet。 Can’t you see how he loathes me? Anything you say will make it worse。 We’re 

 But Jared’s alive; Jared’s here;she crooned。 


 My eyes darted around the mob of humans—every one of them an adult; no smaller; younger figure 
among them。 My heart ached at the absence; and Melanie fought to voice the question。 I hushed her 
firmly。 There wasn’t anything to see here; nothing but anger and hatred on strangers’ faces; or the anger 
and hatred on Jared’s face。

 Until another man pushed his way through the whispering throng。 He was built slim and tall; his skeletal 
structure more obvious under his skin than most。 His hair was washed out; either pale brown or a dark; 
nondescript blond。 Like his bland hair and his long body; his features were mild and thin。 There was no 
anger in his face; which was why it held my eye。

 The others made way for this apparently unassuming man as if he had some status among them。 Only 
Jared didn’t defer to him; he held his ground; staring only at me。 The tall man stepped around him; not 
seeming to notice the obstacle in his path any more than he would a pile of rock。

 “Okay; okay;” he said in an oddly cheery voice as he circled Jared and came to face me。 “I’m here。 
What have we got?”

 It was Aunt Maggie who answered him; appearing at his elbow。

 “Jeb found it in the desert。 Used to be our niece Melanie。 It seemed to be following the directions he 
gave her。” She flashed a dirty look at Jeb。

 “Mm…hm;” the tall; bony man murmured; his eyes appraising me curiously。 It was strange; that appraisal。 
He looked as if he liked what he saw。 I couldn’t fathom why he would。

 My gaze shied away from his; to another woman—a young woman who peered around his side; her 
hand resting on his arm—my eyes drawn by her vivid hair。

 Sharon!Melanie cried。

 Melanie’s cousin saw the recognition in my eyes; and her face hardened。

 I pushed Melanie roughly to the back of my head。Shhh!

 “Mm…hm;” the tall man said again; nodding。 He reached one hand out to my face and seemed surprised 
when I recoiled from it; flinching into Jeb’s side。

 “It’s okay;” the tall man said; smiling a little in encouragement。 “I won’t hurt you。”

 He reached toward my face again。 I shrunk into Jeb’s side like before; but Jeb flexed his arm and 
nudged me forward。 The tall man touched my jaw below my ear; his fingers gentler than I expected; and 
turned my face away。 I felt his finger trace a line on the back of my neck; and I realized that he was 
examining the scar from my insertion。

 I watched Jared’s face from the corner of my eye。 What this man was doing clearly upset him; and I 
thought I knew why—how he must have hated that slender pink line on my neck。

 Jared frowned; but I was surprised that some of the anger had drained from his expression。 His 


 The tall man dropped his hands and stepped away from me。 His lips were pursed; his eyes alight with 
some challenge。

 “She looks healthy enough; aside from some recent exhaustion; dehydration; and malnourishment。 I think 

you’ve put enough water back into her so that the dehydration won’t interfere。 Okay; then。” He made an 

odd; unconscious motion with his hands; as if he were washing them。 “Let’s get started。”

 Then his words and his brief examination fit together and I understood—this gentle…seeming man who 
had just promised not to hurt me was the doctor。

 Uncle Jeb sighed heavily and closed his eyes。

 The doctor held a hand out to me; inviting me to put mine in his。 I clenched my hands into fists behind my 
back。 He looked at me carefully again; appraising the terror in my eyes。 His mouth turned down; but it 
was not a frown。 He was considering how to proceed。

 “Kyle; Ian?” he called; craning his neck to search the assembly for the ones he summoned。 My knees 
wobbled when the two big black…haired brothers pressed their way forward。

 “I think I need some help。 Maybe if you were to carry —” the doctor; who did not look quite so tall 

standing beside Kyle; began to say。


 Everyone turned to see where the dissent had e from。 I didn’t need to look; because I recognized 

the voice。 I looked at him anyway。

 Jared’s eyebrows pressed down hard over his eyes; his mouth was twisted into a strange grimace。 So 
many emotions ran across his face; it was hard to pin one down。 Anger; defiance; confusion; hatred; 

fear… pain。

 The doctor blinked; his face going slack with surprise。 “Jared? Is there a problem?”


 Everyone waited。 Beside me; Jeb was holding the corners of his lips down as if they were trying to lift 

into a grin。 If that was the case; then the old man had an odd sense of humor。

 “And it is?” the doctor asked。

 Jared answered through his teeth。 “I’ll tell you the problem; Doc。 What’s the difference between letting 

you have it or Jeb putting a bullet in its head?”

 I trembled。 Jeb patted my arm。

 The doctor blinked again。 “Well” was all he said。

 Jared answered his own question。 “The difference is; if Jeb kills it; at least it dies cleanly。” 


 “Hah!” Jared snorted。 “I don’t see much progress being made; Doc。”

 Jared will protect us;Melanie thought faintly。

 It was hard to concentrate enough to form words。Not us; just your body。

 Close enough…Her voice seemed to e from some distance; from outside my pounding head。

 Sharon took a step forward so that she stood half in front of the doctor。 It was a strangely protective 


 “There’s no point in wasting an opportunity;” she said fiercely。 “We all realize that this is hard for you; 
Jared; but in the end it’s not your decision to make。 We have to consider 

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