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小说: rs.inthebestfamelies 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃Sorry;〃 I said condescendingly。 〃I've been sticking to facts。 If you want them dressed up; let me know what color you like。〃
  〃You've been losing him。〃
  I flared up quietly。 〃I used to think;〃 I said; 〃that Nero Wolfe expected too much。 But even he had brains enough to know that hotels have more than one exit。〃
  〃You're being paid enough to cover the exits to the Yankee Stadium。〃
  Zeck said; in his hard; cold; precise voice that never went up or down; 〃These are trivialities。 I've had a talk with Goodwin; Roeder; and I sent for you because we got to Rackham。 We have to decide how it is to be handled and what part Goodwin is to play。 I want your opinion on the effect of Goodwin's telling Rackham that he is working for Mrs。 Frey。〃
  Roeder shrugged。 〃I think it's unimportant。 Goodwin's main purpose now is to get Rackham scared。 We've got to have him scared good before we can expect him to go along with us。 If he killed his wife…〃
  〃He did; of course。 Unquestionably。〃
  〃Then he might be more afraid of Mrs。 Frey than of you。 We can see。 It not; it will be simple for Goodwin to give him a new line。〃 Roeder looked at me。 〃It's all open for you to Rackham now?〃
  〃I guess so。 He told me he wanted to see me every day; but that was day before yesterday。 What are we scaring him for? To see him throw glasses?〃
  Zeck and Roeder exchanged glances。 Zeck spoke to me。 〃I believe Roeder told you that he came here recently from the West Coast。 He had a very successful operation there; a brilliant and profitable operation which he devised。 It has some novel features and requires precise timing and expert handling。 With one improvement it could be enormously profitable here in New York; and that one improvement is the cooperation of a wealthy and well…placed man。 Rackham is ideal for it。 We intend to use him。 If you help materially in lining him up; as I think you can; your share of the net will be five per cent。 The net is expected to exceed half a million; and should be double that。〃
  I was frowning skeptically。 〃You mean if I help scare him into it。〃
  〃And help with the operation too?〃
  〃What have I got to scare him with?〃
  〃His sense of guilt first。 He escaped arrest and trial for the murder of his wife only because the police couldn't get enough evidence for a case。 He is under the constant threat of the discovery of additional evidence; which for a murderer is a severe strain。 If be believes we have such evidence he will be open to persuasion。〃
  〃Have we got it?〃
  Zeck damn near smiled。 〃I shouldn't think it will be needed。 If it is needed we'll have it。〃
  〃Then why drag him in on a plicated operation? He's worth what; three million? Ask him for half of it; or even a third。〃
  〃No。 You have much to learn; Goodwin。 People must not be deprived of hope。 If we take a large share of Rackham's fortune he will be convinced that we intend to wring him dry。 People must be allowed to feel that if our demands are met the outlook is not intolerable。 A basic requirement for continued success in illicit enterprises is a sympathetic understanding of the limitations of the human nervous system。 Getting Rackham's help in Roeder's operation will leave plenty of room for future requests。〃
  I was keeping my frown。 〃Which I may or may not have a hand in。 Don't think I'm playing hard to get; but this is quite a step to take。 Using a threat of a murder rap to put the screws on a millionaire is a little too drastic without pretty good assurance that I get more than peanuts。 You said five per cent of a probable half a million; but you're used to talking big figures。 Could I have that filled in a little?〃
  Boeder reached for a battered old leather brief case which he had brought in with him and deposited on the floor。 Getting it on his lap; he had it opened when Zeck asked him; 〃What are you after; the estimates?〃
  〃Yes; if you want them。〃
  〃You may show them to him; but no names。〃 Zeck turned to me。 〃I think you may do; Goodwin。 You're brash; but that is a quality that may be made use of。 You used it when you talked with Rackham。 He must be led into this with tact or he may lose his head and force our hand; and all we want is his cooperation。 His conviction for murder wouldn't help us any; quite the contrary。 Properly handled; he should be of value to us for years。〃
  The shark eyes left me。 〃What's your opinion of Goodwin; Boeder? Can you work with him?〃
  Boeder had closed the brief case and kept it on his lap。 〃I can try;〃 he said; not enthusiastically。 〃The general level here is no higher than on the coast。 But we can't get started until we know whether we have Racldiam or not; and the approach through Goodwin does seem the best way。 He's so damned cocky I don't know whether he'll take direction。〃
  〃Would you care to have my opinion of Roeder?〃 I inquired。
  Zeck ignored it。 〃Goodwin;〃 he said; 〃this is the most invulnerable organization on earth。 There are good men in it; but it all es to me。 I am the organization。 I have no prejudices and no emotions。 You will get what you deserve。 If you deserve well; there is no limit to the support you will get; and none to the reward。 If you deserve ill; there is no limit to that either。 You understand that?〃
  〃Sure。〃 His eyes were the hardest to meet in my memory。 〃Provided you understand that I don't like you。〃
  〃No one likes me。 No one likes the authority of superior intellect。 There was one man who matched me in intellect…the man you worked for; Nero Wolfe…but his will failed him。 His vanity wouldn't let him yield; and he cleared out。〃
  〃He was a little handicapped;〃 I protested; 〃by his respect for law。〃
  〃Every man is handicapped by his own weaknesses。 If you municate with him give him my regards。 I have great admiration for him。〃
  Zeck glanced at a clock on the wall and then at Roeder。 〃I'm keeping a caller waiting。 Goodwin is under your direction; but he is on trial。 Consult me as necessary within the routine。〃
  He must have had floor buttons for foot…signaling; for he touched nothing with his hands; but the door opened and the sentinel appeared。
  Zeck said; 〃Put Goodwin on the B list; Schwartz。〃
  Roeder and I arose and headed for the door; him with his brief case under his arm。
  Remembering how he had told me; tapping his chest; 〃I am a D; Archie;〃
  I would have given a lot if I could have tapped my own bosom and announced; 〃I am a B; Mr。 Wolfe。〃
  THERE was one chore Wolfe had given me which I haven't mentioned; because I didn't care to reveal the details…and still don't。 But the time will e when you will want to know where the gun at the bottom of the brief case came from; so I may as well say now that you aren't going to know。
  Since filing the number from a gun has been made obsolete by the progress of science; the process of getting one that can't be traced has got more plicated and requires a little specialized knowledge。 One has to be acquainted with the right people。 I am。 But there is no reason why you should be; so I won't give their names and addresses。 I couldn't quite meet Wolfe's specifications…the size and weight of a 。22 and the punch of a 。45…but I did pretty well; a Carson Snub Thirty; an ugly little devil; but straight and powerful。 I tried it out one evening in the basement at 35th Street。 When I was through I collected the bullets and dumped them in the river。 We were taking enough chances without adding another; however slim。
  The next evening after our conference with Zeck; a Monday; Wolfe and I collaborated on the false bottom for the brief case。 We did the job at 1019。 Since I was now a B and Roeder's lieutenant on his big operation; and he was supposed to keep in touch with me; there was no reason why he shouldn't e to 35th Street for an evening visit; but when I suggested it he pressed his lips and scowled at me with such ferocity that I quickly changed the subject。 We made the false bottom out of an old piece of leather that I picked up at a shoe hospital; and it wasn't bad at all。 Even if a sentinel removed all the papers for a close inspection; which wasn't likely with the status Roeder had reached; there wa

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