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小说: rasalvatore.attackoftheclones 字数: 每页4000字

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 the chain at the side of the reek's head; and the vicious beast bit it and held on; its stubbornness providing Anakin a makeshift bridle。 
 After downloading the schematics; R2…D2 had little trouble navigating the huge factory plex。 The small droid rolled along; whistling casually to deflect any suspicion on the part of the many Geonosians milling about。 None of them seemed interested in him; anyway; though; and R2 thought he knew why。 He had learned of a huge event taking place; a triple execution。 He could easily enough guess the identities of the unfortunate prisoners。
 He wandered along a meandering course through the plex; avoiding as many Geonosians as possible; passing those he could not with an air of detachment; trying not to look out of place。
 He knew that it would get more crowded as he neared the arena; though; and could only hope that the Geonosians there would be too distracted by the thrilling events to bother with a little astromech droid。
  Obi…Wan quickly came to learn why the acklay was such a crowd…pleaser。 The creature reared up high and came straight in at him。 When Obi…Wan rushed behind the pole; the acklay took a more direct route; crashing into the pole; its gigantic claws snapping the wood and the chain。 Freed by the beast's fury; Obi…Wan turned and ran; sprinting right at the nearest picador; the acklay in fast pursuit。 The Geonosian lowered his spear at the Jedi; but Obi…Wan dodged inside and grabbed it。 A sudden tug pulled it free; and Obi…Wan snapped it against the picador's mount; causing the creature to rear。 Hardly slowing; Obi…Wan planted the butt of the lance in the ground and leapt; pole…vaulting the picador and his mount。
 Again the acklay took the more direct route; slamming into rider and mount; sending the Geonosian tumbling to the sand。 Grabbing the picador up in the snap of a claw; the monster crunched the life from him。
  Atop her post; Padme worked frantically to free the chain。 But already the felinelike nexu was leaping up to swipe at her with its deadly claws。 She dodged; but the nexu came on again。
 Padme whipped it with the chain。
 The beast didn't stop; its claws tearing into the pole as it climbed。 Then; with a sudden burst; it leapt up to the top and reared before Padme issuing a victorious roar。
 The crowd hushed; sensing the first kill。
 As the nexu slashed; Padme turned in a circle the other way; and while the claws tore her shirt and superficially raked her back; she came around hard; delivering a solid blow across the beast's face with the free…flying end of the chain。 The nexu fell back off the pole。 Padme leapt out and back; away from the creature and to the side; and let the chain tug her back; sending her in a spin about the pole。 She tucked her legs as she spun; then double…kicked out; knocking the nexu to the ground。
 Hardly pausing to consider her handiwork; she scrambled back up the pole; working furiously to free herself pletely。
  The crowd gasped as one。
 〃Foul!〃 cried Nute Gunray in the dignitary box。 〃She can't do that! Shoot her or something!〃
 〃Wow!〃 Boba Fett yelled in obvious admiration。 Jango put his hand on his son's shoulder; enjoying the show every bit as much as Boba。
 〃The nexu will have her; Viceroy;〃 Poggle the Lesser assured the trembling Neimoidian。
 Gunray remained standing; as did everyone else in the box; as did everyone else in the stadium。 The crowd gasped again as Obi…Wan ran around behind the picador's fallen mount; then launched the stolen spear into the neck of the furious acklay。 The beast screeched in pain and slapped the struggling orray mount aside。
 Across the way; Padme continued to work the chain as the nexu regained its balance and began to stalk back toward the pole。 Finally; she was free。 But the nexu was right below her; looking up; drool spilling from its oversized maw; death in its eyes。 It crouched; ready to spring。
 And got trampled into the ground by Anakin and his reek mount。
 〃You okay? 〃he called。
 〃Jump on!〃 Anakin cried; and Padme was already moving; leaping down from the pole to fall into place right behind Anakin。
 They passed the wounded and furious acklay next; and Obi…Wan was quick to take Padme's hand and vault into place behind her。
 Boba Fett yelped in glee again; as did many of the Geonosians。 Nute Gunray; though; wasn't quite so pleased。 〃This isn't how it's supposed to be!〃 he yelled at Count Dooku。 〃She's supposed to be dead by now!〃
 〃Patience;〃 the calm Count replied。
 〃No!〃 Nute Gunray shouted back at him。 〃Jango; finish her off!〃
 Jango turned an amused expression Nute Gunray's way; and nodded knowingly as Count Dooku motioned for him to stay put。
 〃Patience; Viceroy;〃 Dooku said to the fuming Gunray。 〃She will die。〃 Even as he spoke; even as Gunray seemed about to explode with rage; the Count motioned back to the arena; and the Neimoidian turned to see a group of droidekas roll out from the side paddock。 They surrounded the reek and the three prisoners and opened and unfolded into their battle position; giving Anakin no choice but to pull back hard on the makeshift rein and halt the creature。
 〃You see?〃 Dooku calmly asked。
 The Count's expression changed; though; just for a moment; as a familiar hum began right behind him。 He glanced to his right quickly; to see a purple lightsaber blade right beside Jango Fett's neck; then turned slowly to regard the wielder。
 〃Master Windu;〃 he said with his typical charm。 〃How pleasant of you to join us! You're just in time for the moment of truth。 I would think these two boys of yours could use a little more training。〃
 〃Sorry to disappoint you; Dooku;〃 Mace coolly replied。 〃This party's over。〃 With that; the Jedi Master gave a quick salute with his glowing lightsaber; the prearranged signal; and then brought the blade back in close to Jango Fett。 All about the stadium came a sudden and synchronized flash of lights as a hundred Jedi Knights ignited their lightsabers。
 The crowd went perfectly silent。
 After a moment's reflection; Count Dooku turned about just a bit; looking back at Mace Windu out of the corner of his eye。 〃Brave; but foolish; my old Jedi friend。 You're impossibly outnumbered。〃
 〃I don't think so;〃 Mace countered。 〃The Geonosians aren't warriors。 One Jedi has to be worth a hundred Geonosians。〃
 Count Dooku glanced about the stadium; his smile widening。 〃It wasn't the Geonosians I was thinking about。 How well do you think one Jedi will match up against a thousand battle droids?〃
 He had timed it perfectly。 Just as he finished; a line of battle droids came down the corridor behind Mace Windu; their lasers firing。 The Jedi reacted at once; spinning about and flashing his lightsaber to deflect the many bolts; turning them back on his attackers。 He knew that these few droids were the least of his troubles; though; for as he glanced around he saw the source of Dooku's confidence: thousands of battle droids rolling along every ramp; in the stands and out into the arena below。
 The fight began immediately; the whole stadium filling with screaming laser bolts; Jedi leaping and spinning; trying to close into tight defensive groups; their lightsabers deflecting the bolts wildly。 Geonosians scrambled all about; some trying to attack the Jedi…and dying for their trouble… others just scrambling to get out of the way of the wild fire。 Mace Windu spun about; recognizing that his most dangerous enemies were behind him。 He faced Jango Fett…and found himself looking down the barrel of a stout flamethrower。
 A burst of flames reached out for the Jedi Master; igniting his flowing robes。 With both Dooku and the bounty hunter so close; and in such a vulnerable position; Mace just leapt away; lifting himself with the Force to fly out from the box and land in the arena。 He pulled the burning robe from his back; throwing it aside。
 All around him; the fight intensified; with Jedi battling scores of Geonosians in the stands; and many other Jedi rushing down to the arena floor to join the battle against the largest concentrations of Battle Droids。 Mace winced when he spotted Obi…Wan; Anakin

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