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beard hung halfway down his torso。
 They continued their banter; but had moved out of earshot by then; and Obi… Wan didn't dare step out to follow。 They moved across the way; through an archway and up a flight of stairs。
 After a short pause to make sure they were well along; Obi…Wan rushed out; peeking through to the stairs; then crept up them; ing to a narrow archway overlooking a smaller room。 Inside; he saw the six who had passed; along with several others; notably three opposition Senators the Jedi recognized。 First came Po Nudo of Ando; an Aqualish who looked as if he was wearing a helmet with great goggles; but was not; of course。 Beside him sat neckless Toonebuck Toora of Sy Myrth; with her rodentlike head and wide mouth; and the Quarren Senator Tessek; his face tentacles waggling anxiously。 Obi…Wan had met this trio before; back on Coruscant。
 Yes; he realized; it seemed he had walked into the center of the hive。
 〃You have met Shu Mai?〃 Count Dooku; seated at the head of the table; asked the three Senators。 〃Representing the merce Guild。〃 Across the way; Shu Mai nodded deferentially。 Her delicate and gray; wrinkled head was set on a long neck and her most striking feature; aside from long and pointy horizontal ears; was a hairstyle that looked much like a skin…covered horn; protruding out the back of her skull; rising up and curving forward。
 〃And this is San Hill; distinguished member of the InterGalactic Banking Clan;〃 Dooku went on; indicating a creature with the longest and narrowest face Obi…Wan had ever seen。
 Those gathered about the table murmured their greetings; nodded to each other; for many moments; and then they went silent; all eyes settling on Count Dooku; who seemed to Obi…Wan in plete control here; even above the Archduke of the planet。
 〃As I explained to you earlier; I'm quite convinced that ten thousand more systems will rally to our cause with your support;〃 the Count said。 〃And let me remind you of our absolute mitment to capitalism 。。。 to the lower taxes; the reduced tariffs; and the eventual abolition of all trade barriers。 Signing this treaty will bring you profits beyond your wildest imagination。 What we are proposing is plete free trade。〃 He looked to Nute Gunray; who nodded。
 〃Our friends in the Trade Federation have pledged their support;〃 Count Dooku went on。 〃When their battle droids are bined with yours; we shall have an army greater than anything in the galaxy。 The Republic will be overwhelmed。〃
 〃If I may; Count;〃 said one of the others; one of the two who had trailed Dooku to the room。
 〃Yes; Passel Argente;〃 Count Dooku said。 〃We are always interested in hearing from the Corporate Alliance。〃
 The huddled and nervous man offered a slight bow to Dooku。 〃I am authorized by the Corporate Alliance to sign the treaty。〃 〃We are most grateful for your cooperation; Magistrate;〃 Dooku said。
 Obi…Wan recognized that exchange for what it was; a play for the benefit of the other; less enthusiastic; people at the table。 Count Dooku was trying to build some momentum。
 That momentum hit a bit of a bump a moment later; though; when Shu Mai piped in。 〃The merce Guild at this time does not wish to bee openly involved。〃 However; she smoothed it over immediately。 〃But we shall support you in secret; and look forward to doing business with you。〃
 Several chuckles erupted about the table; and Count Dooku only smiled。
 〃That is all we ask;〃 he assured Shu Mai。 Then he looked to the distinguished member of the Banking Clan; and all the other gazes settled on San Hill; as well。
 〃The InterGalactic Banking Clan will support you wholeheartedly; Count Dooku;〃 San Hill declared。 〃But only in a nonexclusive arrangement。〃
 Obi…Wan settled back; trying to sort out the implications of it all。 Count Dooku had it all falling together here; a threat beyond anything the Republic had expected。 With the money of the bankers and the mercial and trade guilds behind him; and this factory…and likely many others like it… churning out armies of battle droids; the potential danger was staggering。 Was that why Sifo…Dyas had missioned the clone army? Had the Master sensed this growing danger; perhaps? But if that was true; then what was the tie between Jango Fett and this group on Geonosis? Was it mere coincidence that the man chosen as source for the clone army to defend the Republic had been hired by the Trade Federation to kill Senator Amidala? It seemed too much a coincidence to Obi…Wan; but he had little else to go on。 He wanted to hang around and listen in some more; but he knew then that he had to get out of there; had to return to his ship and R4; and get a warning out across the galaxy to the Jedi Council。
 Over the last hours; Obi…Wan had seen nothing but armies; clone and droid; and he knew that it would all be ing together very quickly in an explosion beyond anything the galaxy had seen in many; many centuries。
 Chapter Twenty
 She wasn't seeing much with her eyes。 Caked with blood and swollen from the beatings; they would hardly open。 She wasn't hearing much with her ears; for the sounds around her were harsh and threatening; relentlessly so。 And she wasn't feeling with her body; for there was nothing there but pain。
 No; Shmi had fallen inside herself; reliving those moments long ago; when she and Anakin had lived their lives as Watto's slaves。 It was not an easy life; but she had her Annie with her; and given that; Shmi could remember those times fondly。 Only now; with the prospects for ever seeing her son again so distant; did she truly appreciate how much she had missed the boy over the last ten years。 All those times staring up at the night sky; she had thought of him; had imagined him soaring across the galaxy; rescuing the downtrodden; saving planets from ravaging monsters and evil tyrants。
 But she had always expected to see her Annie again; had always expected him to walk onto the moisture farm one day; that impish smile of his; the one that could light up a room; greeting her as if they had never been apart。 Shmi had loved Cliegg and Owen。 Truly she had。 Cliegg was her rescuer; her dashing knight; and Owen had been like the son she had lost; always passionate; always happy to listen to her endless stories of Anakin's exploits。 And Shmi was growing to love Beru; too。 Who could not? Beru was that special bination of passion and quiet inner strength。
 But despite the good fortune that had brought those three into her life; improving her lot a millionfold; Shmi Skywalker had always kept a special place in her heart reserved for her Annie; her son; her hero。 And so now; as it seemed the end of her life was imminent; Shmi's thoughts focused on those memories she had of Anakin; while at the same time; she reached out to him with her heart。 He was always different with such feelings; always so attuned to that mysterious Force。 The Jedi who had e to Tatooine had seen it in him clearly。
 Perhaps; then; Annie would feel her love for him now。 She needed that; needed to plete the cycle; to let her son recognize that through it all; through the missing years and the great distances between them; she had loved him unconditionally and had thought of him constantly。
 Annie was her fort; her place to hide from the pain the Tuskens had; and were; exacting upon her battered body。 Every day they came in and tortured her a bit more; prodding her with sharp spears or beating her with the blunt shafts and short whips。 It was more than a desire to inflict pain; Shmi realized; though she didn't speak their croaking language。 This was the Tusken way of measuring their enemies; and from the nods and the tone of their voices; she realized that her resilience had impressed them。
 They didn't know that her resilience was wrought of a mother's love。 Without the memories of Annie and the hope that he would feel her love for him; she would surely have given up long ago and allowed herself to die。
  Under the pale light of a full moon; Anakin Skywalker pulled the speeder bike to the ridge of a high dune and peered across the desert wastes of Tatooine。 Not too far below him; he saw an encampment spread about a small oasis;

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