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小说: rasalvatore.attackoftheclones 字数: 每页4000字

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nd and the rain; rushing across the permacrete to a tower across the way。 A door slid open before him; spilling out brilliant light; and he went through; crossing into a brightly lit white room。
 〃Master Jedi; so good to see you;〃 came a melodic voice。 Obi…Wan pushed back his hood; which had offered little protection from the driving rain; and brushed the water from his hair。 Wiping his face; he turned to face the speaker; and then he paused; caught by the image of the Kaminoan。
 〃I am Taun We;〃 she introduced herself。 She was taller than Obi…Wan; pasty white and amazingly slender; with gracefully curving lines; but there was nothing insubstantial about her。 Thin; yes; but packed with a solid and powerful presence。 Her eyes; huge; almond…shaped; and dark; were sparkling clear; like those of an inquisitive child。 Her nose was no more than a pair of vertical slits; connected by a horizontal one; sitting on the bridge above her upper lip。 She reached out gracefully toward him with an arm that moved as smoothly as any dancer might。
 〃The Prime Minister expects you。〃
 The words finally distracted Obi…Wan from his bemused perusal of her strangely beautiful physique。 〃I'm expected?〃 he asked; doing little to hide his incredulity。 How in the galaxy could these beings possibly have been expecting him?
 〃Of course。〃 Taun We replied。 〃Lama Su is anxious to see you。 After all these years; we were beginning to think you weren't ing。 Now please; this way。〃
 Obi…Wan nodded and tried to play it cool; hiding the million questions buzzing about in his thoughts。 After all these years? They were thinking that I wasn't ing?
 The corridor was nearly as brightly lit as the room; but as his eyes adjusted; Obi…Wan found the light strangely fortable。 They passed many windows; and Obi…Wan could see other Kaminoans busy in side rooms; males… distinguished by a crest atop their heads…and females working about furniture that was highlighted at every edge by shining light; as if that light supported and defined it。 He was struck by how clean this place was; everything polished and shining and smooth。 He kept his questions to himself; though; as anxious to see this Prime Minister; Lama Su; as Taun We seemed to be in getting him there; judging from the swift pace。
  The Kaminoan stopped at one side door and sent it sliding open with a wave of her hand; then motioned for Obi…Wan to enter first。
 Another Kaminoan; a bit taller and with the distinctive male crest; greeted them。 He looked down at Obi…Wan; blinked his huge eyes; and smiled warmly。 With a wave of his hand; he brought an egg…shaped chair gracefully spiraling down from the ceiling。
 〃May I present Lama Su; Prime Minister of Kamino;〃 Taun We said; then to Lama Su; she added; 〃This is Master Jedi…〃
 〃Obi…Wan Kenobi;〃 the Jedi finished; nodding his head deferentially。
 The Prime Minister indicated the chair; then sat back in his own; but Obi… Wan remained standing; soaking in the scene before him。
 〃I trust you are going to enjoy your stay;〃 the Prime Minister said。 〃We are most happy you have arrived at the best part of the season。〃
 〃You make me feel most wele。〃 Obi…Wan didn't add that if the deluge outside was 〃the best part of the season;〃 he'd hate to see the worst。
 〃Please。。。〃 Lama Su indicated the chair once more。 When Obi…Wan finally sat down; the Kaminoan continued。 〃And now to business。 You will be delighted to hear we are on schedule。 Two hundred thousand units are ready; with another million well on the way。〃
 Obi…Wan's tongue suddenly seemed fat in his mouth; but he fought past the stutter and tucked his questions away; and improvised; 〃That is good news。〃   〃We thought you would be pleased。〃
 〃Of course。〃 〃Please tell your Master Sifo…Dyas that we have every confidence his order will be met; on time and in full。 He is well; I hope。〃
 〃I'm sorry;〃 the overwhelmed Jedi replied。 〃Master? 。。。〃
 〃 Jedi Master Sifo…Dyas。 He is still a leading member of the Jedi Council; is he not?〃
 The name; known to Obi…Wan as that of a former Jedi Master; elicited yet another surge of questions; but again; he put them out of mind and focused on keeping Lama Su talking and giving out potentially valuable information。
 〃I'm afraid to say that Master Sifo…Dyas was killed almost ten years ago。〃 Lama Su blinked his huge eyes again。 〃Oh; I'm so sorry to hear that。 But I'm sure he would have been proud of the army we've built for him。〃
 〃The army?〃 Obi…Wan asked before he could even think the direction through。
 〃The army of clones。 And I must say; one of the finest we've ever created。〃 Obi…Wan didn't know how far he could press this。 If it was indeed Sifo…Dyas who had missioned an army of clones; then why hadn't Master Yoda or any of the others said anything about it? Sifo…Dyas had been a powerful Jedi before his untimely death; but would he have acted alone on an issue as important as this? The Jedi studied his two panions; even reaching into the Force to gain a feeling about them。 Everything seemed straightforward here; and open; and so he followed his instincts and kept the conversation rolling along。 〃Tell me; Prime Minister; when my Master first contacted you about the army; did he say who it was for?〃
 〃Of course he did;〃 the Kaminoan offered unsuspiciously。 〃The army is for the Republic。〃
 Obi…Wan almost blurted out; The Republic! but his discipline allowed him to keep his surprise well buried; along with the tumult in his thoughts; a mounting storm as furious as the one that raged outside。 What in the galaxy was going on here? An army of clones for the Republic? missioned by a Jedi Master? Did the Senate know of this? Did Yoda; or Master Windu?
 〃You understand the responsibility you incur in creating such an army for the Republic?〃 he asked; trying to cover his confusion。 〃We expect; and must have; the very best。〃
 〃Of course; Master Kenobi;〃 Lama Su said; seeming supremely confident。 〃You must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself。〃
 〃That's why I'm here;〃 Obi…Wan answered。 Taking Lama Su's cue; he rose and followed the Prime Minister and Taun We out of the room。
  Lush grasses sprinkled with flowers of all colors and shapes graced the hilly meadow。 Beyond its borders; shining waterfalls spilled into the lake; and from this spot; many other lakes could be seen about the distant hills; all the way to the horizon。
 Puffballs floated by on the warm breeze; and puffy clouds drifted across the shining blue sky above。 It was a place full of life and full of love; full of warmth and full of softness。
 To Anakin Skywalker; it was a place perfectly reflective of Padme Amidala。 A herd of benevolent creatures called shaaks grazed contentedly nearby; seemingly oblivious to the couple。 They were curious…looking four…legged beasts; with huge; bloated bodies。 Insects buzzed about in the air; too busy with the flowers to take any time to bother either Anakin or Padme。 Padme sat on the grass; absently picking flowers; bringing them up to deeply inhale their scents。 Every so often; she glanced over at Anakin; but only briefly; almost afraid to let him notice。 She loved the way he was reacting to this place; to all of Naboo; his simple joys forcing her to see things as she had when she was younger; before the real world had pushed her to a place of responsibility。 It surprised her that a Jedi Padawan would be so。。。
 She couldn't think of the word。 Carefree? Joyous? Spirited? Some bination of the three?
 〃Well?〃 Anakin prompted; forcing Padme to consider again the question he had just asked her。
 〃I don't know;〃 she said dismissively; purposely exaggerating her frustration。
 〃Sure you do! You just don't want to tell me!〃
 Padme gave a helpless little laugh。 〃Are you going to use one of your Jedi mind tricks on me?〃
 〃They only work on the weak…minded;〃 Anakin explained。 〃You are anything but weak…minded。〃 He ended with an innocent; wide…eyed look that Padm simply could not resist。
 〃All right;〃 she surrendered。 〃I was twelve。 His name was Palo。 We were both in the Legislative Youth Program。 He was a few years older than I。。。〃
 She narrowed her eyes as she finished; teasing Anak

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