贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > rasalvatore.attackoftheclones >



小说: rasalvatore.attackoftheclones 字数: 每页4000字

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 of the bounty hunter…only to see another line of blaster bolts ing at them。
 Then the bounty hunter dived to the side suddenly; and both Jedi opened their eyes and their mouths wide; their screams drowned out by a muter train crossing right in front of them。
 Obi…Wan tasted bile again; but somehow; Anakin managed to avoid the train; ing out the other side。 Obi…Wan looked over to his Padawan; to see him assuming a casual; in…control posture。
 〃Master; you know I've been flying since before I could walk;〃 Anakin said with a sly grin。 〃I'm very good at this。〃
 〃Just slow down;〃 Obi…Wan instructed; in a voice that suggested the dignified Jedi Knight was about to throw up。
 Anakin ignored him; taking the speeder in fast pursuit of the assassin; right into a line of giant trucks。 Around and around they went; cutting fast corners through the traffic; over the traffic; under the traffic; and around the buildings; always keeping the assassin's speeder in sight。 Anakin took his craft right up on edge; skimming the side of one building。 〃He can't lose me;〃 the Padawan boasted。 〃He's getting desperate。〃 〃Great;〃 Obi…Wan answered dryly。
 〃Oh wait;〃 Obi…Wan added when the speeder in front dived into a tram tunnel。 〃Don't go in there!〃
 But Anakin zoomed right in; and then zoomed right back out; a huge rushing train chasing him; Obi…Wan screaming about as loudly as the train was blowing its horn。 〃You know I don't like it when you do that!〃
 〃Sorry; Master;〃 Anakin answered unconvincingly。 〃Don't worry。 This guy's gonna kill himself any minute now。〃
 〃Well; let him do that alone!〃 Obi…Wan insisted。 They watched as the assassin zoomed right into traffic; soaring the wrong way down a congested lane。
 Anakin went in right behind。
 Both speeders zigged and zagged wildly; frantically; the occasional blaster bolt shooting back from the lead one。 And then; suddenly; the assassin cut fast; straight up; a tight loop that brought Zam behind the two Jedi。
 〃Great move;〃 Anakin congratulated。 〃I got one; too。〃 He slammed on his brakes; reversing thrust; and the assassin's speeder flashed up right beside them。
 And there was the assassin; firing point blank at Obi…Wan。
 〃What are you doing?〃 Obi…Wan demanded。 〃He's going to blast me!〃
 〃Right;〃 Anakin agreed; working frantically to maneuver away。 〃This isn't working。〃
 〃Nice of you to notice。〃 Obi…Wan dodged; then lurched as the speeder dropped suddenly; Anakin taking it right under the assassin's。
 〃He can't shoot us down here;〃 the Padawan congratulated himself; but his smile lasted only the split second it took for their opponent's new tactic to register。 The assassin swerved out of the traffic lane and shot straight for a building; ing in at an angle to just skim the rooftop。 Obi…Wan started to shout out Anakin's name; but the word came out as 〃Ananananana。〃 The Padawan was in control; though; and he slowed and lifted his speeder's nose just up over the edge of the rooftop。 Another obstacle showed itself almost immediately; a large craft ing in low and slow。
 〃It's landing!〃 Obi…Wan shouted; and when Anakin didn't immediately respond; he added desperately; 〃On us!〃
 It came out; 〃On uuuuuuuuuuuuus!〃 as Anakin brought the speeder up on edge and zipped around a corner; clipping a flagpole and taking its cloth contents free。
 〃Clear that;〃 the seemingly unshakable Padawan said; nodding down to the torn flag; which had caught itself on one of the speeder's front air scoops。
 〃Clear the flag! We're losing power! Hurry!〃
 plaining under his breath with every movement; Obi…Wan crawled out of the cockpit and gingerly onto the front engine。 He bent low and tugged the flag free; and the speeder lurched forward; nearly dislodging him。
 〃Don't do that!〃 he screamed。 〃I don't like it when you do that!〃
 〃So sorry; Master。〃
 〃He's heading for the power refinery;〃 Obi…Wan said。 〃But take it easy。
 It's dangerous near those power couplings。〃
 Anakin zoomed right past one of the couplings; and a huge electrical bolt had the air crackling all about them。 〃Slow down!〃 Obi…Wan ordered。 〃Slow down! Don't go through there!〃
 But Anakin did just that; banking left; right; left。
 〃What are you doing?〃
 〃Sorry; Master!〃
 More bolts crackled all about them。 Right; left; right again; up and over; down and around; and somehow; incredibly; out the other side。
 〃Oh; that was good;〃 Obi…Wan admitted。
 〃That was crazy;〃 the raided Anakin corrected。 The older Jedi snapped a glare at him; recognized the greenish color that had suddenly e to the Padawan's face; and then just put his head in his hands and groaned。
 〃Got him now!〃 Anakin announced。 The assassin was sliding his speeder sidelong around a corner between two buildings up ahead。
 Anakin went right around behind; only to find the lead speeder stopped and blocking the alleyway; the assassin leaning out the door; blaster pistol leveled。
 〃Ah; blast;〃 the Padawan remarked。
 〃Stop!〃 Obi…Wan told him; and both ducked as a line of bolts came at them。
 〃No; we can make it!〃 Anakin insisted; punching the throttle。 He dived his speeder under the assassin's; barely missing it; then went up on edge; slipping through a small gap in the building。 But there were pipes there; and no level of flying could put the speeder safely through them。 They bounced sidelong; then nipped end over end; narrowly missing a giant crane and clipping some struts。 The damage brought forth a giant fiery gas ball; nearly immolating them; and in the uncontrolled spin that followed; they bounced off yet another building and the speeder stalled out。
 Anakin winced; expected a line of curses to e at him; but when he finally looked at Obi…Wan; he saw the Jedi staring straight ahead; eyes wide and unblinking; and saying; 〃I'm crazy; I'm crazy; I'm crazy。。。〃 over and over again。
 〃But it worked;〃 Anakin dared to say。 〃We made it。〃
 〃It didn't work!〃 Obi…Wan yelled at him。 〃We've stalled! And you almost got us killed!〃
 Anakin looked down at his hands and body; and waggled his fingers。 〃I think we're still alive!〃 He grinned; trying to disarm his fuming Master; but Obi… Wan seemed as if he was about to explode。
 〃It was stupid!〃 Obi…Wan roared。
 Anakin worked wildly; trying to restart the speeder。 〃I could have made it;〃 he protested sheepishly。 His confident expression strengthened as the speeder roared back to life。
 〃But you didn't! And now we've lost him!〃
 Even as Obi…Wan finished; a barrage of laser bolts rained down around them; setting off explosions that rocked them back and forth。 The pair looked up; to see the assassin zooming away。
 〃No; we didn't;〃 a smiling Anakin said。 He took the speeder up; the sudden thrust violently throwing them both back in their seats。 They came through the area of smoke and carnage with several small fires burning on their speeder。 Obi…Wan slapped at flames on the control panel。
 Again they chased the assassin into the main travel lanes; dodging and turning fast about ining traffic。 Up ahead; the assassin cut fast to the left; between two buildings; and Anakin responded; going right and up。
 〃Where are you going?〃 a perplexed Obi…Wan asked。 〃He went down there; the other way。〃
 〃This is a shortcut。 I think。〃
 〃What do you mean; you think?  What kind of shortcut? He went pletely the other way! You've lost him!〃
 〃Master; if we keep this chase going; that creep's gonna end up deep… fried;〃 Anakin tried to explain。 〃Personally; I'd very much like to find out who he is; and who he's working for。〃
 〃Oh;〃 Obi…Wan replied; his voice dripping with sarcasm。 〃So that's why we're going in the wrong direction。〃
 Anakin took them up and around; finally settling into a hover some fifty stories up from the street。
 〃Well; you lost him;〃 Obi…Wan said。
 〃I'm deeply sorry; Master;〃 Anakin replied。 Again; he seemed hardly convincing; as if he was saying just what he had to say to keep Obi…Wan from scolding him further。 The Jedi Knight looked at him hard; ready to call him on it; when he noticed that Anakin; seemingly deep in concentration; was counting softly。
 〃Excuse me for a moment;〃 the Padawan said。 

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