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小说: rasalvatore.attackoftheclones 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃You will pay attention to my lead。〃
 Anakin could hardly believe that Obi…Wan was continuing to do this in front of Padme。 〃Why?〃 he asked; turning the question and the debate; trying desperately to regain some footing and credibility。
 〃What?〃 Obi…Wan exclaimed; as taken aback as Anakin had ever seen him; and the young Padawan knew that he was pushing too far and too fast。
 〃Why else do you think we were assigned to her; if not to find the killer?〃 he asked; trying to bring a measure of calm back to the situation。 〃Protection is a job for local security; not for Jedi。 It's overkill; Master; and so an investigation is implied in our mandate。〃
 〃We will do as the Council has instructed;〃 Obi…Wan countered。 〃And you will learn your place; young one。〃
 〃Perhaps with merely your presence about me; the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed;〃 offered Padme; ever the diplomat。 She smiled alternately at Anakin and at Obi…Wan; an invitation for civility; and when both leaned back; shoulders visibly relaxing; she added; 〃Now; if you will excuse me; I will retire。〃
 They all bowed as Padme and Dorme exited the room; and then Obi…Wan stared hard at his young Padawan again; neither seeming overly pleased with the other。
 〃Well; I know that I'm glad to have you here;〃 Captain Typho offered; moving closer to the pair。 〃I don't know what's going on here; but the Senator can't have too much security right now。 Your friends on the Jedi Council seem to think that miners have something to do with this; but I can't really agree with that。〃
 〃What have you learned?〃 Anakin asked。
 Obi…Wan threw him a look of warning。
 〃We'll be better prepared to protect the Senator if we have some idea of what we're up against;〃 Anakin explained to his Master; logic he knew that Obi…Wan had to accept as reasonable。
 〃Not much;〃 Typho admitted。 〃Senator Amidala leads the opposition to the creation of a Republic army。 She's very determined to deal with the separatists through negotiation and not force; but the attempts on her life; even though they've failed; have only strengthened the opposition to her viewpoint in the Senate。〃
 〃And since the separatists would not logically wish to see a Republic army formed 。 。 。〃 Obi…Wan reasoned。
 〃We're left without a clue;〃 Typho said。 〃In any such incident; the first questioning eyes turn toward Count Dooku and the separatists。〃 A frown crossed Obi…Wan's face; and Typho quickly added; 〃Or to some of those loyal to his movement; at least。 But why they'd go after Senator Amidala is anyone's guess。〃
 〃And we are not here to guess; but merely to protect;〃 Obi…Wan said; in tones that showed he was finished with this particular line of discussion。 Typho bowed; hearing him clearly。 〃I'll have an officer on every floor; and I'll be at the mand center downstairs。〃
 Typho left; then; and Obi…Wan began a search of the room and adjoining chambers; trying to get a feel for the place。 Anakin started to do likewise; but he stopped when he walked by Jar Jar Binks。
 〃Mesa bustin wit happiness seein yousa again; Annie。〃
 〃She didn't even recognize me;〃 Anakin said; staring at the door through which Padme had departed。 He shook his head despondently and turned to the Gungan。 〃I've thought about her every day since we parted; and she's forgotten me pletely。〃
 〃Why yousa sayen that?〃 Jar Jar asked。
 〃You saw her;〃 Anakin replied。
 〃Shesa happy;〃 the Gungan assured him。 〃Happier than mesa see'en her in a longo time。 These are bad times; Annie。 Bombad times!〃
 Anakin shook his head and started to repeat his distress; but he noted Obi… Wan moving toward him and wisely held his tongue。
 Except that his observant Master had already discerned the conversation。 〃You're focusing on the negative again;〃 he said to Anakin。 〃Be mindful of your thoughts。 She was pleased to see us…leave it at that。 Now; let's check the security here。 We have much to do。〃
 Anakin bowed。 〃Yes; Master。〃
 He could say the pliant words because he had to; but the young Padawan could not dismiss that which was in his heart and in his thoughts。
  Padme sat at her vanity; brushing her thick brown hair; staring into the mirror but not really seeing anything there。 Her thoughts were replaying again and again the image of Anakin; the look he had given her。 She heard his words again;
 〃。。。 grown more beautiful;〃 and though Padme was undeniably that; those were not words she was used to hearing。 Since she had been a young girl; Padme had been involved in politics; quickly rising to powerful and influential positions。 Most of the men she had e into contact with had been more concerned with what she could bring to them in practical terms than with her beauty; or; for that matter; with any true personal feelings for her。 As Queen of Naboo and now as Senator; Padme was well aware that she was attractive to men in ways deeper than physical attraction; in ways deeper than any emotional bond。
 Or perhaps not deeper than the latter; she told herself; for she could not deny the intensity in Anakin's eyes as he had looked at her。
 But what did it mean?
 She saw him again; in her thoughts。 And clearly。 Her mental eye roamed over his lean and strong frame; over his face; tight with the intensity that she had always admired; and yet with eyes sparkling with joy; with mischief; with。 。 。
 With longing?
 That thought stopped the Senator。 Her hands slipped down to her sides; and she sat there; staring at herself; judging her own appearance as Anakin might。
 After a few long moments; Padme shook her head; telling herself that it was crazy。 Anakin was a Jedi now。 That was their dedication and their oath; and those things; above all else; were things Padme Amidala admired。
 How could he even look at her in such a manner?
 So it was all her imagination。
 Or was it her fantasy?
 Laughing at herself; Padme lifted her brush to her hair again; but she paused before she had even begun。 She was wearing a silky white nightgown; and there were; after all; security cams in her room。 Those cams had never really bothered her; since she had always looked at them clinically。
 Security cams; with guards watching her every move; were a fact of her existence; and so she had learned to go about her daily routines; even the private ones; without a second thought to the intrusive eyes。
 But now she realized that a certain young Jedi might be on the other end of those lenses。
 Chapter Seven
  Clad in gray armor that was somewhat outdated; burned from countless blaster shots; but still undeniably effective; the bounty hunter stood easily on the ledge; a hundred stories and more up from the Coruscant street。 His helmet; too; was gray; except for a blue ridge crossing his eyes and running down from brow to chin。 His perch seemed somewhat precarious; considering the wind at this height; but to one as agile and skilled as Jango; and with a penchant for getting himself into and out of difficult places; this was nothing out of the ordinary。
 Right on time; a speeder pulled up near the ledge and hovered there; Jango's associate; Zam Wesell; nodded to him and climbed out; stepping lithely onto the ledge in front of a couple of bright advertisement windows。 She wore a red veil over the bottom half of her face。 This was not a statement of modesty or fashion。 Like everything else she wore; from her blaster to her armor to her other concealed and equally deadly weapons; Zam's veil was a practical implement; used to hide her Clawdite features。 Clawdites were not a trusted species; for obvious reasons。
 〃You know that we failed?〃 Jango asked; getting right to the point。 〃You told me to kill those in the Naboo starship;〃 Zam said。 〃I hit the ship; but they used a decoy。 Those who were aboard are all dead。〃
 Jango fixed her with a smirk; and didn't bother to call her words a dodge。
 〃We'll have to try something more subtle this time。 My client is getting impatient。 There can be no more mistakes。〃 As he finished; he handed Zam a hollow; transparent tube containing a pair of whitish centipedelike creatures as long as his forearm。
 〃Kouhuns;〃 he exp

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