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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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 across his shoulders; he raised Meren to his feet; grabbed him behind the knees and lifted his inert body off the ground; his head dangling down his back and his legs down his front。
  Meren was a heavy man; and Nefer was almost exhausted; near the limit of his strength。 He staggered with him to the waiting chariot and dropped him in a heap on the floorboards。 For a moment he leaned panting against the near wheel; and looked back。
  Daimios had reached the level ground at the bottom of the slope; and was less than four hundred paces away; ing on swiftly; so close that Nefer could see the triumphant expression on his face。 Daimios leaned forward and cracked the long black lash over the backs of his team and the horses seemed to spring forward; ing on even faster。 The chariots of the other chasers were following him down the slope; six of them all told。 If he had any thought of standing to fight them; Nefer put it out of his mind at once。 In his present state he could not even take on Daimios in a straight fight。 He had to run。
  Nefer took two turns of the grab rope around Meren's body; worked them up under his armpits and clinched the knot; strapping him to the floorboards。 Then he dragged himself up on to the footplate and stood straddling Meren's body;
  'Turn them loose!' he called to the grooms; who held the horses' heads; and they released them and jumped out of the way。
  'e away; Dov! e away; Krus!' he called to them; and snapped the reins along their gleaming backs。 They sprang forward together and the crowds scattered ahead of them。 He pointed their heads down the valley towards the open gates of the city; and let them run。
  Between his feet Meren groaned involuntarily as the chariot jolted and lurched; and Nefer tried to steer to miss the patches of rough ground。 Behind him he heard the crack of the lash; he glanced back and saw Daimios bearing down on them。 He was flogging on his team and shouting at them angrily; but Dov and Krus were holding them off despite Daimios' cruel work with the whip。 Nefer looked ahead and judged the distance they still had to run。
  It was less than half a league to the gates of Gallala。 Already he could make out the wreaths of palm fronds that adorned the walls and decorated the red stone columns of the entrance。
  At that moment he paid the price for his inattention。 His off…wheel hit an outcrop of rock at the edge of the track; and the vehicle bounced high and slewed wildly under him。 It almost capsized; but as he fought for control Krus leaned into the traces and helped him to pull it straight。
  Now when Nefer looked back he saw that the mistake had cost them dear; for Daimios had gained a hundred paces on them。 He was within javelin range; and Nefer saw him reach for the missiles in the bin at his side and wind the thong on to his wrist。
  Nefer had no reply to him。 He and used all his darts at the first stage。 He had dropped his bow at the chasm; and his last sword had snapped in the bout with Drossa。 He did not even have his whip。 His only defence was speed。
  He called to his horses; 'e; Dov! e away; Krus!' And their ears flicked back as they heard him call their names and their hoofs drummed on the hard earth and the wheel hubs squealed; for even Taita's black oil was running dry。
  Then there was the sound of other hoofs; blending with those of Nefer's team; and this time when he looked back Daimios was closer still; his horses whipped and galled until their flanks and backs were bloody。 Daimios had a javelin poised and now he hurled it。 Nefer watched the dart leave his hand; and fly in like a poisonous insect。 He flinched instinctively; as it slammed into the floorboards beside his right foot。 It stood out quivering。
  'e away; my darlings。' His voice took on a strident note; and the horses heard it。 'Give me all you've got!' Krus found a little more in his great heart; and swept Dov along with him。 They began to pull away from Daimios' scourged and bleeding pair。
  'Pull; you swine!' Daimios screamed。 'Pull; or I'll take the hide off your backs。' And as his long lash sang; they raced together as though an invisible rope linked the two vehicles。
  Daimios seized another javelin and wrapped the thong。 As he swung his arm back for the throw; Nefer judged his moment skilfully and flicked the reins。 With the javelin in the air; Dov leaned into Krus' shoulder and they swerved slightly; just enough for the dart to fly past Nefer's shoulder。 But the turn had cost ground; and Daimios snatched his last javelin from the bin and wrapped the thong around his wrist。 He was close now; very close。
  Nefer watched him with a feeling of desperation; gathering his team with a firm rein so they could anticipate his mand。 The moment Daimios swivelled his right shoulder forward in the throw; Nefer turned his team back the other way; jinking their run at full gallop。 But the javelin did not leave Daimios' hand: he had feinted。 He raised the javelin again into the ready position; levelled and ready to throw。
  Nefer was forced to swing back or leave the track and tear into the rough ground and scattered boulders。 He changed the angle and this time Daimios aimed not at Nefer but at Dov; whose flank had been exposed by the turn。
  The dart took her high in the shoulder。 It cut through hide and bunched muscle; but then struck the bone and did not penetrate to her vitals。 It was not a mortal blow; but a crippling one; for the javelin head was barbed and it dangled down her flank; hampering each stride she took。
  She tried; she tried with all her heart; but she could no longer keep pace with Krus; and the blood ran back along her flank and splattered on Nefer's legs。 He could feel the chariot slowing under him; and though he called to Dov; the javelin slapped against her flank with each stride she took; and tangled in her forelegs。
  Daimios sped forward and from the corner of his eye Nefer saw the heads of his racing horses draw level with his near wheel; and Daimios' voice hoarse with effort and triumph sounded almost in his ear。
  'It is over; Nefer Seti。 I have you now。'
  Nefer turned his head and looked across at him。 Daimios' lips were drawn back in a horrible rictus; like that of a corpse who had died of the lock…jaw。 He had thrown his last javelin; and had discarded his whip; but he had drawn his sword。
  How far to run to the gates? Nefer thought。 Less than five hundred paces。 So close; so very close! But still too far。
  Instinctively he looked to the roof of the temple。 It was lined with tiny human figures; and among them; just where he expected to see it; he picked out the scarlet of Mintaka's tunic; and saw that she was waving a green branch over her head; her long dark hair tossing like a pennant on the north wind。
  A prize beyond all others; he thought; and his hand fell upon Daimios' javelin that was pegged into the floorboard beside his foot。 The head was buried deeply into the woodwork; but he braced himself。 Twisting and jerking; he pulled it free。
  He did not have a throwing thong; but he held it like a spear; and looked across at his adversary。 Daimios' eyes narrowed as he saw the weapon in Nefer's hand and he took the guard position with the sword。 He drew up inexorably alongside Nefer and lunged。 Nefer turned the blow with the stock of the javelin。 The two vehicles swerved apart then came back together and struck so hard that Nefer was almost thrown over the side and had to clutch wildly at the reins to steady himself。
  Daimios swung a cut at the long staff on which flew Nefer's hair braid; but did not severe the hard bamboo。 Nefer recovered his balance and thrust at Daimios with the javelin; driving him off。 Now the two vehicles were running wheel to wheel; and hub to hub。
  Nefer and Daimios were leaning across; hacking and stabbing at each other。 The bronze blade slashed across Nefer's chest; and though he threw himself back against the reins it cut through the leather of his breastplate and he felt the sting of the razor edge。 But

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