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小说: uplift4.brightnessreef 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃Well; I'm all right; as you can see。〃 She gestured; as if the firetrap of a treehouse were a model of home…tending。 〃And I have Prity to take care of me。 Why; I even recall to eat; most days!〃
  〃Well。。。〃 he muttered。 But Sara had taken his arm and was gently maneuvering him toward the door。 〃I'll e visit tomorrow;〃 she vowed; 〃when Lorrek and old Stinky want me out of the way。 We'll go to Belonna's for a nice meal; hm? I'll even wear a clean gown。〃
  〃Well…that'd be fine。〃 He paused。 〃Just remember; the elders will assign you help; if all this gets to be too much fuss and work。〃
  She nodded。 〃I know how this looks to you; Father。 'Sara's gone obsessive again;' right? Well don't worry。 It's not like that; this time。 I just think this place is ideal for preventing infection of those horrid wounds…〃
  A low moan floated from the back of the house。 Sara hesitated; then held up a hand。 〃I'll be a moment。〃
  Nelo watched her hasten toward the shuttered porch; then he followed; drawn by curiosity。
  Prity was wiping the injured stranger's brow; while his dark hands trembled outward; as if warding off something deadly。 Livid scars laced the man's arms; and yellow fluid leaked through a gauze dressing near his left ear。 The last time Nelo had seen the man; his skin was ashen with a pallor of approaching death。 Now the eyes; with near…black irises; seemed to flame with awful passion。
  Sara took the wounded man's hands; speaking insistently; trying to soothe the abrupt fit。 But the outsider clutched her wrists; clamping down so hard that Sara cried out。 Nelo rushed to her side; plucking vainly at the strong fingers gripping his daughter。
  〃Ge…ge…ge…dow!〃 the stranger stammered; yanking Sara toward the floor。
  At that moment; the sky cracked open。
  A savage roar blew in the shutters; knocking pottery off kitchen shelves。 The entire garu tree leaned; as if a great hand shoved it; knocking Nelo off his feet。 With ringing ears; father and daughter clutched floor planks as the tree swung over so far; Nelo glimpsed the ground through a gaping window。 More crockery spilled。 Furniture slid toward the open door。 Amid a storm of swirling paper; Prity shrieked; and the wide…eyed stranger howled in harmony。
  Nelo managed one dumbfounded thought。 Could it be another quake?
  The garu whipped them back and forth like beads in a rattle; for a terrifying interval that felt like eternity…and must have lasted all of a minute。
  Amazingly; the house clung to its cleft between two branches。 Vibrations thrummed along the tree's abused spine as the wail in Nelo's skull abated at last; trailing to numbed silence。 Reluctantly; he let Sara help him rise。 Together; they joined the Stranger; who now clutched the windowsill with bone…white knuckles。
  The forest was a maelstrom of dust and fluttering leaves。 No trees had toppled; much to Nelo's surprise。 He sought the great dam。 and found that it held; thank God。 The paper mill appeared intact。
  〃Look!〃 Sara gasped; pointing above the forest toward the southeast sky。
  A thin white trail showed where; high overhead; the air had been riven by something titanic and fast…something that still sparkled in the distance as they glimpsed it streak past the valley's edge; toward the white…tipped peaks of the Rimmer Range。 So high and so fleet it seemed…so arrogantly untimid…Nelo did not have to speak his dread aloud。 The same fear lay in his daughter's eyes。
  The Stranger; still tracking the distant; dwindling glitter; let out a foreboding sigh。 He seemed to share their anxiety; but in his weary face there was no hint of surprise。
  DO YOU RECALL; MY RINGS; HOW THE ROTHEN ship circled thrice over the Glade of Gathering; blazing from its hot descent; chased by the roaring protest of a cloven sky? Stroke the wax…of…memory; and recollect how mighty the vessel seemed; halting dramatically; almost overhead。
  Even the human tribe…our finest tech…crafters…stared in the round…eyed manner of their kind; as the great cylinder; vast as a glacier; settled down just ninety arrowflights away from the secret sacred hollow of the Holy Egg。
  The people of the Six Races came before us; moaning dread。
  〃Oh; sages; shall we flee? Shall we hide; as the law demands?〃
  Indeed; the Scrolls so mand us。
  Conceal your tents; your fields; your works and very selves。 For from the sky shall e your judgment and your scourge。
  Message…casters asked…〃Shall we put out the Call? Shall villages and burghs and herds and hives be told to raze?〃
  Even before the law was shaped…when our mons had not yet congealed out of sharp enmities…even then our scattered outcast bands knew where danger lay。 We exiles…on…Jijo have cowered when survey probes from the Galactic Institutes made cursory audits from afar; causing our sensor…stones to light with warning fire。 At other times; shimmering globe…swarms of Zang fell from the starry vault; dipping to the sea; then parting amid clouds of stolen vapor。 Even those six times when new bands of misfits settled on this desert shore; they went ungreeted by those already here; until they burned the ships that brought them。 〃Shall we try to hide?〃
  Recall; my rings; the confused braying as folk scattered like chaff before a whirlwind; tearing down the festival pavilions; hauling dross from our encampment toward nearby caves。 Yet amid all this; some were calm; resigned。 From each race; a few understood。 This time there would be no hiding from the stars。
  Among the High Sages; Vubben spoke first; turning ah eyestalk toward each of us。
  〃Never before has a ship landed right in our midst。 Clearly; we are already seen。〃
  〃Perhaps not;〃 Ur…Jah suggested in hopeful Galactic Seven; stamping one hoof。 Agitated white fur outlined her flared urrish nostril。 〃They may be tracking emanations of the Egg! Perhaps if we hide swiftly。。。〃
  Ur…Jah's voice trailed off as Lester; the human; rocked his head…a simple gesture of negation lately fashionable throughout the mons; among those with heads。
  〃At this range; our infrared signatures would be unmistakable。 Their onboard library will have categorized us down to each subspecies。 If they didn't know about us before entering the atmosphere; they surely do by now。〃
  Out of habit; we took his word for such things; about which humans oft know best。
  〃Perhaps they are refugees like us!〃 burst forth our qheuenish sage; venting hope from all five leg…vents。 But Vubben was not sanguine。
  〃You saw the manner of their arrival。 Was that the style of refugees; treading in fear; hiding from Izmunuti's stare? Did any of our ancestors e thus? Screaming brutishly across the sky?〃
  Lifting his forward eye to regard the crowd; Vubben called for order。 〃Let no one leave the festival valley; lest their flight be tracked to our scattered clans and holds。 But seek all glavers that have e to browse among us; and push those simple ones away; so our guilt won't stain their reclaimed innocence。
  〃As for those of the Six who are here now; where the ship's dark shadow fell。。。 we all must live or die as fate wills。〃
  i/we sensed solidification among the rings of my/our body。 Fear merged into noble resignation as the mons saw truth in Vubben's words。
  〃Nor shall we scurry uselessly;〃 he went on。 〃For the Scrolls also say…When every veil is torn; cower no more。 For that day es your judgment。 Stand as you are。〃
  So clear was his wisdom; there rose no dissent。 We gathered then; tribe by tribe; did we not; my rings? From many; we coalesced as one。
  Together our mons turned toward the ship; to meet our destiny。
  THE WEIRD NOOR STILL DOGGED HIS HEELS; leering down at him from tree branches; being an utter pest。
  Sometimes the sleek; black…pelted creature vanished for a while; raising Dwer's hopes。 Perhaps it finally had tired of dusty alpine air; so far from the swamps where most noor dwelled。
  Then it reappeared; a grin splitting its stubby snout; perched on some ledge to watch Dwer hack through thorn…hedges and scramble over upended slabs of ancient pavement; kneeling often to check footprint traces of a runaway glaver。
  The scent was already c

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