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〃Ah; that's one of our local pirates … Four Finger Wu。 The girl's Venus Poon; a local TV star。 The youth talking to them is his nephew。 Actually the rumor is that he's a son。 The fellow's got a Harvard business degree and a U。S。 passport and he's as smart as a whip。 Old Four Fingers is another multimillionaire; rumored to be a smuggler; gold and anything; with one official wife; three concs of various ages and now he's after Venus Poon。 She was Richard Kwang's current。 Was。 But perhaps now with the Victoria takeover she'll dump Four Fingers and go back to him。 Four Fingers lives on a rotten old Aberdeen junk and hoards his enormous wealth。 Ah; look there! The wrinkled old man and woman the tai…pan's talking to。〃
She followed his glance to the next box but one。
〃That's Shitee T'Chung's box;〃 he said。 〃Shitee's a direct descendent of May…may and Dirk through their son Duncan。 Did the tai…pan ever show you Dirk's portraits?〃
〃Yes。〃 A small shiver touched her as she remembered the Hag's knife jammed through the portrait of her father; Tyler Brock。 She considered telling him about it but decided not to。 〃There's a great likeness;〃 she said。
〃There certainly is! Wish I could see the Long Gallery。 Anyway; that old couple he's talking to live in a tenement; a two…room; sixth…floor walk…up over in Glessing's Point。 They own a huge block of Struan stock。 Every year before each annual board meeting; the tai…pan; whoever he is; has to go cap in hand to ask for the right to vote the stock。 It's always granted; that was part of the original agreement; but he still has to go personally。〃
〃Why's that?〃
〃Face。 And because of the Hag。〃 A flicker of a smile。 〃She was a great lady; Casey。 Oh how I would like to have met her! During the Boxer revolt in 1899…1900; when China was in another of her conflagrations; the Noble House had all its possessions in Peking; Tiensin; Foochow and Canton wiped out by the Boxer terrorists who were more or less sponsored and certainly encouraged by Tz'u Hsi; the old dowager empress。 They called themselves the Righteous Harmonious Fists and their battle cry was 'Protect the Ch'ing and kill all foreign devils!' Let's face it; the European powers and Japan had pretty much partitioned China。 Anyway; the Boxers fell on all foreign business houses; settlements; the unprotected areas; and obliterated them。 The Noble House was in terrible straits。 At that time the nominal tai…pan was again old Sir Lochlin Struan … he was Robb Struan's last son; born with a withered arm。 He was tai…pan after Culum。 The Hag had appointed him when he was eighteen; just after Culum died … then again after Dirk Dunross … and she'd kept him tied to her apron strings till he died in 1915 at the age of seventy…two。〃
〃Where do you get all this information; Peter?〃
〃I make it up;〃 he said grandly。 〃In any event; the Hag needed a lot of money fast。 Gornt's grandfather had bought up a lot of Struan's paper and he had lowered the boom。 There was no normal source of finance; nowhere she could borrow; for all Asia … all the hongs … were equally in turmoil。 But that fellow's father; the father of the one the tai…pan's talking to; was the King of the Beggars in Hong Kong。 Begging used to be a huge business here。 Anyway; this man came to see her; so the story goes。 'I e to buy a fifth part of the Noble House;' this man said with great dignity; 'is it for sale? I offer 200;000 taels of silver;' which was exactly the amount she needed to redeem her paper。 For face they haggled and he settled for a tenth; 10 percent … an incredibly fair deal … both knowing that he could have had 30 or 40 percent for the same amount because by that time the Hag was desperate。 He required no contract other than her chop and her promise that once a year she; or the tai…pan; would e to him or his descendents wherever he or they lived; to ask for the vote of the stock。 'So long as the tai…pan asks … the voting power is given。'
〃 'But why; Honorable King of the Beggars? Why save me from my enemies?' she asked。
〃 'Because your grandfather; old Green…Eyed Devil; once saved my grandfather's face and helped him bee the first King of the Beggars of Hong Kong。' 〃
Casey sighed。 〃Do you believe that; Peter?〃
〃Oh yes。〃 He looked out at Happy Valley。 〃Once this was all a malarial swamp。 Dirk cleaned that up too。〃 He puffed his cigarette。 〃One day I'll write about Hong Kong。〃
〃If you continue to smoke you'll never write anything。〃
〃Point well taken。 Okay; I'll stop。 Now。 For today。 Because you're pretty。〃 He stubbed the cigarette out。 Another smile; different。 〃Eeeee; but I could tell some stories about lots of the people you met today。 I won't; that's not fair; not right。 I can never tell the real stories; though I know lots!〃 She laughed with him; letting her eyes wander from the strange old couple down to the other stands。 Involuntarily she gasped。 Sitting in the lee of the members' balcony she saw Orlanda。 Linc was with her。 He was very close。 Both were very happy together; that was easy to see; even from this distance。
〃What's th… 〃 Peter Marlowe began; then he saw them too。 〃Oh! Not to worry。〃
After a pause she took her eyes away。 〃Peter; that favor。 May I ask for that favor; now?〃
〃What do you want as a favor?〃
〃I want to know about Orlanda。〃
〃To destroy her?〃
〃For protection。 Protection for Linc against her。〃
〃Perhaps he doesn't want to be protected; Casey。〃
〃I swear I'll never use it unless I honest to God feel it's necessary。〃
The tall man sighed。 〃Sorry;〃 he said with great passion; 〃but nothing I could tell you about her would give you or Linc protection。 Nothing to destroy her or make her lose face。 Even if I could I wouldn't; Casey。 That really wouldn't be cricket。 Would it?〃
〃No; but I'm still asking。〃 She stared back at him; forcing the issue。 〃You said a favor。 I came when you needed a hand。 I need a hand now。 Please。〃
He watched her a long time。 〃What do you know about her?〃 She told him what she had learned … about Gornt supporting Orlanda; Macao; about the child。
〃Then you know everything I know; except perhaps that you should be sorry for her。〃
〃Because she's Eurasian; alone; Gornt her only support and that's as precarious as anything in the world。 She's living on a knife edge。 She's young; beautiful and deserves a future。 Here there's none for her。〃
〃Except Linc?〃
〃Except Linc or someone like him。〃 Peter Marlowe's eyes were slate color。 〃Perhaps that wouldn't be so bad from his point of view。〃
〃Because she's Asian and I'm not?〃
Again the curious smile。 〃Because she's a woman and so are you but you hold all the cards; and the only real thing you have to decide is if you really want that war。〃
〃Level with me; Peter; please。 I'm asking。 What's your advice? I'm running scared … there; I'll admit it to you。 Please?〃
〃All right; but this isn't the favor I owe you;〃 he said。 〃Rumor has it you and Linc are not lovers though you obviously love him。 Rumor has it you've been together for six or seven years in close proximity but with no 。。。 no formal contact。 He's a terrific fellow; you're a terrific lady and you'd make a great couple。 The key word is couple; Casey。 Maybe you want money and power and Par…Con more than you do him。 That's your problem。 I don't think you can have both。〃
〃Why not?〃
〃It seems to me you choose Par…Con and power and riches and no Bartlett; other than as a friend … or you bee Mrs。 Linc Bartlett and behave and love and be the kind of woman there's no doubt in hell Orlanda would be。 Either way you have to be a hundred percent … you and Linc are both too strong and probably have tested each other too many times to be fooled。 He's been divorced once; so he's on guard。 You're over the age of a Juliet blindness so you're equally on guard。〃
〃Are you a psychiatrist too?〃
He laughed。 〃No; nor a father…confessor; though I like to know about people and like to listen but not to lecture and never to give advice … that's the most thankless task in the world。〃
〃So there's no promise?〃
〃I don't think so; but then I'm not you。 You have your own karma。 Irrespective of Orlanda … if it's not her it'll be another woman; better or worse; prettier though may