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That's the great law: Never trust another … man; woman or child … if you want to stay alive and safe and out of enemy clutches。
I'm safe because I know people; know how to keep a closed mouth and know how to further State policy purely as part of my own life plan。
So many wonderful plans to effect。 So many exciting coups to precipitate and be part of。 And then there's Sevrin 。。。
Again he chuckled and Ginny stirred。 〃Go to sleep; little princess;〃 he whispered soothingly as to a child。 〃Go to sleep。〃
Obediently she did not truly awaken; just brushed her hair out of her eyes and snuggled more fortably。
Suslev let his eyes close; her body sweet against him。 He let his arm rest across her loins。 The rain had lessened during the afternoon。 Now he noticed it had stopped。 He yawned as he went into sleep; knowing the storm had not yet ended its work。
6:25 P。M。:
Robert Armstrong drained his beer。 〃Another;〃 he called out blearily; feigning drunkenness。 He was in the Good Luck Girlfriend; a crowded; noisy Wanchai bar on the waterfront; filled with American sailors from the nuclear carrier。 Chinese hostesses plied the customers with drink and accepted banter and touch and watered drinks in return at high cost。 Occasionally one of them would order a real whiskey and show it to her partner to prove that this was a good bar and they were not being cheated。
Above the bar were rooms but it was not wise for sailors to go to them。 Not all of the girls were clean or careful; not from choice just from ignorance。 And; late at night; you could be rolled though only the very drunk were robbed。 After all; there was no need: sailors were ready to spend everything they had。
〃You want jig…jig?〃 the overpainted child asked him。
Dew neh loh moh on all your ancestors; he wanted to tell her。 You should be home in bed with some schoolbooks。 But he did not say it。 That would do no good。 In all probability her parents had gratefully arranged this job for her so that all the family could survive just a little better。 〃You want drink?〃 he said instead; hiding that he could speak Cantonese。
〃Scottish; Scottish;〃 the child called out imperiously。
〃Why not get tea and I'll give you the money anyway;〃 he said sourly。
〃Fornicate all gods and the mothers of gods I not a cheater!〃 Haughtily the child offered the grimy glass the waiter had slapped down。 It did contain cheap but real whiskey。 She drained it without a grimace。 〃Waiter! Another Scottish and another beer! You drink; I drink; then we jig…jig。〃
Armstrong looked at her。 〃What's your name?〃
〃Lily。 Lily Chop。 Twenty…five dollars short time。〃
〃How old are you?〃
〃Old。 How old you?〃
〃Huh; coppers always lie!〃
〃How'd you know I'm a copper?〃
〃Boss tell me。 Only twenty dollar; heya?〃
〃Who's the boss? Which one's he?〃
〃She。 Behind the bar。 She mama…san。〃
Armstrong peered through the smoke。 The woman was lean and scrawny and in her fifties; sweating and working hard; keeping up a running vulgar banter with the sailors as she filled the orders。 〃How'd she know I was a copper?〃
Again Lily shrugged。 〃Listen; she tell me keep you happy or I out in street。 We go upstairs now; heya? On house; no twenty dollar。〃 The child got up。 He could see her fear now。
〃Sit down;〃 he ordered。
She sat; even more afraid。 〃If I not pleeze she throw m… 〃
〃You please me。〃 Armstrong sighed。 It was an old ploy。 If you went; you paid; if you didn't go; you paid and the boss always sent a young one。 He passed over fifty dollars。 〃Here。 Go and give it to the mama…san with my thanks。 Tell her I can't jig…jig now because I've got my monthly! Honorable Red's with me。〃
Lily gawked at him then cackled like an old woman。 〃Eeeee; fornicate all gods that's a good one!〃 She went off; hard put to walk on her high heels; her brassy chong…sam slit very high; showing her thin; very thin legs and buttocks。
Armstrong finished his beer; paid his bill and got to his feet。 At once his table was claimed and he pushed through the sweating; shouting sailors for the door。
〃You wele anytime;〃 the mama…san called out as he passed her。
〃Sure;〃 he called back without malice。
The rain was just a thin drizzle now and the day growing dark。 On the street were many more raucous sailors; all of them American … British sailors had been ordered out of this area for the first few days by their captains。 His skin felt wet and hot under his raincoat。 In a moment he left Gloucester Road and the waterfront and strolled through the crowds up O'Brien Road; splashing through the puddles; the city smelling good and clean and washed。 At the corner he turned into Lochart Road and at length found the alley he sought。 It was busy; as usual; with street stalls and shops and scrawny dogs; chickens packed into cages; dried fried ducks and meats hanging from hooks; vegetables and fruits。 Just inside the mouth of the alley was a small stall with stools under a canvas overhang to keep off the drizzle。 He nodded at the owner; chose a shadowed corner; ordered a bowl of Singapore noodles … fine; lightly fried vermicelli…like noodles; dry; with chili and spices and chopped shrimps and fresh vegetables … and began to wait。
Brian Kwok。
Always back to Brian Kwok。
And always back to the 40;000 in used notes that he had found in his desk drawer; the one he always kept locked。
Concentrate; he told himself; or you'll slip。 You'll make a mistake。 You can't afford a mistake!
He was weary and felt an overpowering dirtiness that soap and hot water would not cleanse away。 With an effort he forced his eyes to seek his prey; his ears to hear the street sounds; and his nose to enjoy the food。
He had just finished the bowl when he saw the American sailor。 The man was thin and wore glasses and he towered over the Chinese pedestrians even though he walked with a slight stoop。 His arm was around a street girl。 She held an umbrella over them and was tugging at him。
〃No; not this way; baby;〃 she pleaded。 〃My room other way 。。。 unnerstan'?〃
〃Sure; honey; but first we go this way then we'll go your way。 Huh? e on; darlin'。〃
Armstrong hunched deeper into the shadows。 He watched them approach; wondering if this was the one。 The man's accent was Southern and sweet…sounding and he was in his late twenties。 As he strolled along the busy street he looked this way and that; seeking his bearings。 Then Armstrong saw him spot the tailor's shop on one corner of the alley that was called Pop…ting's Handmade Suits; and; opposite it; a small; open…faced restaurant lit with bare bulbs and with a crudely written sign nailed to a post: WELE TO AMERICAN SAILORS。 The bold column of Chinese characters over the door read: 〃A Thousand Years' Health to Mao Tse…tung Restaurant。〃
〃C'mon; honey;〃 the sailor said; brightening。 〃Let's have a beer here。〃
〃No good place; baby; better e my bar; heya? Bett… 〃
〃Goddamnit we're having a beer here。〃 He went into the open shop and sat at one of the plastic tables; bulky in his raincoat。 Sullenly she followed。 〃Beer。 Two beers! San Miguel; huh? You savvy huh?〃
From where he sat; Armstrong could see them both clearly。 One of the tables was filled with four coolies who noisily sucked noodles and soup into their mouths。 They glanced at the sailor and the girl briefly。 One made an obscene remark and the others laughed。 The girl blushed; turning her back to them。 The sailor hummed as he looked around carefully; sipping his beer; then stood up。 〃I gotta use the can。〃 Unerringly he went to the back through the flyblown string curtain; the counterman watching him sourly; Armstrong sighed and relaxed。 The trap was sprung。
In a moment the sailor returned。 〃C'mon;〃 he said; 〃let's get outta here。〃 He drained his glass; paid; and they went off arm in arm again the way they had e。
〃You want more S'pore noodles?〃 the stall keeper asked Armstrong rudely; his hostile eyes just slits in his high…boned face。
〃No thanks。 Just another beer。〃
〃No beer。〃
〃Fornicate you and all your line;〃 Armstrong hissed in perfect gutter Cantonese。 〃Am I a fool from the Golden Mountain? No; I'm a guest in your fornicating restaurant。 Get me a fornicating beer or I'll have my men s