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小说: lrh.fortuneoffear 字数: 每页4000字

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e is a mammoth; elephantine cabal on the prowl to defeat that UN bill; and the editor ordered me to e and get your reaction。〃
   She was looking way down at me。 I was probably just a gray blur below。
   I had her attention so I continued。 I had worked it all out after that original flash。 I knew exactly what to say。 〃You can understand pletely; I am sure; that certain parties would give their very lives to stop that bill from passing。〃
   The tower gave a shake。 Then she stared blindly down at me; her mouth poised to start screaming again。
   I went on。 〃Working day and night; slaving into the tiniest hours before dawn; creeping out of the woodwork like a vile serpent; praying at black masses and enlisting all his friends; working secretly with a slyness only he is capable of; one person alone is seeking to corrupt the delegates with women and drugs; blackmail and threat; to crush that bill so thoroughly that it will never raise its head again。〃
   I knew I had her attention。 I had the attention of the mob of male students; too。 It was a dramatic moment。 I dragged out the suspense。
   When I was sure Miss Simmons' every brain cell was glued to my speech; I added the death blow。
   〃The secret enemy's name;〃 I said; 〃is Wister。〃
   She jerked upright in a dreadful spasm beyond any possible control。
   The pile of chairs started sideways。
   In slow motion the lofty tower fell; faster and faster。
   The chairs came all apart。
   Miss Simmons hit the floor!
   There was a spatter of splinters and debris and then; with a mighty roar; the gang of students rushed on me。
   〃He pushed her!〃 screamed one。
   〃Get him!〃 screamed another。
   〃Kill the (bleepard)!〃 howled a third。
   I had made a mistake。 I had not realized that going amongst a gang of students was not dissimilar; today; to entering the hangar in Afyon。 I had not e armed!
   Pummelling me and tearing at me; they bore me out。 They got me to the top of a stairs。
   One ambitious soul plunged a hand into my ripping coat and got my wallet。
   〃A FED!〃 he screamed。 〃A dirty; stinking; rotten FED!〃
   That was all it took。
   They threw me over the stairwell。
   I hit with a thud。
   Outraged; they threw my hat and wallet at me。
   I outsmarted them。 Before a single one could get down those stairs; I grabbed hat and wallet and sped like a leopard out of the building。
   The roars behind me diminished behind the drive of my General Service Officer boots。
   I got to 116th Street。 I was just in time to catch an express train。
   As it closed its doors; only then did I start to laugh。
   I had done it! Actually; it had worked perfectly。
   If that bill passed now; she would jeer at Heller that it had gone through despite his most villainous plots。 And if it didn't pass I could certainly guarantee that his life from there on out would be a Hells not even he could live through。
   Riding along in the lurching; roaring train; I sucked my hand cuts quite contented。
   What is a little battering; after all? They tell you you have to be tough in the Apparatus。 I was。 And in a moment of triumph like this; the pain was almost nice。
   I had struck a blow that Heller would not soon forget and certainly could not possibly recover from。
   I had seen my duty。 And I had done it。 It was the Apparatus way。

Chapter 2

   As the deadline approached for the UN Security Council meeting…2:00 P。 M。 on Friday…I was frankly getting frantic。
   Four days I had been in New York; four days I had been buzzing and hissing on the two…way…response radio; and no Raht。
   Workmen were still everywhere; trying to finish the whole job before the weekend cost the contractors overtime; and the apartment was a madhouse。
   I would make one last try。 I scrunched down in the back of a closet that had been pleted and; surrounded suffocatingly by wet paint; once more began to push and pull at the radio controls。 I had not brought its manual and it was mostly hit or miss。 There was a needle under glass on top of it and a red button there which should light。 Trying to get more fortable and avoid the paint; I accidentally touched it。 It lit up! That was the first time that had happened。 Had it been on when I had used these things before? Such radios came only in pairs: they were very simple rigs。 The Department of the Army used them between generals so they had to be very elementary。
   I shook it to see if anything was loose。
   〃Yes?〃 Raht's voice!
   〃You've been sleeping on the job!〃 I railed at him。 〃And this proves it!〃
   〃Officer Gris? Where are you?〃
   〃I'm in Africa; you idiot! Where did you think I was?〃
   〃You sound awfully loud to be in Africa; Officer Gris。 You almost blew my ear out。 But now I've turned my volume almost down to nothing。〃
   〃It must be a skip wave;〃 I said。 〃I'm still in Africa and don't you forget it。 I can barely hear you! But this is no time to argue。 Turn all three 831 Relayers off right away!〃
   〃If you want them off;〃 said Raht; 〃that must mean you are within two hundred miles of me。 The direction needle。。。〃
   I clicked the radio off hastily。 He wasn't going to trick me into telling him where I was and open up the trail。 No indeed!
   I went into the chaos of the back room and got my three viewers and a portable TV。 I went back into the closet。 It was pretty unfortable; what with paint fumes and scratching fleas。 But I knew I had to do my duty。 The way of an Apparatus officer was hard; especially in this apartment。
   The viewers were still flared out; as it would take him a while to scale those antennas on the Empire State Building。 But the TV set was live。 All three networks were giving heavy coverage to the event。
   Some political mentator was giving a long rundown on the background of the measure and all the national battling that had gone on around the world。 I smiled a superior smile: those national battlings had been done in bed at the Gracious Palms!
   After half an hour of suffocating and scratching; my viewers stopped flaring out and steadied down。
   Crobe's came on first。 He had some woman on a couch and was apparently psychoanalyzing her; for she was saying over and over how her three…year…old brother had raped her when she was sixteen。 Crobe might or might not have been listening but his vision was exploring her genitalia in depth。 He looked up once and; my; they had given him a beautiful office: whole shelves full of skulls and his psychiatric diploma framed in gold。 But; beyond noting that he was far from a lost resource and that Bellevue seemed to be providing him with its best facilities; I had no interest today in Crobe。 I turned his viewer off so it wouldn't distract me。
   The Countess Krak was sitting in Heller's Empire State main office。 No; correction。 She was lying on the floor; chin propped up with her hands; reading a book; The Food of Many Lands; according to the print across the page top。 She was going over all the recipes of India。 Then she made a clicking sound and the page turned。 It startled me。 Then I saw that it was just the cat。 She started on the recipes of Indonesia。
   Heller's viewer was showing the same TV program that I had on my portable TV; only Heller's viewer was much clearer and the colors were better。 Wise fellow。 He had not gone in person this day。 The women of the Gracious Palms would have been there and he would have had a bad time trying to explain all this to Krak。
   She looked sideways at Heller; sitting there in a chair。 〃You looked worried; dear。 Is something wrong?〃
   〃It's this UN thing;〃 said Heller。 〃I don't like the lay of the land。 From what the mentators say; it looks sticky。 The measure I'm interested in passed the General Assembly。 But to go into force it now has to pass the Security Council。 The Security Council has fifteen members; but a single veto from one of the great powers can kill the bill。〃
   〃Great powers?〃 said Krak。
   〃United States; France; United Kingdom; Russia and China。 Even if nine members vote for it and just one of those five vetoes it; it's finished。〃

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