贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > lrh.fortuneoffear >



小说: lrh.fortuneoffear 字数: 每页4000字

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   Candy stopped screaming。 I got out a beer。 I opened it。 I extended it to her。 〃You usually have a beer this time of day; Miss Licorice。 No? Well; you probably would rather have it in the usual place; now that you are screaming。〃 I walked over and laid it against her foot。 I moved it up and down a bit。
   Candy screamed。
   〃You're really in good voice tonight;〃 I said。 〃But e; dear Candy; you are in no danger at all。 All Miss Pinch has to do is give me the bination to the safe and I will go away so peacefully; you'll never know I was here。〃 I moved the beer can up and down。
   〃Pinchy!〃 cried Candy; looking beseechingly at the bed; 〃For God's sake; give him the bination to that safe。〃
   Miss Pinch pressed her lips more tightly。
   I pried open Candy's mouth and poured a small amount of beer in it。 She choked。 She spat it out。 She turned her head to the bed again。 〃For God's sake; I don't know what this monster means to do! Please; please; Pinchy! PLEASE!〃
   I put the flat of my hand on Candy's chin and began to rotate it gently。 She stared at me in horror。 She looked down and saw how naked she was。 She strained at her bonds。
   I moved my hand to her stomach and rotated it around。 Then; circle by circle; I went lower and lower。 Just before I touched between her legs; I stood back。 I took a sip of beer。
   Casually; I wandered over to the record cabinet。 I put the beer down and began to go through the collection。
   Two sets of eyes watched me; two birds staring at a snake。
   I read record labels。 I went further and further down the stacks。 Then I saw a pile that was at the extreme bottom and the back; covered with dust。 Aha! These must be records they hated and never played。 In a cloud of dust; I took them out。
   The very thing! How they must despise them; to bury them so deep! I slid them out of their jackets and stacked them on the automatic spindle。 I dropped on the first platter。
   〃What are you going to do?〃 screamed Candy。
   The music had begun。 I gestured at the devil…mask speakers。 〃Let this be your theme song for tonight; Miss Candy Licorice。〃
   The drum began a pound; pound; pound。
   A tenor began to love…croon:

When I gaze into your eyes;
I see love; love; love。
When I try you on for size;
I feel love; love; love。
When I press your gushing breasts;
And I feel your thighs' caress;
I feel love; love; love。
Go into me!

   Candy began to thresh about。 Her eyes got wilder and wilder。 She screamed。 Then she turned her head sideways。 She shouted; 〃For God's sakes; give him the bination! He's going to rape me!〃
   Miss Pinch pressed her lips tightly。 I looked at her。 I said; 〃She is absolutely correct。〃
   I opened up the front of the Ninja robe and stood; facing Candy。
   Candy stared at me。 Then she screamed; 〃Jesus Christ!〃
   I walked over to her。 I looked at Miss Pinch。 I said; 〃You're the one that's making her suffer。 All you have to do is give me the bination。〃
   Miss Pinch's lips shut tighter。 Her eyes fixed on me。 It was a battle of wills。
   I put a knee on Candy's couch。 I looked again at Miss Pinch。
   Nothing but tight lips。
   Candy was threshing her head from side to side; frantic!
   I put my other knee on the couch。
   Candy screamed!
   I looked at Miss Pinch。
   Tight; closed lips。
   Suddenly something stopped me。
   I stared at Candy in amazement。
   She stared back at me in terror。
   I had to keep my mind on the real business here。 I looked at Miss Pinch。 I said; 〃Your little wife here is a virgin! If I keep on; she isn't going to be a virgin anymore。 One last chance。 Tell me the bination to that safe or I open this one!〃
   Miss Pinch's lips were even tighter shut。
   I said to Miss Pinch; 〃It's you that's doing this。〃
   The devil…mask speaker grinned。
   〃Here goes!〃 I said。
   Candy screamed louder than the music; by far!
   She threw her head back and went unconscious。
   The turntable went round and round。
   Miss Pinch's eyes were unreadable。
   The turntable went around and around。
   Candy came to。 She glanced sideways at Miss Pinch and then began to moan。
   The beer can tipped over and gushed its foaming contents across the floor。
   Candy screamed。
   The legs of the sofa did a jumping waltz。
   Candy's eyes rolled up into her head; leaving the whites showing。
   She slumped。
   She was out cold。
   Miss Pinch's eyes were unreadable。 Her lips stayed sealed。
   Candy's hair was trailing down to the floor。 She was totally unconscious。
   I stood up; pulling the robe around me。
   I opened another can of beer。 I took a sip。 I walked over to the foot of Miss Pinch's bed。 〃You see what your stubbornness has done。 You have caused poor Candy to break the most sacred Psychiatric Birth Control laws。 You have caused her in your crass unfeelingness even to betray the holy name of Rockecenter。 There she lies; no longer an innocent virgin。〃 I pointed to her trailing hair; which flowed down from her unconscious face。 〃Alas; you forced her to be violated。 She is a fallen woman!〃
   Miss Pinch said nothing through her pressed lips。 Any reaction was utterly undetectable。 What a heart of stone!
   But I was not baffled very long。 I knew what would frighten her。 I said; 〃Even though you are a monster; Miss Pinch; I cannot help but feel passion for you。 Should you persist in this foolish attitude; I cannot answer for the dire consequences to you personally。〃
   No change in the way she looked at me。
   I felt some qualms。 Good Gods; this woman must be made of solid brass!
   I said; 〃More blood may still be spilled today。 You better give me that bination before this gets out of hand。〃
   Stony silence。
   〃Very well;〃 I said; 〃you are reaping a whirlwind around your own head。〃
   I walked over to the record player。 I made sure the next record was ready to drop。
   I took a sip of beer。 Then I went over to the bed and got up on it on my knees。 I held the beer can high and let the foamy liquid pour upon her stomach。
   〃You better give me that bination; Miss Pinch!〃
   No change in her eyes and lips at all。 Not even a flinch!
   The record dropped。 Violins whined and sobbed。
   I was opening up my robe。 〃Not much time left!〃 I said。
   Miss Pinch looked at me。 No change。
   The devil mask grinned and a male crooner began to sing:

Sweet little woman;
Please marry me。
Man and wife together;
How happy we will be。
And then we'll have some kiddies;
Maybe two or three。
So here's the ring and there's the church;
Oh; e; my honey be。

   She was trying to get some slack in the chains and lift herself higher on the bed。
   The sock hung on the sword…rack points as I said; 〃If you don't speak; then here we go!〃
   Her hand was convulsively gripping the chain。
   The turntable was suddenly stuck in a groove on a replay of the record:

How happy we will be。。。
How happy we will be。。。
How happy we will be。

   〃Hey!〃 I said; 〃YOU'RE A VIRGIN!〃
   Her eyes were wild。 She was trying to fight upwards。
   〃Oh; to Hells with the bination!〃 I said。 〃This is too good!〃
   The devil mask grinned as she screamed。
   Her eyes rolled all the way up in her head。 She conked out。
   The turntable went round and round。 It had gotten off the groove now and had jumped to the rest of the song:

Oh; sweet woman; I am your guy;
Sex with you and me;
Is pie and ecstasy。
Oh; sweet woman;
e to your man;
You are my bed and butter;
So drink me if you can!

   Miss Pinch had regained consciousness。 She was tugging at the chain with a hand that convulsed rhythmically。
   The turntable shifted to a new song。 A woman's husky voice filled the room:

Long and slow; And up we go;
The moanin' and the groanin'
Is because I want you so。
Long and slow;
And down we go;
The beggin' and the pleadin'
Is to make you do it mo'!
Long and slow。。。

   A beer can; teetering back and forth on the stereo; suddenly exploded。 Foam flew all over the room。
   The feet of the bed leaped up

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