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小说: lrh.fortuneoffear 字数: 每页4000字

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hatic click and went dead。
   I mourned。

Chapter 6

   Bitter in my defeat; I wandered out into the yard。 The day was very cold。 The sky was gray。 A wind was snarling through the bleak shrubs like a hunting wolf。 And it was after me。
   I saw Ters。 I walked over to him and said; 〃Where is the taxi driver?〃
   He gave his evil laugh。 〃I think he giving Utanc new car a test drive。〃
   〃New car?〃
   〃Just deliver this noon。 Mercedes…Benz。 Brand…new。 Very nice。 Taxi driver have friend who sell。〃
   I frowned。 I suddenly realized that Utanc had not e crawling on her knees to me for money as expected。 And here she was with a new Mercedes…Benz! They cost a double fortune! Where was she getting any money? Credit cards? A surge of rage raced through me。 I would have it out with her!
   〃Where did they go?〃 I demanded。 〃Which way?〃
   〃I think Agricultural Station。〃 And he laughed his evil laugh。
   I jumped into the car。 〃Take me there!〃 I demanded。 The station contained Faht Bey's office。 Was this some sort of plot to impoverish me?
   We roared away。 I was looking up and down the road; trying to spot Utanc and the new car。 We pulled up at the station。 No sign of that car。
   I rushed into the hall just outside Faht Bey's office。 I was on the brink of stepping through the door。 Fortunately; my reflexes are very fast。 Faht Bey was in some sort of a conference。 I stopped。 Several Turkish women and men were sitting around his desk; backs to me。
   Faht Bey saw me。 He made a motion with his hand; a sign to go away。 I backed up quickly。
   As I backed; one of the women looked toward the door。
   Yikes! Even through the veil; I recognized her as one of the first women I had had in the car!
   Faht Bey crossed the room。 He came into the hall and closed the door behind him。 〃Listen;〃 he said; 〃I wouldn't go in there right now if I were you。〃
   〃Some kind of trouble?〃 I said。
   〃I don't know yet;〃 said Faht Bey。 〃In fact; I don't know what it is all about yet。 About an hour ago; that woman of yours; Utanc; came by to tell me that some people wanted to see me; and they've just now arrived。〃
   〃Have they said anything?〃 I pleaded。
   〃Only something about pregnancy。 Listen; why don't you e back later? I may know what it is by then。〃
   〃Pregnancy?〃 I said。 〃Listen; if there's any trouble with pregnancy; it can be handled。 Don't promise anything! But it can be handled!〃
   I rushed out。 I jumped into the car。 〃Take me to the hospital!〃 I demanded。
   If one of those women was pregnant; the answer was very plain。 I had not been a Rockecenter family 〃spi〃 without learning anything。 You handled pregnancy with abortion every time! And Prahd was the man to see on this。 I would get his agreement to do an abortion on that woman and everything would be all right。
   I rushed into the hospital; through the lobby and to Prahd's office。 I leaped in。 He was sitting at his desk。
   〃Pregnancy!〃 I said。 〃You've got to handle it!〃
   Young Doctor Prahd Bittlestiffender looked at me。 In a sad voice he said; 〃I am glad you have finally e to confess。〃
   〃I didn't mean to;〃 I said。 〃It was an accident。 She looked so beautiful lying there; I could not resist。〃
   〃And you took no precautions。〃
   〃How was I to know she would get pregnant just that one time! It was up to her to take precautions!〃
   〃And you expect a young girl to know these things?〃 he said。
   〃She's not that young!〃 I disputed。
   〃She's young enough that her father is raving mad about it! And she isn't even of age。〃
   A horrible thought struck me。 〃Who are we talking about?〃
   〃Nurse Bildirjin;〃 said Prahd。 〃Oh; Officer Gris; to think that you would contribute to the delinquency of a minor behind my back; to leap on her and rape her… … 〃
   〃Hold it!〃 I cried。 〃If we're talking about Nurse Bildirjin; SHE raped me!〃
   〃You just confessed that she was just lying there and you could not resist jumping on her!〃
   〃No; no! That was somebody else!〃 My head was spinning。 Suddenly I got a grip on it。 〃Wait; you sleep with Nurse Bildirjin all the time!〃
   〃No; no;〃 said Prahd。 〃I take the most careful precautions。 You don't think a qualified cellologist would take a chance like that…she being a minor and all。 Besides; I've made scope tests and examined the gene pattern; and just like the Widow Tayl's; it's indubitably yours。 And now you infer there is some other woman; too! Officer Gris; you should control yourself! You can't just run around impregnating women left and right; day in and day out。 And on two different planets; too!〃
   〃Listen;〃 I said。 〃As a cellologist you would have no trouble at all terminating these pregnancies。 I tell you the planets are overpopulated anyway。 Just perform some abortions and that will be that。〃
   〃That would not be that;〃 said young Doctor Prahd。 〃That would be murder。 And murder is something not even you can make me do; Officer Gris。 Unlike some I know; I have my own moral standards; to say nothing of the cellologist's code。 Murder is out!〃
   〃Then what can I do?〃 I cried; wringing my hands。
   〃You're asking me after you seduce my girl?〃
   〃Prahd; remember that we are friends; and what is a girl between friends?〃
   〃Trouble;〃 said Prahd。 〃You see; it wouldn't be so bad if she had not been morning…sick。 Her father is the leading doctor of the area and noticed it。 And she told him。 You probably know that his favorite sport is quail hunting。 That's why he named his daughter Bildirjin; which means 'quail' in Turkish。 He's one of the best shots in the country and he has one of the biggest shotguns。 And as she is a minor; you could also go to prison。 Have you ever seen the inside of a Turkish jail?〃
   I was beginning to moan。
   He continued; 〃I think he has a thing about cutting off testicles; so possibly shooting off yours would be how his mind is running right now。 However; if you would really take my suggestion。。。〃
   It was too much。 I could no longer stand his sadistic chatter。 It was obvious he; too; was after me!
   I rushed out of his office。 I looked up and down the corridor。 Thank Gods; it was way past hours when the town doctors worked in the free clinic。
   I sped to the car。 I leaped in。
   〃Take me home; quick!〃 I pleaded。 In the villa I would be able to fort up and defend myself!
   In the yard; I was out of the car before it stopped moving。 I raced across the patio and into my room。 I barred the door and stood there with my back against it; breathing hard。
   What a disaster! How was I going to get out of it?
   There was a knock。 For a moment I thought that Nurse Bildirjin's father had followed me up。 Then I realized that the sound came from the secret tunnel door。
   The father would not know about that。 I opened it cautiously。
   There stood Faht Bey。
   He came in looking over his shoulder fearfully。
   He spoke in a very low voice; 〃This is real trouble; Gris。 I told you I would let you know when I had found out。 Well; unfortunately; I have found out。 It is pretty awful。〃
   I got a grip on the bottom of the bed。 I would take it like a man。 〃Tell me;〃 I said。
   Faht Bey shook his head sadly。 〃Are you sure that you can take this?〃
   〃Go ahead;〃 I said; bracing myself further。
   〃It's pretty bad news;〃 he said。
   〃For Gods' sake; tell me;〃 I pleaded。
   〃You know the taxi driver; Ahmed。〃
   〃Yes; I know the taxi driver; Ahmed!〃
   〃He's going to testify that it was at your orders。〃
   〃WHAT was at my orders?〃 I screeched。
   〃And it very well could get him off。〃
   〃Testify to WHAT?〃 I begged。
   〃Maybe you better sit down in the chair there;〃 said Faht Bey。 〃This is pretty awful。〃
   I collapsed。
   〃Here;〃 said Faht Bey; taking a bullet out of his shoulder gun and putting it between my teeth。 〃Bite on that and you won't break your molars when I tell you。〃
   I bit on it。
   〃You know that the taxi driver they call Ahmed is really a convicted criminal from Modon。〃
   I nodded。
   〃Did you know that the driver Ters is a Turkish munist who just s

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