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To the north he could just make out hills with no trees at all; speckled with moving shapes that must be horses。 The High Lords' herds; grazing across the site of the old Ogier grove。 He hoped Perrin and Loial had gotten away safely。 Help them; Perrin; he thought。 Help them somehow; because I can't。
The Ogier grove meant the folded ridges must be close; and soon he spotted them a little to the south; like two arrows one inside the other; a few trees along the top making a thin line against the sky。 Beyond; low round hills like grass…covered bubbles ran into one another。 More hills than on the old map。 Too many; for all the patch enpassed less than a square mile。 If they did not correspond to the map; which one held the Portal Stone on its side?
〃The Aiel have numbers;〃 Lan said quietly; 〃and sharp eyes。〃
With a nod of gratitude; Rand reined Jeade'en in; falling back to put the problem before Rhuarc。 He only described the Portal Stone; not saying what it was; there would be time enough for that when it was found。 He was good at keeping secrets now。 Rhuarc probably had no idea what a Portal Stone was; anyway。 Few did except for Aes Sedai。 He had not known until someone told him。
Striding along beside the dapple stallion; the Aielman frowned slightly … as much as a worried grimace from most other men … then nodded。 〃We can find this thing。〃 He raised his voice。 〃Aethan Dor! Far Aldazar Din! Duadhe Mahdi'in! Far Dareis Mai! Seia Doon! Sha'mad Conde!〃
As he called out; members of the named warrior societies trotted forward; until a good quarter of the Aiel clustered around him and Rand。 Red Shields。 Brothers of the Eagle。 Water Seekers。 Maidens of the Spear。 Black Eyes。 Thunder Walkers。
Rand picked out Egwene's friend; Aviendha; a tall; pretty woman with a haughty unsmiling stare。 Maidens had guarded his door; but he did not think he had seen her before the Aiel gathered to leave the Stone。 She looked back at him; proud as a green…eyed hawk; then tossed her head and turned her attention to the clan chief。
Well; I wanted to be ordinary again; he thought; a touch ruefully。 The Aiel certainly gave him that。 They offered even the clan chief only a respectful hearing; without any of the elaborate deference a lord would exact; and obedience that seemed between equals。 He could hardly expect more for himself。
Rhuarc gave instructions in few words; and the listening Aiel fanned out ahead into the patch of hills; running easily; some veiling themselves just in case。 The rest waited; standing or squatting beside the loaded pack mules。
They represented almost every clan … except the Jenn Aiel; of course; Rand could not get it straight whether the Jenn really existed or not; since the way the Aiel mentioned them; which they seldom did; it could be either way … including some clans that had blood feuds; and others that often fought each other。 He had learned that much about them。 Not for the first time; he wondered what had held them together so far。 Was it just their prophecies of the Stone falling; and the search for He Who es With the Dawn?
〃More than that;〃 Rhuarc said; and Rand realized he had spoken his thoughts aloud。 〃Prophecy brought us over the Dragonwall; and the name that is not spoken drew us to the Stone of Tear。〃 The name he meant was 〃People of the Dragon;〃 a secret name for the Aiel; only clan chiefs and Wise Ones knew or used it; apparently seldom and only with each other。 〃For the rest? No one may shed the blood of another of the same society; of course; yet mixing Shaarad with Goshien; Taardad and Nakai with Shaido。。。 Even I might have danced the spears with the Shaido; if the Wise Ones had not made everyone who crossed the Dragonwall swear water oath to treat any Aiel as of the same society on this side of the mountains。 Even sneaking Shaido。。。〃 He shrugged slightly。 〃You see? It is not easy; even for me。〃
〃These Shaido are enemies of yours?〃 Rand fumbled the name; in the Stone; the Aiel had gone by societies; not clans。
〃We have avoided blood feud;〃 Rhuarc said; 〃but Taardad and Shaido have never been friendly; the septs sometimes raid each other; steal goats or cattle。 But the oaths have held with us all against three blood feuds and a dozen old hatreds between clans or septs。 It helps now that we journey toward Rhuidean; even if some will leave us before。 None may shed the blood of one traveling to or from Rhuidean。〃 The Aielman looked up at Rand; face pletely expressionless。 〃It may be that soon no one of us will shed another's blood。〃 It was impossible to say whether he found the prospect pleasing。
An ululating cry came from one of the Maidens; standing atop a hill and waving her arms over her head。
〃They have found your stone column; it seems;〃 Rhuarc said。
Gathering her reins; Moiraine gave Rand a level look as he rode past her; eagerly heeling Jeade'en to a gallop。 Egwene reined her mare near to Mat; leaning from her saddle with a hand on the high pommel of his to engage him in close conversation。 She seemed to be trying to make him tell her something; or admit something; and from the vehemence of Mat's gestures; he was either innocent as a babe or lying in his teeth。
Flinging himself out of the saddle; Rand hurriedly climbed up the gentle slope to examine what the Maiden … it was Aviendha … had found half buried in the ground and obscured by long grass。 A weathered gray stone column; at least three spans long and a pace thick。 Strange symbols covered every exposed inch; each surrounded by a narrow line of markings he thought were writing。 Even if he could have read the language … if it was one … the script … if that was what it was … had long since worn to illegibility。 The symbols he could make out a little better。 Some of them; many might as well have been the marks of rain and wind。
Pulling grass by the handful so he could see better; he glanced at Aviendha。 She had dropped her shoufa around her shoulders; baring short reddish hair; and was watching him with a flat; hard expression。 〃You don't like me;〃 he said。 〃Why?〃 There was one symbol he had to find; the only one he knew。
〃Like you?〃 she said。 〃You may be He Who es With the Dawn; a man of destiny。 Who can like or dislike such? Besides; you walk free; a wetlander despite your face; yet going to Rhuidean for honor; while I。。。〃
〃While you what?〃 he asked when she stopped。 He searched his way slowly upslope。 Where was it? Two parallel wavy lines crossed at an angle by an odd squiggle。 Light; if it's buried; it'll take us hours to turn this over。 Abruptly he laughed。 Not hours。 He could channel and lift the thing out of the ground; or Moiraine could; or Egwene。 A Portal Stone might resist being moved; but surely they could move it that much。 Channeling would not help him find the wavy lines; though。 Only feeling his way along the stone would do that。
Instead of answering; the Aiel woman squatted easily with her short spears across her knees。 〃You have treated Elayne badly。 I would not care; but Elayne is near…sister to Egwene; who is my friend。 Yet Egwene likes you still; so for her sake I will try。〃
Still searching the thick column; he shook his head。 Elayne again。 Sometimes he thought women all belonged to a guild; the way craftsmen in cities did。 Put a foot wrong with one; and the next ten you met knew of it; and disapproved。
His fingers stopped; returned to the bit he had just examined。 It was weathered almost beyond making out; but he was sure it was the wavy lines。 They represented a Portal Stone on Toman Head; not in the Waste; but they located what had been the base of the thing when it stood upright。 Symbols at the top represented worlds; those at the bottom; Portal Stones。 With a symbol from the top and one from the bottom; he could supposedly travel to a given Portal Stone in a given world。 With just one from the bottom; he knew he could reach a Portal Stone in this world。 The Portal Stone near Rhuidean; for instance。 If he knew the symbol for it。 Now was when he needed luck; needed that ta'veren tugging at chance to favor him。
A hand reached over his shoulder; and Rhuarc