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弌傍 bl.necroscope2 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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 ;These men are utterly loyal to him See how proud they stand beneath his banner拭─the senior monk would have whispered in that sly Greek way。 ;It could be a nuisance。;
 And Vlad此 Does it trouble you拭I have five times their number right here in the city。;
 The Greek此 But these men have been tried in battle察they are warriors all 
 Vlad此 What are you saying拭I should fear him拭I've Varyagi blood in me and fear no man 
 Greek此 Of course you don't。 But。。。 he sets himself above his station察this one。 Can we not find him a task´him and a handful of his men´and keep the rest of them back here to bolster the city's defences拭This way察in his absence察their loyalty will surely swing more rightly to you。;
 And Vladimir Svyatoslavich's eyes narrowing more yet。 Then´his nod of approval此I have the very thing。 Yes察and I believe you're right´best to be rid of him。 These Wallachs are a tricky lot。 Far too insular。。。; And out loud to the Voevod此 Thibor察I'm honouring you tonight at the palace。 You and five of your best。 Then you can tell me all about your victories。 But there'll be ladies there察so see you're washed and leave your armour in your lodgings and tents。;
 With a stiff little bow Thibor backed off察went down the steps to his mount察led his men away。 At his mand察as they left the square察they rattled their weapons and gave a single察sharp察ringing shout此 Prince Vladimir ─Then they were gone into the autumn morning察gone into Kiev察called the City at the Edge of the Woods。。。
 Despite the disturbance察the unknown intrusion察the Thing in the ground continued to dream。 Night would soon fall察and Thibor was sensitive to night as a rooster is to the dawn察but for now he dreamed。
 That night at the palace´a huge place with stone chimneys in every room察and wood fires blazing察sprinkled with aromatic resins´Thibor had worn clean but mon clothes under a rich red robe taken from some high´ranking Pechenegi。 His flesh was washed and perfumed察tanned like leather察and his forelocks freshly greased。 He was an imposing sight。 His officers察too察were spruce。 Though they obviously stood in awe of him察still he spoke to them with some familiarity察but he was courteous to the ladies察attentive to the Vlad。
 It was possible so Thibor had later reckoned that the prince found himself in two minds此the Wallach would seem to have proved himself a warrior察a Voevod indeed。 By rights he should be made a Boyar察given lands of his own。 A man will fight even harder if he fights to protect that which is his。 But there was that sombre something about Thibor which the Vlad found disquieting。 So perhaps his Greek advisors were right。
 ;Now tell me how you dealt with the Pechenegi察Thibor of Wallachia察─Vladimir finally manded察when all were feasting。 Their dishes were several此Greek sausages wrapped in vine leaves察joints roasted in the Viking fashion察goulashes steaming in huge pots。 Meads and wines came by the gallon。 All at table stabbed and speared with their knives at smoking meats察short bursts of con´versation would erupt now and then amidst the general clatter of eating。 Thibor's voice察though he hardly raised it at all察had carried over all of that。 And gradually the great table had grown quieter。
 ;The Pechenegi e in parties or tribes。 They are not like a mighty army察there is little of unity察they have their own chiefs who vie with each other。 The earthworks and fortifications on the Ros at the edge of the wooded steppe have stopped them because they are not united。 If they came as an army they could cross river and battlements both in a day察carrying all away before them。 But they merely probe around our defences察contenting themselves with whatever they can pillage in short察sharp forays to east and west。 This is how they sacked Kolomyya on the west flank。 They crossed the Prut by day察crept forward in the forests察rested overnight and attacked at first light。 It is their way。 And so they gradually encroach。
 ;This is how I saw the situation此because the defences are there察our soldiers use them此we hide behind them。 The earthworks act as a border。 We have been content to say察 South of these works lies the territory of the Pechenegi察and we must keep him out。; Wherefore the Pechenegi察barbarian that he is察in fact holds us in siege I have sat on the walls of our forts and seen our enemies make camp察unafraid。 Smoke from his fires goes up察all untroubled察because we don't molest him on ;his; ground。
 ;When I left Kiev察Prince Vladimir察you said此 Fend off the Pechenegi察keep him from crossing the Ros。; But I said察 Pursue the fiend and kill him ─One day I saw a camp of some two hundred察they had their women察even their children with them They were camped across the river察to the west察quite apart from the other encamp´ments。 I split my two hundred in half。 Half went with me across the river in the dusk。 We stole up on the Pechenegi fires。 They had guards out but most of them were sleeping´and we cut their throats in the night without them ever knowing who killed them Then we set about the camp´but all in silence。 I had daubed my men in mud。 Any man not daubed was Pechenegi。 In the darkness we slew them察flitting from tent to tent。 We were like great bats in the night察and it was very bloody。
 ;When the camp was awakened half were already dead。 The rest gave chase。 We led them back to the Ros察and them hounding us察eager to catch us at the river察all of them shouting and screaming their warcries But we shouted and screamed not at all。 At the river察on the Pechenegi side察my second hundred lay in waiting。 They were daubed in mud。 They struck not at their silent察muddy brothers but trapped the howling pursuers。 Then we rose up察turned in upon the Pechenegi察slew them to a man。 And we cut off their thumbs。。。; He paused。
 ;Bravo ─said Vladimir the prince察faintly。
 ;Another time察─Thibor continued察 we went to Kamenets which was under siege。 Again I had half my men with me。 The Pechenegi about the town saw us察gave chase。 We led them into a steep´sided gulley where察after we had scrambled through察my other half rained down an avalanche upon them。 I lost many thumbs that time察buried under the boulders´else I would have brought you back another sackful 
 Now there was almost total silence about the table。 It was not so much the reporting of these deeds that impressed but the stony delivery察which lacked all emotion。 When the Pechenegi had raided察raped and razed this man's Ungar settlement察they had turned him into an utterly pitiless killer。
 ;I've had reports察of course察─Svyatoslavich broke the silence察 if somewhat vague until now and few and far between。 But this is something to chew on。 And so my Boyars have driven the Pechenegi back察you say拭A recent turn of events拭Perhaps they learned something from you察eh拭
 ;They learned that standing guard behind high walls achieves nothing ─said Thibor。 ;I spoke to them and said此 Summer is at an end。 The Pechenegi far to the south are grown fat and idle from the little work they've had to do察they do not think we'll e against them。 They are building permanent settlements察winter homes for them´selves。 Like the Khazars before them察they are putting aside the sword in favour of the plough。 If we strike now they'll fall like grass beneath the scythe ─Then察all the Boyars banded together察crossed the river察struck deep into the southern steppes。 We killed the Pechenegi wherever we found them。
 ;But by then I had heard rumours of a greater peril in the making此to the east the Polovtsy are rising up They spill over from the great steppes and deserts察expand westward´soon they'll be at our doors。 When the Khazars fell they left the way open for the Pechenegi。 And after the Pechenegi拭Which is why I thought´why I dared to think´that perhaps the Vlad would give me an army and send me east察to put down our enemies before they wax too strong。。。;
 For long moments Prince Vladimir simply sat and stared at him from eyes half´lidded。 Then he quietly said察 You've e a long way in a year and a month察Wallach。。。; And out loud察to his guests此 Eat察drink察talk Honour this man。 We owe him that much。; But as the feasting continued he got up察indicating that Thibor shou

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