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弌傍 bl.necroscope2 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

 ;I should avenge you拭Against whom拭
 Against the ones who found me here。 The ones who even now destroy my last chance for a future。 Against Harry Keogh and his pack of white magicians
 ;You're not making sense。; Yulian shook his head察gazed in morbid fascination as the Thing continued to melt。 He saw his own features liquefying察streaming away and falling from the burning creature in molten tatters。 ;What white magicians拭Harry Keogh拭I don't know anyone of that name。;
 But he knows you First me察Yulian察and then you
 Harry Keogh knows us´and he knows the way此the stake察the sword察and the fire You tell me you can sense the presence of enemies´and have you not sensed just such enemies close to you even now拭They are one and the same。 First me察and then you
 Even dreaming察Yulian felt his scalp crawling。 The secret watchers察of course  What must I do拭
 Avenge me察and save yourself。 That察too察is one and the same。 For they know what we are察Yulian察and they cannot abide us。 You must kill them察for if you don't they'll surely kill you
 The last scrap of human flesh fell from the nightmarish entity察revealing at last its true察inner reality。 Yulian hissed his horror察drew back a little way察gazed upon the face of all evil。 He saw Thibor's bat's snout察his convoluted ears察long jaws察crimson eyes。 The vampire laughed at him´the bass booming of a great hound´and a split tongue flickered redly in a cave of teeth。 Then察as if someone had applied a giant's bellows to the task察the flames roared up higher still and rushed in察and the image blackened at once and turned to glowing cinders。
 Trembling violently察running with sweat察Yulian came awake察sat bolt upright in his bed。 And as from a million miles away he heard again察one last time察Thibor's far察faint voice此Avenge me察Yuliaannn。
 He stood up in the dark room察went shakily to the window察looked out on the night。 Out there察a mind。 A man。 Watching。 Waiting。
 Sweat quickly dried on Yulian and his flesh turned cold察but still he stood there。 Panic receded察was replaced by rage察hatred。 ;Avenge you察father拭─he finally breathed。 ;Oh察I will。 I will 
 In the window's luminous察night´dark pane his reflection was an echo from the dream。 But Yulian was neither shocked nor surprised。 It simply meant that his metamorphosis was now plete。 He looked through the reflection at; the dark察furtive shadow there in the hedgerow and grinned。
 And his grin was like an invitation to step in through the gates of hell 。
 At the foot of the cruciform hills察Kyle and Quint察Krakovitch and Gulharov waited close together in a small group。 It wasn't cold but they stood together察as if for warmth。
 The fire was dying down now察the wind which had earlier sprung up out of nowhere had quickly blown itself out察like the dying breath of some unseen Gargantuan。 Human figures察half hidden in the trees and the billowing black smoke察toiled above and to the east of the devastated area察containing the fire and beating it down。 A grimy察coveralled hulk Of a man came stumbling from the trees at the foot of the slope towards the vampire hunters where they huddled。 It was the Romanian ganger察Janni Chevenu。
 ;You ─He grabbed Krakovitch's arm。 ;Plague察you said But did you see it拭Did you see that。。。 that thing before it burned拭It had eyes察mouths It lashed察writhed 。
 it。。 。 it。。。 my God My God 
 Under the soot and sweat察Chevenu's face was chalk。 Slowly his glazed eyes cleared。 He looked from Krakovitch to the others。 The gaunt faces that looked back seemed carved of the same raw emotion此a horror察no less than Chevenu's own。 ;Plague察you said察─he dazedly repeated。 ;But that wasn't any kind of plague I ever heard of。;
 Krakovitch shook himself loose。 ;Oh yes it was察Janni察─he finally answered。 ;It was the very worst kind。 Just consider yourself lucky you were able to destroy it。 We're in your debt。 All of us。 Everywhere。。。;
 * * *
 Darcy Clarke should have had the 8。00 P。M。´2。00 A。M。 shift察instead he was bedded down at the hotel in Paigntonsomething he'd eaten察apparently。 Stomach cramps and violent diarrhoea。
 Peter Keen had taken the shift in Clarke's place察driving out to Harkley House and relieving Trevor Jordan of the job of keeping Bodescu under observation。
 ;Nothing's happening up there察─Jordan had whispered察leaning in through the open window of his car察handing Keen a powerful crossbow with a hardwood bolt。 ;There's a light on downstairs察but that's all。 They're all in there察or if not then they didn't e out through the gate The light did e on in Bodescu's attic room for a few minutes察then went out again。 That was probably him getting his head down。 Also察I felt that there just might be someone probing for my thoughts but that lasted for only a moment。 Since when it's been quiet as the proverbial tomb。;
 Keen had grinned察however nervously。 ;Except we know that not every tomb is quiet察eh拭
 Jordan hadn't found it funny。 ;Peter察that's a really weird sense of humour you've got there。; He nodded at the crossbow in Keen's hand。 ;Do you know how to use that拭Here察I'll load it for you。;
 ;That's OK察─Keen nodded affably。 ;I'll manage it all right。 But if you want to do me a real favour察just make sure my relief's on time at two in the morning 
 Jordan got into his car and started it察trying not to rev the engine。 ;This makes twelve hours out of twenty´four for you察doesn't it拭Son察you're a glutton for punishment。 Keen by name察and all that。 You should go far if you don't kill yourself first。 Have a nice night ─And he'd pulled carefully away in his car察only turning on the lights when he was a hundred yards down the road。
 That had been only half an hour ago but already Keen was cursing himself for his big mouth。 His old man had been a soldier。 ;Peter察─he'd once told him察 never volunteer。 If they need volunteers察that's because nobody wants the job。; And on a night like this it was easy to understand why。
 There was something of a ground mist and the air was laden with moisture。 The atmosphere felt greasy察and heavy as a tangible weight on Keen's shoulders。 He turned up his collar察lifted infra´red binoculars to his eyes。 For the tenth time in thirty minutes he scanned the house。 Nothing。 The house was warm察which showed clearly enough察but nothing moved in there。 Or the movement was too slight to detect。
 He scanned what could be seen of the grounds。 Again察nothing´or rather察something Keen's sweep had passed over a hazy blue blur of warmth察just a blob of body heat which his special nite´lites had picked up。 It could be a fox察badger察dog´or a man拭He tried to find it again察failed。 So。。。 had he seen something察or hadn't he
 Something buzzed and tingled in Keen's head察like a sudden burst of electrical current察making him start 。
 Slimy gibber´gobble spying babble´gabble bastard
 Keen froze stiff as a board。 What was that拭What the hell was that
 You're going to die察die察die Ha察ha察ha Gibber´jabber察gobble´gabble。。。 And then some more of the electrical tingling。 And silence。
 Jesus Christ But Keen knew without further inquiry what it was此his unruly talent。 For a moment then察just for a few seconds察he'd picked up another mind。 A mind full of hate
 ;Who拭─Keen said out loud察staring all about察ankledeep in swirling mist。 ;What。。。拭─Suddenly the night was full of menace。
 He'd left the crossbow in his car察loaded and lying on the front seat。 The red Capri was parked with´its nose in a field察about twenty´five yards away along the road。 Keen was on the verge察his shoes察socks and feet already soaking from walking in the grass。 He looked at Harkley House察standing sinister in its misty grounds察then started to back off towards the car。 In the grounds of the old house察something loped towards the open gate。 Keen saw it for a moment察then lost it in the shadows and the mist。
 A dog拭A large dog拭Darcy Clarke had had trouble with a dog察hadn't he
 Keen backed faster察stumbled and almost fell。 An owl hooted somewhere in the night。 Other than that there was only silence。 And a soft察deliberate padding´and a panting拭from beyond the gate just across the road。 Keen backed faster yet察all his senses alert察his

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