梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
rig。 ;So then察─I panted察 you are aware of the change taken place in you。 Of course察for if it's plain to me it must be plainer still to you。 Very well察but tell me此why then am I the same as before拭I feel no different。 Surely no great change is wrought in me拭
Ehrig察rubbing his throat察came easily to his feet。 He had great bruises on his neck from the chains察other than this it seemed he suffered no ill effects from my manhandling察his eyes burned as before and his voice was doleful as ever。 ;As you say察─he said察 the change in me has been wrought察as iron is wrought in the furnace。 The Ferenczy's flesh has taken hold of me and bent me to its will察as iron bends in the fire's heat。 But with you it is different察more subtle。 The vampire's seed grows within you。 It grafts itself to your mind察your heart察your very blood。 You are like two creatures in one skin察but slowly you will meld察fuse into one。;
This is what Faethor had told me。 I sagged against the damp wall。 ;Then my destiny is no longer my own察─I groaned。
;But it is察Thibor察it is ─Ehrig was eager now。 ;Why察now that death no longer holds any terrors察you can live forever You have the chance to grow more powerful than any man before you And what is that for destiny拭
I shook my head。 ;Powerful拭In thrall to the Ferenczy拭Surely you mean powerless For if I'm to be his man察then how may I be my own拭No察that shall not be the way of it。 While yet I have my will察I shall find a way。; I prodded my chest and grimaced。 ;How long before。。。 before this thing within mands me拭How much time do I have before the guest overpowers the host拭
Slowly察sadly I thought察he shook his head。 ;You insist on making difficulties察─he said。 ;The Ferenczy told me it would be so。 Because you are wild and wilful察he said。 You will be your own man察Thibor It shall be like this此that the thing within cannot exist without you察nor you without it。 But where before you were merely a man察with a man's frailties and puny passions察now you shall be ´;
;Hold ─I told him察my memory suddenly whispering monstrous things in my mind。 ;He told me。。。 he said that he was sexless He said此 The Wamphyri have no sex as such。; And you talk to me of my ;puny passions拭'
;As one of the Wamphyri察─Ehrig patiently insisted察as doubtless the Ferenczy had ordered him to insist察 you will have the sex of the host。 And you are that host You will also have your lust察your great strength and cunning´all of your passions´but magnified many times over Picture yourself pitting your wits against your enemies察or boundlessly strong in battle察or utterly untiring in bed
My emotions raged within me。 Ah But could I be sure they were mine拭Entirely mine拭 But´it´will´not´be´me ─Emphasising each word察I slammed my balled fist again and again into the stone wall察until blood flowed freely from my riven knuckles。
;But it will be you察─he repeated察drawing near察staring at my bloodied hand and licking his lips。 ;Aye察hot blood and all。 The vampire in you will heal that in a very little while。 But察until then察let me tend to it。; He took my hand and tried to lick the salt blood。
I hurled him away。 ;Keep your vampire's tongue to yourself ─I cried。
And with a sudden thrill of horror察perhaps for the first time察I began to truly understand what he had bee。 And what I was being。 For I had seen that look of entirely unnatural lust on his face察and I had suddenly remembered that once there were three of us。 。
I looked all around the dungeon察into all of the corners and cobwebbed shadows察and my changeling eyes penetrated even the darkest gloom。 looked everywhere and failed to discover what I sought。 Then I turned back to Ehrig。 He saw my expression察began to back away from me。 ;Ehrig察─I said察following察closing with him。 ;Now tell me察pray´what has bee of the poor mutilated body of Vasily拭Where察pray察is the corpse of our former colleague察the slender察ever aggressive。。。 Vasily拭
In a corner察Ehrig had tripped on something。 He stumbled察fell´amidst a small pile of bones flensed almost white。 Human bones。
After long moments I found voice。 ;Vasily拭
Ehrig nodded察shrank back from me察scuttling like a crab on the floor。 ;The Ferenczy察he。。。 he has not fed us ─he pleaded。
I let my head slump察turned away in disgust。 Ehrig scrambled to his feet察carefully approached。 ;Keep well away察─I warned him察my voice low and filled with loathing。 ;Why did you not break the bones察for their marrow拭
;Ah察no ─said Ehrig察as if explaining to a child。 ;The Ferenczy told me to leave Vasily's bones for。。。 for the burrower in the earth察that which took shape in old Arvos and consumed him。 It will e for them when all is quiet。 When we are asleep。 。
;Sleep拭─I barked察turning on him。 ;You think I'll sleep拭Here拭With you in the same cell拭
He turned away察shoulders slumping。 ;Ah察you are the proud one察Thibor。 As I was proud。 It goes before a fall察they say。 Your time is still to e。 As for me察I will not harm you。 Even if I dared察if my hunger was such that but I would not dare。 The Ferenczy would cut me into small pieces and burn each one with fire。 That is his threat。 Anyway察I love you as a brother。;
;As you loved Vasily拭─I scowled at him where he gazed at me over his hunched shoulder。 He had no answer。
;Leave me in peace察─I growled then。 ;I have much to think about。;
I went to one corner察Ehrig to another。 There we sat in silence。
Hours passed。 Finally I did sleep。 In my dreams´for the most part unremembered察perhaps mercifully´I seemed to hear strange slitherings察and sucking sounds。 Also a period of brittle crunching。
When I awakened察Vasily's bones had disappeared。
Chapter Nine
The voice of the extinct vampire faded in Harry Keogh's incorporeal mind。 For long moments nothing further was said察and they were empty seconds which Harry couldn't really afford。 At any moment he could find himself recalled by his infant son察back through the maze of the Mbius continuum to the garret flat in Hartlepool。 But if Harry's time was important察so too was the rest of mankind's。
;I begin to feel sorry for you察Thibor察─he said察his life´force burning blue as a neon firefly in the dark glade under the trees。 ;I can see how you fought against it察how you did not want to bee what you eventually became。;
Eventually拭the old Thing in the ground spoke up at last。 No eventually about it察Harry´I had bee From the moment Faethor's seed embraced my body察my brain察I was doomed。 For from that moment it was growing in me察and growing quickly。 First its effect became apparent in my emotions察my passions。 I say ;apparent;察but scarcely so to me。 Can you feel your body healing after a cut or a blow拭Are you aware of your hair or fingernails growing拭Does a man who gradually bees insane know that he is going mad
Suddenly察as the voice of the vampire faded again察there came a rising babble in Harry's mind。 A cry of frustration察of fury He had expected it sooner or later察for he knew that Thibor Ferenczy was not alone here in the dark cruciform hills。 And now a new voice formed words in the necroscope's consciousness察a voice he recognised of old。
You old liar You old devil cried the inflamed spark察the enraged spirit of Boris Dragosani。 Ah And how is this for irony拭Not enough that I am dead察but to have for panion in my grave that one creature I loathed above all others And worse察to know that my greatest enemy in life´the man who killed me´is now the only living man who can ever reach me in death Ha察ha And to be here察knowing once more the voices of these two´the one demanding察the other wheedling察beguiling察seeking to lie as always´and knowing the futility of it all察but yet yearning察burning to be。。。 involved Oh察God察if ever there were a God察won't´somebody´speak´to ´meeeee殖
Pay no attention察said Thibor at once。 He raves。 For察as you well know察Harry察since you were instrumental察when he killed me he killed himself。 The thought is enough to unhinge anyone察and poor Boris was half´mad to begin with 。
I was made mad Dragosani howled。 By a filthy察lying察loathsome leech of a thing in the ground Do you know what he did to me察Harry Keogh
;I know of