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s talents察but it was also very real。 Once touched by Yulian察once invaded by him physically察then his victim was an open book to him察even at a distance。 Even now察if he reached out his mind in a certain way。。。 there Those were the dull察vacuous ;thoughts; of the Other。 No察not even that此he had merely touched upon the Other's instinctive sense of being察a sort of basic animal awareness。 The Other was aware of himself´itself拭in much the same way as an amoeba is aware察and because it had been part of him察Yulian could sense that awareness。
Now that he had taken or used Helen察Anne察George and Georgina察why察he could sense all of them He let his exterior thoughts leave the Other and wander察and and there was Anne察asleep in some cold察damp corner down there in the dark。 And there察too察was George。 Except that George was not asleep。
George。 Yulian knew he would soon have to do something about George。 He wasn't behaving as he should。 There was an obstinacy in him。 Oh察he'd been pletely under Yulian's control in the beginning察just like the women。 But just recently 。
Yulian focused on George's mind察wormed his way silently into his thoughts and´a pit of black hatred shot with flashes of red rage Lust察too´a bestial lust Yulian could scarce believe´and not only for blood but also。 。
Frowning察Yulian withdrew his mind before George could sense him。 Obviously he would have to deal with his uncle sooner than he'd thought。 He had already decided to make use of him´knew how he would use him´but now he must set a definite date on it。 Like tomorrow。 He left the unsuspecting undead creature raging and prowling the cellars察and ´What was that
Hair prickling at the nape of his neck察Yulian swung his legs down to the floor and stood up。 It hadn't been one of the women察and he'd only just left George察so who had it been拭Someone close by was thinking thoughts about Harkley House察thoughts about Yulian himself He went to the curtains察opened them six inches察stared anxiously out at the night。
Out there察the estate。 The old derelict buildings察gravel path察shrubbery and copse察the high perimeter wall and gate察the road beyond the gate察a ribbon of light under the moon察and beyond that a tall hedge。 Yulian wrinkled his nose察sniffed suspiciously like a dog at a stranger。 Oh察yes察a stranger´there In the hedgerow察that glint of moonlight on glass察the dull red glow of a cigarette's tip。 Someone in the shadow of the hedge察watching Harkley。 Watching Yulian
Now察knowing where to aim察he redirected his thoughts ´and met the mind of the stranger But only for a moment察the merest instant of time。 Then mental shutters came down like the jaws of a steel trap。 The glint of spectacles or binoculars disappeared察the cigarette's glow was extinguished察and the man himself察the merest shadow察was gone。
Vlad Yulian manded instinctively。 Go察find him。 Whoever he is察bring him to me
And down in the brambles and undergrowth near the door to the vaults察where he lay half asleep察VIad at once came alert察turned his sensitive ears towards the drive and the gate察sprang up and set off at a loping run。 Deep in his throat察a growl not quite a dog's growl rumbled like dull thunder。
* * *
Darcy Clarke was doing late shift on the Harkley place。 He was a psychic sensitive with a high degree of telepathic potential。 Also察he was big on self´preservation。 A freakish automatic talent察over which he had no conscious control察was always on guard to keep him ;safe'察he was the opposite of accident prone and led a ;charmed; life。 Which on this occasion was just as well。
Clarke was young察only twenty´five察but what he lacked in years he more than made up for in zeal。 He would have made a perfect soldier察for his duty was his all。 It was that duty which had kept him here in the vicinity of Harkley House from 5。00 till 11。00 P。M。 And it was exactly on the dot of 11。00 P。M。 that he saw the crack of the curtains widen a little in one of Harkley's dormer windows。
That in itself was nothing。 There were five people in that house and God´knows´what else察and no reason at all why it shouldn't show signs of life。 With a grimace察Clarke quickly corrected himself此signs of undeath拭Fully briefed察he knew that Harkley's inhabitants were something other than they seemed。 But as he adjusted his nite´lite binoculars on the window察suddenly there was something else察a realisation that struck at Clarke like a bolt of lightning。
He had known察of course察that someone in there察probably the youth察was psychically endowed。 That had been obvious for the last four days察ever since Clarke and the others first clapped eyes on the place。 To any half´talented sensitive the old house would reek of strangeness。 And not just strangeness察evil Tonight察as darkness fell察Clarke had sensed it growing stronger察the wash of dark emanations flowing from the house like mental sewage。 Until now he'd simply let it flow right past him察without touching察but as that dark figure had e into view behind the crack in the curtains察and as he'd focussed his binoculars upon it ´
´Something had been there in his head察touching on his mind。 A talent at least as strong as his own察probing his thoughts But it wasn't the talent that surprised him ´that was a game he'd played before with his colleagues at INTESP察where they practised constantly to break in on each other's thoughts´it was the sheer unbridled animal animosity that caused him to gasp察draw back a little察slam shut the doors on his ESP´endowed consciousness。 The gurgling black whirlpool bog of the invading mind。
And because he had set up defences察so he failed to detect any hint of the physical threat察the orders Yulian had issued to his black Alsatian。 He had failed察but his primary talent´the one no one as yet understood´was not failing him。 It was 11。00 P。M。 and his instructions were quite clear此he'd go back now to his temporary surveillance HO at a hotel in Paignton and make his report。 The watch on the house would begin again at 6。00 A。M。 tomorrow察when a colleague of Clarke's would take it up。 He tossed his cigarette down察ground it out under his heel察pocketed his nite´lites。
Clarke's car was parked in a layby where the hedge and fence were cut back twenty´five yards down the road。 He was on the field side of the hedge。 He put his hand on the top bar preparatory to climbing over to the road察then thought better of it。 Though he didn't know it察that was his hidden talent ing into play。 Instead of climbing the fence察he hurried through the long grass at the edge of the field towards his car。 The grass was wet where it whipped his trousers察but he ignored it。 It saved time this way and he was in a hurry now察eager to be away from the place。 Only natural察he supposed察considering what he'd just learned。 And he hardly gave it a thought that by the time he got to his car he was almost running。
But it was then察as he fumbled the key into the lock and turned it察that he heard something else running此the faint scuff of padded feet slapping the road察the scrabble of claws as something heavy jumped the fence back there where he'd been standing。 Then he was into the car察slamming the door behind him察eyes wide and heart thumping as he gazed back into the night。
And two seconds later Viad hit the car
He hit so hard察with forepaws察shoulder and head察that the glass of the window in Clarke's door was starred into a cobweb pattern。 The impact had sounded like a hammer blow察and Clarke knew that one more charge like that would shatter the glass to fragments and leave him totally unprotected。 But he'd seen who察or what察his assailant was察and he had no intention of sitting here immobile and just waiting for it to happen。
Clarke turned the key in the ignition察revved察reversed a skidding three feet to bring the bonnet free of overhanging branches。 Vlad's second spring察aimed again at Clarke's window察sent the dog sprawling on the bonnet directly in front of the windscreen。 And now the young esper saw just how fortunate his escape had been。 Out in the open´there was little he could have done against that
Viad's face was a savage black mask of hatred察a contorted察snarling察saliva´flecked visag