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弌傍 bl.necroscope2 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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 George scanned the scene disbelievingly。 They were in the grass。 He couldn't see Helen´not her face察anyway´for she was face down察backside in the air。 And Yulian mounting her察frantic in his rage察his passion察his hands gripping her waist。 George began to tremble and he couldn't stop it。 Helen was a willing party to this察had to be。 Well察and he'd said she was an adult´but God there must be limits。
 And there she was察face down in the grass察naked as a baby´George's baby girl´with her straw hat and her dress tossed aside and her pink flesh open to this。。。 this slime George no longer feared Yulian察if he ever had察but hated him。 The weird´looking bastard would look a sight weirder when he was finished with him。
 He snatched his binoculars from his neck察tossed them down on the bed察turned towards the door´and his muscles locked rigid。 George's jaw fell open。 Something he had seen察some monstrous thing burned on his mind's eye。 With hands numb to the bone he took up the binoculars察fixed them again on the couple in the long grass。 Yulian had finished察lay sprawled alongside his partner。 But George let the glasses slide right over them to the hat and disarrayed dress。
 The straw hat had a wide black band。 It was Anne's hat。 And now that fact had dawned he saw that it was also Anne's dress。
 The binoculars slipped from George's fingers。 He staggered察almost fell察flopped down heavily on his bed。 On their bed察his and Anne's。 Willing party。。。 had to be。 The words kept repeating in his whirling head。 He couldn't believe what he'd seen察but he had to believe。 And she was a willing party。 Had to be。
 How long he sat there in a daze he couldn't tell此five minutes察ten拭But finally he came out of it。 He came out of it察shook himself察knew what he must do。 All those stories from Yulian's school此they must be true。 The bastard was a pervert But Anne察what of Anne
 Could she be drunk拭Or drugged拭That was it Yulian must have given her something。
 George stood up。 He was cold now察cold as ice。 His blood boiled but his mind was a white snowfield察with the track he must take clearly delineated。 He looked at his hands and felt the strength of both God and the devil flowing in them。 He would tear out the black察soulless eyes of that swine察he would eat his rotten heart
 He staggered downstairs察through the empty house察reeled drunkenly察murderously towards the copse。 And he found Anne's hat and dress exactly where he'd seen them。 But no Anne察no Yulian。 Blood pounded in George's temples察hate like acid corroded his mind察peeling away every layer of rationality。 Still reeling察he scrambled his way through low brambles to the gravel drive察glared his loathing at the house。 Then something told him to look behind。 Back there察at the gates察Vlad stood watching察then started forward uncertainly。
 Something of sanity returned。 George hated Yulian now察intended to kill him if he could察but he still feared the dog。 There'd always been something about dogs察and especially this one。 He ran back towards the house察and ing round a screen of bushes saw Yulian striding through the shrubbery towards the rear of the building。 Towards the entrance to the cellars。
 ;Yulian ─George tried to yell察but the word came out as a gasping croak。 He didn't try again。 Why warn the perverted little sod拭Behind him察Vlad put on a little speed察began to lope。
 At the corner of the house George paused for a moment察gulped air desperately。 He was out of condition。 Then he saw a rusty old mattock leaning against the wall and snatched it up。 A glance over his shoulder told him that Vlad was ing察his strides stretching now察ears flat to´his head。 George wasted no more time but plunged through the low shrubbery to the entrance to the vaults。 And there stood Yulian at the open door。 He heard George ing察turned his head and cast a startled glance his way。
 ;Ah察George ─He smiled a sickly smile。 ;I was just wondering if perhaps you'd like to see the cellars拭─Then he saw George's expression察the mattock in his white´knuckled hands。
 ;The cellars拭─George choked察almost entirely deranged with hatred。 ;Yes I fucking would ─He swung his pick´like weapon。 Yulian put up an arm to shield his face察turned away。 The sharper察rustier blade of the heavy tool took him in the back of his right shoulder察crunched through the lower part of the scapula and buried itself to the haft in his body。
 Thrown forward察Yulian went toppling down the central ramp察the mattock still sticking in him。 As he fell he said察 Ah Ah ─in no way a scream察more an expression of surprise察shock。 George followed察arms reaching察lips drawn back from his teeth。 He pursued Yulian察and Vlad pursued him。
 Yulian lay face down at the bottom of the steps beside the open door to the vaults。 He moaned察moved awkwardly。 George slammed a foot down in the middle of his back察levered the mattock out of him。 ;Ah Ah ─again Yulian gave his peculiar察sighing cry。 George lifted the mattock´and heard Vlad's rumbling growl close behind。
 He turned察swung the mattock in a deadly arc。 The dog was stopped in mid´flight as the mattock smacked flatly against the side of its head。 It crumpled to the concrete floor察groaned like a man。 George panted hoarsely察lifted his weapon again´but there was no sign of consciousness in the animal。 Its sides heaved but it lay still察tongue protruding。 Out like a light。
 And now there was only Yulian。
 George turned察saw Yulian staggering into the vault's unknown darkness。 Unbelievable With his injury察still the bastard kept going。 George followed察kept Yulian's stumbling figure visible in the gloom。 The cellars were extensive察rooms and alcoves and midnight corridors察but George didn't let his quarry out of sight for a single moment。 Then´a light
 George peered through an arched entrance into a dimly illumined room。 A single dusty bulb察shaded察hung from a vaulted ceiling of stone blocks。 George had momentarily lost sight of Yulian in the darkness surrounding the cone of light察but then the youth staggered between him and the light source察and George picked him up again and advanced。 Yulian saw him察swung an arm wildly at the light in an attempt to put it out of mission。 Injured察he missed his aim察setting the lamp and shade dancing and swinging on their flex。
 Then察by that wildly gyrating light察George saw the rest of the room。 In intermittent flashes of light and darkness察he picked out the details of the hell he'd walked into。
 Light。。。 and in one corner a glimpse of piled wooden racks and cobwebbed shelving。 Darkness。。。 and Yulian an even darker shape that crouched uncertainly in the centre of the room。 Light´and along one wall Georgina察seated in an old cane chair察her eyes bulging but vacant and her mouth and flaring nostrils wide as yawning caverns。 Darkness´and a movement close by察so that George put up the mattock to defend himself。 Insane light´and to his right a huge copper vat察six feet across and seated on copper legs察with Helen slumped in a dining chair on one side察her back to the nitre´streaked wall察and Anne察naked察likewise positioned on the other side。 Their inner arms dangling inside the rim of the bowl察and something in the bowl itself seeming to move restlessly察throwing up ropes of doughy matter。 Flickering darkness´out of which came Yulian's laughter此the clotted察sick laughter of someone warped irreparably。 Then light again´which found George's eyes fixed on the great vat察or more properly on the women。 And the picture searing itself indelibly into his brain。
 Helen's clothing ripped down the front and pulled back察and the girl lolling there like a slut with her legs sprawled open察everything displayed。 Anne likewise察but both of them grimacing察their faces working hideously察showing alternating joy and total horror察their arms in the vat察and the nameless slime crawling on their arms to their shoulders察pulsating from its unknown source
 Merciful darkness´and the thought in George's tottering mind此God It's feeding on them察and it's feeding itself to them And Yulian so close now that he could hear his rasping breathing。 Light again察as the lamp settled to a jerky jitterbug´and the mattock wrenched from George's nerveless finge

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