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弌傍 bl.necroscope2 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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 first察perhaps even a little afraid´were on the point of drawing their own weapons but he stopped them with a word察sheathed his sword。 If anything察this was a simple show of defiance察a gesture which in one move showed his strength and possibly his contempt。 Certainly it showed his fearlessness。 ;Who are you拭─he said。 ;You e like a wolf in the night。;
 The newer was slender察almost fragile´seeming。 He was dressed all in black察with a heavy black cape draped about his shoulders and falling to below his knees。 There could be weapons concealed under the cape察but he kept his hands in view察resting them on his thighs。 He now ignored old Arvos察looked at the three Wallachs。 His dark eyes merely fell upon Thibor's henchmen and moved on察but they rested on Thibor himself for long moments before he answered此 I am from the house of the Ferenczy。 My master sent me out to see what manner of men would visit him this night。; He smiled a thin smile。 His voice had a soothing effect on the Voevod察strangely察his unblinking eyes also察which now reflected moonlight。 Thibor found himself wishing there was more natural light。 There was that about the features of this one which repulsed him。 He felt that he gazed upon a misshapen skull察and wondered that this didn't disturb him more。 But he was held as by some mysterious attraction察like a moth to the devouring flame。 Yes察attracted and repulsed at one and the same time。
 As that idea dawned´that he was falling under some strange malaise or enticement´he drew himself more upright察forced himself to speak。 ;You may tell your master I'm a Wallach。 Also that I e to speak of important things察of summonses and responsibilities。;
 The man in the cape drew closer and the moon shone fully in his face。 It was a man's face after all and not a skull察but there was that which was wolfish about it察an almost freakish longness of jaws and ears。 ;My master supposed it might be so察─he said察a certain hard edge creeping into his voice。 ;But no matter´what will be will be察and you are but a messenger。 Before you pass this point察however察which is a boundary察my master must be sure that you e of your own free will。;
 Thibor had regained his self´control。 ;No one dragged me up here察─he snorted。
 ;But you were sent。。。拭
 ;A strong man may only be ;sent; where he wishes to go察─the Wallach answered。
 ;And your men拭
 ;We're with Thibor察─said the hunched one。 ;Where he ventures察we venture´willingly 
 ;Even to see one who sends out wolves to do his bidding察─Thibor's second panion察the apish one察added。
 ;Wolves拭─The stranger frowned and cocked his head on one side quizzically。 He glanced sharply all about察then smiled his amusement。 ;My master's dogs察you mean拭
 ;Dogs拭─Thibor was certain he'd seen wolves。 Now察however察the idea seemed ridiculous。
 ;Aye察dogs。 They came out to walk with me察for it's a fine night。 But they're not used to strangers。 See察they've run off home。;
 Thibor nodded察and eventually he said此 So察you've e to meet us half´way察then。 To walk with us and show us the way。;
 ;Not I察─the other shook his head。 ;Arvos can do that well enough。 I came only to greet you and to count your numbers´also to ensure that your presence here was not forced。 Which is to say察that you came of your own free mind and will。;
 ;I say again察─Thibor growled察 who could force me拭
 ;There are pressures and there are pressures察─the other shrugged。 ;But I see you are your own man。;
 ;You mentioned our numbers。;
 The man in the cape raised his eyebrows。 They peaked like gables。 ;For your acmodation察─he answered。 ;What else拭─And before Thibor could reply此 Now I must go on ahead´to make preparation。;
 ;I'd hate to crowd your master's house察─said Thibor quickly。 ;Bad enough to be an unexpected guest察but worse far if others are obliged to vacate their rightful positions to make room for me。;
 ;Oh察there's room enough察─the other answered。 ;And
 you were not entirely unexpected。 As for putting others out此my master's house is a castle察but it shelters fewer human souls than you have here。; It was as if he'd read Thibor's mind and answered the question he'd found there。
 Now he inclined his head towards the old Szgany。 ;Be warned察however察that the path along the cliff is loose and the way a little perilous。 Be on your guard for rock falls ─And once more to Thibor he said察 Until later察then。;
 They watched him turn and make off after his master's ;dogs; across the narrow察jumbled察boulder´strewn plain。
 When he'd gone into the shadows察Thibor grabbed Arvos by the neck。 ;No retainers拭─he hissed into the old gypsy's face。 ;No servants拭What察and are you a simple liar or a very great liar拭The Ferenczy could harbour an army up there 
 Arvos tried to snatch himself back and found the Wallach's grip like iron on his throat。 ;A。。。 a manservant or two察─he choked。 ;How was。。。 was I to know拭It's been many a year。。。; Thibor released him察thrust him away。
 ;Old man察─he warned察 if you'd see another day察just be sure you guide us carefully along this perilous cliff path。; And so they had crossed the stony depression to the cliff察and started up the narrow way carved in its sheer face。。。
 Chapter Three
 The path clung to the black rock of the cliffs like a silver snake under the moon。 Its surface was wide enough to take a small cart察no more察but in places the rim had fallen away察and then the track narrowed to little more than the width of a man。 And it was in just such narrow spots that the night breeze off the forests picked up to a bluster察seeming to tug at and threaten the men who toiled up like insects towards that unknown aerie which was their destination。
 ;How long is this damned path察anyway拭─Thibor snarled at the Gypsy察after maybe half a mile of slow察careful climbing。
 ;The same distance again察─Arvos at once replied察 but steeper from now on。 Once they brought carts up here察I'm told察but that was a hundred years or more ago and the way has not been well kept。;
 ;Huh ─Thibor's apish aide snorted。 ;Carts拭I wouldn't bring goats up here 
 At that the other Wallach察the hunched one察gave a start and pressed more closely to the cliff。 ;I wouldn't know about goats察─he whispered hoarsely察 but if I'm not mistaken we have pany of sorts此the Ferenczy's ;dogs; 
 Thibor looked ahead to where the path vanished round the curve of the cliff。 Silhouetted against the starry void of space察hump´shouldered wolf´shapes stood with muzzles lifted察ears pointed and eyes ferally agleam。 But there were only two of them。 Gasping his shock察then a harsh curse察Thibor looked back into the deepest shadows´and saw the other two察or rather察he saw their triangular moon´silvered eyes。 ;Arvos ─he growled察gathering his wits察reaching for the old gypsy。 ;Arvos 
 The sudden rumbling might well have been thunder察except the air was crisp and dry and what few clouds there were scudded rather than boiled察and thunder seldom makes the ground shudder beneath a man's feet。
 Thibor's thin察hunched friend was hindmost察bringing up the rear at a point where the path was the merest ledge。 It required but a step to bring him to safety。 ;Rock fall ─he cried hoarsely察making to leap forward。 But as he sprang察so the boulders rained down and swept him away。 It was as quick as that此he was there´arms straining forward察face gaping white in the light of the moon´and he was gone。 He did not cry out此clubbed by boulders察doubtless he'd been unconscious or dead even as he fell。
 When the last pebble and plume of dust had fallen and the rumbling was an echo察Thibor stepped to the rim and looked down。 There was nothing to see察just darkness and the glint of the moon on distant rocks。 Up and down the trail察of wolves there was no sign。
 Thibor turned to where the old gypsy shivered and clung to the face of the cliff。
 ;A rock fall ─The old man saw the look on his face。 ;You can't blame me for a rock fall。 If he'd jumped instead of shouting his warning。。。;
 Thibor nodded。 ;No察─he agreed察brows black as the night itself察 I can't blame you for a rock fall。 But from now on blame doesn't e into it。 From now on if there's any problem at all´from whatever cause or quarter´I'll ju

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