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弌傍 bl.necroscope2 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

。 Why are you arguing察anyway拭What's done is done。;
 ;Shh; said Dolgikh察his eyes going wide。 He leaned forward察pointing。 ;Now I hear it´from over there。 Sliding shale察maybe 。 。
 At the rim of the gorge察back along the track and hidden by the undergrowth察blunt grey fingers came up from the depths。 Sergei Gulharov's shattered head came up slowly and stiffly察then a shoulder察and an arm thrown far forward to take the strain and give him leverage。 Silent as a shadow now察he drew himself up onto firm察flat ground。
 ;The temperature is falling fast察─said Gerenko with a shudder察perhaps feeling the chill。 ;I've had enough for tonight。 Tomorrow we'll take another look察and if it's quite hopeless we can decide what to do then。; Wheezing with the effort and gritting his small teeth察he started back down the trail。 ;But this is all a great pity。 I had hoped to salvage something察if only a little face 。 。
 Dolgikh grinned after him察calling out此 We're pretty close to the border察rade。 Have you ever thought of defecting拭─When Gerenko failed to answer察he muttered察 Shrivelled little shit ─Then he put his hand on Zek's shoulder and she felt his fingers bite。 ;Well察Zek察shall we join him察or perhaps we'll hang back a little and do some stargazing察eh拭
 She looked up at him first in astonishment察then outrage。 ;My God ─she said。 ;I'd prefer the pany of pigs 
 Before he could reply she'd turned away。 She started after Gerenko´then jerked to a halt察freezing in her tracks。 Someone was ing up the trail towards them察closing on Gerenko。 And even in the failing light it was obvious that the someone was a dead man。 Lord God ´he had only half a head
 Dolgikh saw him察too察and knew him。 He recognised his fouled clothing察the damage a snub´nosed bullet had done to his head。 ;Mother ─he gulped。 ;Oh察mother 
 Zek screamed。 Screamed again as a huge bloody hand passed over her shoulder察grabbed Theo Dolgikh by the collar and spun him round。 Dolgikh's eyes stood out in his face。 Behind the girl he saw a second corpse此Mikhail Volkonsky。 And察God´Volkonsky had taken hold of him with his one remaining arm
 Like a startled cat察Zek bounded out from between them察fleeing after Gerenko。 She didn't hear the mental voices of the dead察saying
 Oh察yes察these are the ones察Harry But she did hear his answer
 Then 1 can't stop you taking your revenge。 And she knew who was speaking察and guessed who he was speaking to。
 ;Harry Keogh ─she screamed察flinging herself breakneck down the track。 ;God察oh察God察you're worse than all of us together 
 Until a moment ago Harry had been beyond Zek's reach both mental and physical察hidden in the metaphysical Mbius continuum。 Now he stepped out of the shadows directly in her path察so that she flew gasping into his arms。 For a moment she thought he was another dead man and pounded at his chest察but then she felt his warmth察the beat of his heart against her breast察and heard his voice。 ;Easy察Zek察easy。;
 Wild´eyed察she pulled back from him。 He held her arms。 ;Easy察I said。 If you go running like that you'll hurt yourself。;
 ;You。。。 you're manding them ─she accused。
 He shook his head in denial。 ;No察I only called them up。 I'm not calling the shots。 What they do is for themselves。;
 ;What they do拭─Breathlessly she looked back towards the ruined castle察where mad察frenzied shadows fought and tore。 She glanced down the track此Gerenko had somehow avoided Gulharov's lunges察。his talent察of course but the dead man was limping after him。 Winds tugged at Gulharov察threatening to blow him back into the gorge察and thorns tore at his legs trying to trip him ´but still he pursued。
 ;Nothing can hurt that one察─Zek gasped。 ;Living or dead察men are only men。 They can't touch him。;
 ;But he can be hurt察─said Harry。 ;He can be frightened察too察made incautious。 And it's growing dark察the ledge back there is narrow and dangerous察there can easily be an accident。 That's what my friends are hoping察that there'll be an accident。;
 ;Your。。。 friends ─Hysteria lifted her voice。
 Gunshots sounded from the ruins察and Dolgikh's hoarse screaming。 He wasn't simply shouting but screaming察like a terrified animal察for he'd just discovered that you can't kill the dead。 Harry covered Zek's ears察drew her head to his shoulder察her face buried in his neck。 He didn't want her to see or hear。 He didn't want to see or hear察and so stared out over the gorge instead。
 Weaker than he'd ever been before in his life察weak with terror察Theo Dolgikh was being dragged towards the rim of the almost sheer drop。 Mikhail Volkonsky察on the other hand察was as strong as he'd ever been in life察and he no longer felt pain。 With his one good arm round Dolgikh's neck察the huge ganger had him in a necklock which he wouldn't release until the man was dead。 And now they were almost there察battling ferociously on the very edge of the gorge。 Which was when Felix Krakovitch and Carl Quint showed up。
 Blown to pieces察the two hadn't been able to do much until now察but finally Quint's arms´only his arms´had dragged themselves up from below察and Felix's upper torso察limbless察had wriggled its way out of the castle's debris。 As the arms of Quint came up over the rim and grabbed Dolgikh察and as Felix's severed察sluglike cadaver wriggled into view and began to bite at him察so he gave up。 He drew air for one last scream察filled his lungs to brimming´and the scream simply died on his lips察the merest gurgle of sound。 Then he closed his eyes and sighed察and all of the air whooshed out of him。
 But they made sure anyway察and with one last effort dragged him over the edge into space。 His body pin´wheeled down the face of the cliff察bounding from one projection to the next察all the way to the bottom。
 Harry uncovered Zek's head察said察 He's finished ´Dolgikh察I mean。;
 ;I know察─she answered with a half´sob。 ;I read it in your mind。 And Harry察it's cold in there 。 。
 He gave a grim nod。
 Haarrry拭A distant voice came to him as he released her´one that only he and the dead could hear´one he knew and had thought never to hear again。 Do you hear me察Haarrry
 1 hear you察Faethor of the Wamphyri察he answered。 What is it you want
 Noooo´it's what you want察Haarrry。 You want Ivan Gerenko dead。 Well察now I give you his life。
 Harry was puzzled。 I haven't asked any favours of you察not this time。
 But they did。 Faethor's voice was a grim chuckle。 The dead
 Now Felix Krakovitch spoke up from the bottom of the gorge此I asked him to help察Harry。 I knew you couldn't kill Gerenko察no more than we can。 Not directly。 But indirectly。 。
 I don't understand。 Harry shook his head。
 Then look up at the ridge there察over the ledge察said Faethor。
 Harry looked。 Silhouetted against the dying day察a straggling line of scarecrow figures stood silent on the high察precarious ridge。 They were fretted察skeletal察crumbling´but they stood there and awaited the Old Ferengi's mand。 My ever faithful察my Szgany said Faethor察that once´mightiest of all the Wamphyri。 They have been ing here for centuries´ing here察waiting for me察dying and being buried here´but I never returned。 Over them察whose blood is my blood察my power is as great as yours is over the moner dead察Harry Keogh。 And so I have called them up。
 But why拭Harry demanded。 You owe me nothing now察Faethor。
 I loved these lands察the vampire answered。 Perhaps you cannot understand that察but if I ever loved it was this land察this place。 Thibor could tell you how much I loved it。
 Now Harry understood。 Gerenko。。。 invaded your territory
 The vampire's growl was deep and merciless。 He sent a man here who was responsible for reducing my house to dust My last vestige on earth And now there is nothing to show that I ever existed at all How then shall I reward him拭Ahhh But how did I reward Thibor
 Harry saw what was ing。 You buried Thibor察he answered。
 So be it cried Faethor。 And he gave the Szgany on the ridge his final mand´that they throw themselves down
 Half´way along the ledge察Ivan Gerenko heard the clattering of ancient察leather´clad bones and fearfully looked up。 Down from that high place they fell察breaking up as they came察skulls and scraps of bone and

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