贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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; conjuring visions of herself in die shape of any animal she wished。 Then she frowned。
 〃I have no lir。〃
 You wed none。 Stoir told her… That is what the Old Blood means。。。 freedom to speak with all lir and assume any shape。
 〃By me gods!〃 she whispered。 〃How is it possible?〃
 Others have also asked that; Storr said; sounding suspiciously like Finn。 But they have not been the get of the gods。
 She slanted him a sharp glance。 〃No one else in the clan can do this?〃
 No。 It is a thing long lost to us。 for the Cheysuli have taken Homanan women to increase their numbers。 It has weakened the gifts。 Storr paused。 It is for you to bring the Old Blood back。
 〃We begin again;〃 she said suspiciously。 〃You have said this before。〃
 That does not make it less true; Cai mented。
 She craned her head to stare up at the hawk。 〃Then teach me;〃 she said。 〃Show me what it is to shapechange。〃
 First you must decide which of us to bond with。
 She considered it。 〃Flight must be difficult。 Perhaps it would
 be better if I remained earthbound; this first time。*'
 You are wise; Uren。 My Ur near broke his arm his first time in the air。
 Alix; struck by a vision of Duncan having difficulties; laughed aloud and nodded。 〃Then I will be a wolf。〃
 Stoir approved。 Then listen; Uren。 He paused。 Your sight; while good; has bee secondary to your ability to smell。 Allow yourself to judge the world by scent; Uren。 The earth; trees; insects; worms; birds; leaves; pollen; breezes。 And more。 Do not depend solely on mere sight; for if can fail。 Think with your nose。
 She concentrated; closing her eyes and dying to separate individual scents。
 Now you must feel the damp earth beneath your paws; mud clinging to your claws。 Be wary of sharp stows that can trap themselves between your pads; and thorns that pierce the tender webbing between toes。
 Alix put her hands to the moldy; leafy ground and felt me dampness。
 Winter is ing。 Your coal must be thick and warm。 A heavy layer of fat forms beneath your skin; thickening your undercoat。 It itches; but you know it will mean added warmth in the coldest season。 Your tail grows bushier; more luxuriant; and you are lovely; Uren。
 She was。
 You nave the endurance to travel many leagues in a single day; without food and little wafer。 Your sinews and nerves are strongly knit and your heart is large。 You are young and strong and joyous in Ufe。
 Alix fete warm blood pulsing through her veins; felt the vi…brancy and exhilaration of youth。 She opened her eyes and met Storr's on a level; realizing she knelt in me leaves like any four…footed creature。
 The world spun。 It picked her up like a leaf on a whirlwind and turned her upside down。
 AKx put a band out toward Storr; silently asking his help; but she saw only a padded; furred paw with black nails。
 She cried out; and heard her voice echoing in the woods like tie howl of a lonely wolf。
 Disorientation took her。 Dizzily she clasped her head in her hands; conscious they were human once more。
 〃Stoir she said weakly。
  A was too fast; Urw。 You must not fear the shapechange。 You ^…'。cannot harm yourself in Ur…shape; but it is not wise to shift too  auickty。 The mind cannot adjust。
  Stowly her stomach settled itself。 Her eyes saw clearly again … id the ache in her head died to nothingness。 She smiled wearily;。 triumphantly; and looked into the wolfs wise eyes。 〃I have done it。〃 it will be better; after this。
 Perhaps; Cai said gently; you will amaze even my lir。
 Chapter Six
 Alix sat hunched on the broken stump of a felled tree; toes
 digging through die velvet of her court slippers into the soft
 ' ground。 The slippers were torn and stained; nearly useless; for
 ' they had been made for Shame's palace and not the wikmess of a
 Cheysuli Keep。 Her ruined gown had been changed for a woolen
 dress of palest orange; her ragged hair trimmed so that it did not
 。 straggle so much; but she had returned the slippers to recall her brief moment of glory。
 The glory had gone。 Only in her dreams did she recall me
 ; richness of Homana…Mujhar and the fine glittering city surround…
 Ng its rose…colored walls。 Her days left her no time to think; for
 the hours were filled with Raissa's words as she taught Alix the
 customs she must know。 Her hands were never still; she needs
 must learn how to weave a tapestry; how to tend two fires at
 ooce。 how to cook Cheysuli dishes。。。 and how to prepare
 herself to take a cheysul。 The shar tahi had yet to see her
 ' personally but Raissa said there was no need; the man spent his
 〃 time researching the birth lines to trace her history and ancestors ao mat BO one could question her birth。
 They bind me。。。 she thought。 They seek to bind me tightly within the coils of their prophecy; so I have no choice but to do as they wish。
 Alix smoothed die soft wool over her knees; fingering me nap。
 She had been shocked to find the skill so evident in Cheysuli
 craftsmanship。 She had grown up believing them little better than
 1; barbarians without the niceties of Homanan culture and crafts; but five days with the clan had already altered her perceptions。
 Their fabrics were close…woven and fine; dyed muted dudes of every cotor and often beaded with semi…precious stones or bright…ened with gleaming metals。
 And the jewelry。。。 Alix realized even the finest of Mujhara's goldsmiths could not match me skill of Cheysuli craftsmanship。 The warriors wore thick fir…bands on their arms and a single earring; but their talents stretched farther than that。 Already Alix had seen small casks filled with delicate ornaments fit to bedeck any king or queen。
 A strange thing。。。 she thought; that a race so dedicated to war can also make such delicate; beautiful things。
 The hands came over her shoulders and rested mere; one thumb caressing her neck。 The intimacy of the touch brought home all the longing she felt for Duncan; for he had not seen her except in passing。 Alix lowered her bead and stared blindly at me leaf…carpeted ground; wishing Duncan would not play with her emotions so。
 〃I have missed you;〃 he said。
 Alix stiffened and spun out from under the hands; leaping up and stumbling away。 Finn's hands slowly dropped back to his sides。
 Her breath came harshly; whistling through her constricted throat。 One hand spread across her neck; guarding it; the other tangled itself in her skirts。
 〃What is it you want of me?〃 she asked。
 Finn's lips twitched。 〃That; I think; you know already。〃
 Alix lowered her hand and stood stiffly before him。 〃Why have you e?〃
 *To speak with you。〃 He sat down on her deserted stump and stretched out his legs。 Thigh muscles bunched and rolled beneath me snug fit of his learner leggings。 His face still bore the thread of pinkish scar tissue over one black eyebrow。
 〃What would you and I have to speak about?*'
 〃You and I;〃 he said quietly。
 Alix frowned at him。 **I do not understand。〃
 Finn sighed and gestured。 〃I will not leap on you; meijha; I promise。 But I cannot speak to you if you persist in being so frightened of me。 Your eyes are like those of a doe when facing … hunter。〃 He smiled。 〃Sit; if you will。〃
 Alix hesitated; still defiant before him; but she was caught by the lightness in his tone。 He had shed the ironic mocking she hated so much。 Carefully she sealed down in the leaves and spread her skirts around her folded legs。
 〃Council has been called for this night。〃
 She felt blood leave her face。 〃Council。。。〃
 〃At sunset。〃
 〃What is the subject of it?〃
 〃AH manner of things; many of which concern you。〃
 Alix bit at her lip。 〃I thought it might be that。〃
 〃I have e to save you some trouble。〃
 Her chin lifted。 〃You do not save trouble; Finn; you make it。〃
 He had me grace to color。 〃For you。。。 perhaps I did。 I admit it。〃 He smiled crookedly。 〃But admitting is not an apology; and I will never apologize for following my judgment。〃
 Alix stared at him; growing more baffled by me moment。
 〃Finn; you had best be plain with me。〃
 He nulled his legs in and sat upright on the stump。 〃You did
 not conceive Ч 〃
 Heat coursed through her face as she went rigid。 〃What do you know of it?〃
 His eyes were amused; 

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