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The croft…giri was gone as she stood before me Mujhar of
Homana; and she wondered if that gyri would ever return to her。
Carillon; standing next to her in me huge audience hall; radiated pride and confidence。 But Shaine dominated the hall with inborn power and strength of will。
〃My lord;〃 Carillon said quietly; 〃this is Alix。 Lindir's daughter。〃
The Mujhar stood on a low marble dais mat spread me entire
width of me hall。 Behind him; raised on grasping lion's claws;
。 stood a carved throne banded with bronze and silver; cushioned
1 in silks and velvets。 Etched deeply within the throne was scroll…
work of gold paint; and the wood gleamed with polishing。 The
geent of beeswax and power hung in the air。 Shaine himself wore black and gold; and the harsh pride of an arrogant man。
His gray eyes narrowed at Carillon's announcement。 Alix stared at him; concentrating on the fact he was her grandsire and oot Homaoa's king。 It did not help。
A wide circlet of emeralds and diamonds set in gold banded
his brow; smoothing his silvering dark hair。 He was bearded; but
it did not tude the determination of his jaw or the tight line of his
There is HO forgiveness in this man。。。 Alix realized。
Accordingly; die lifted her head proudly and finned her own mouth。 Carillon stepped away from her; renouncing his right to speak for her; but it did not dusturb her。 She was beyond fear or reticence and let die instincts she had only sensed rule her actions。 Her defiance flashed across the Great Hall to strike Shaine like a blow。
〃I see nothing of Lindir in you;〃 the Mujhar said quietly。 **I see only a shapechanger's stamp。〃
〃What does it tell you; my lord?〃
He stared at her; face taut and remote。 〃It tells me you have
no place here。 It speaks to me of treachery and sorcery; and a
Cheysuli curse。'*
〃But you admit it is true I might be Lindir's child。〃
A flicker shadowed me gray eyes a moment。 Alix could sense Shaine's consideration of rejecting her outright; but she knew his pride too well for that。 He would not quail before acknowledging his wish to rid himself of a halfling child; even at birth。
〃Carillon says you are that child;〃 he said finally。 〃Also that Torrin had the raising of you。 So you may call yourself Undir's child if you wish+it does you no good。 I will not acknowledge you。〃
〃1 did not e expecting acknowledgment。〃
His dark brows rose。 〃You did not? I find mat difficult to believe。〃
Alix kept her hands away from roe golden girdle with effort; fighting down her nervousness。 〃I came because I wished to see the man who could cast out a child and curse an entire race。 I came to see the man who began the qu'mahlin。〃
〃Use no shapechanger words to me; girl。 I will not have it in this place。〃
〃Once you weled them。〃
His gray eyes burned with inward rage。 〃I was deceived。
Their sorcery is strong。 But I will take retribution for it。〃
Alix lifted her head in a reflection of his arrogance。 〃Is what Lindir did worth the destruction of an entire race; my lord? Do you seek to be no better than Bellam of Sofinde; who wants only to humble this land?〃
Carillon drew a quick breath of dismay but she paid it no heed。 She held Shame's eyes with her own and felt the power in me man。 She began to wonder; deep within her soul; if she had not her own measure of it。
〃You are Cheysuli;〃 the Mujhar said harshly。 〃You are subject to death。。。 like all of them。〃
〃You would have me slain; then?〃
〃Cheysuli are under penalty of death。〃
Carillon moved closer to her。 〃What Lindir did was long ago; and best forgotten。 You cast Alix away once。 Do not do it again。〃
〃You have no place in this; Carillon!〃 Shaine lashed。 〃Take yourself from this hall。〃
〃Do as I bid。〃
〃No; my lord。〃
Shaine glared at him; hands knotting on his gold belt。 〃The Cheysuli took you prisoner and set a wolf on you。 This gyri is one of mem。 How can you defy me like this?〃
〃Alix is my cousin; my lord。 Bloodkin。 I will not see her
treated so; even by you;〃
The Mujhar's breath hissed through his teeth as he stepped wrathfully from the dais。 He stood before the empty firepit running the length of the hall。
〃You do not speak to me so! I am your liege lord。 Carillon; and I have made you my heir。 Am I to believe the shapechangers have used sorcery on you; to win you to their side? Must I disinherit you?〃
Alix looked sharply at Carillon and saw his face go bloodless; jaw clenched as tightly as Shaine's。
〃You may do as you will; my lord; but it seems futile to disinherit the only possible heir to Homana's throne。 Did you not live through too many empty years in hopes of getting one before?〃
〃You have made me your heir;〃 he said steadily。 〃But it does not take my humanity from me。〃
〃Get yourself from this hall!〃
% Alix stepped forward。 〃So you may deal with me alone? So
J… you may have me taken from this place and slain on me altar of
H your pride?〃
Shaine's face blanched white。 〃You do not speak freely in this
hall; shapechanger witch! You will do as I bid you!〃
Alix opened her mourn to answer but a sudden chiming tone
within her mind banished the words。 Stunned; she stared blindly
at the Mujhar。 Cai's gentle tone wove its familiar pattern in her
/ am here。 liren。 Should the man grow too full of himself; we
shall show him something; you and I。
Coi! she cried silently;
/ am here for you; Uren。 This petty lord cannot harm you。
Alix began to smile。 〃Cai。〃
Carillon stiffened。 〃Alix; what do you say?〃
She ignored him。 She looked steadily at die Mujhar and spoke
softly; with renewed confidence。 A sense of power and resolve
was growing within her。
〃My lord; you rule here through the sufferance of the Cheysuli。
You owe them more than you will admit。〃
〃I will drive them from this land!〃 he roared; face congesting。
〃They arc demons! Sorcerers! Servitors of the dark gods。。。 no better than me Dilini。 I will see they are destroyed!〃
〃And you will destroy roe very heart of Homana!〃 she shouted。
〃Foolish man+you do not deserve to be king of an honorable
He raised his hand to her; stepping forward。 Alix; unflinching; stood before him; but before me blow could fall she felt a flaring of power within her mind。 It reached out; seeking; and the magnificent hawk answered it。
The velvet arras hanging at a narrow casement rippled and billowed aside asihelir winged into die hall。 His passage set die candles guttering; throwing eerie shadows against the stone walls。
Many of the tapers winked out; plunging the hall into flickering
relief。 Wall sconces flared and smoked as his wingspan flurried
Shaine turned as he felt the beat in me wind。 His raised band fell to his side as he stared speechlessly at the hawk。 A garbled sound broke from this throat as Cai whipped a slash of air across his face。
The bird of prey circled me lofty hammer…beamed hau gracefully;
eloquently powerful。 Alix felt a welling of pride so sharp it hurt。 As she watched him she began to understand the magic of her blood; and to understand what it was to be Cheysuli。
They have not lied。。。 she whispered silently。 They have said the truth+that it is better to he part of an accursed race with a god…gift in the blood; than to be a Uriess Homanan。
Cm circled and flew toward mem again; dark eyes brightened by me flames of the sconces and candleracks。 He slowed; stall…ing with broad wings; and settled himself upon the back of the throne。 He mantled once; then perched in perfect silence on the dark lion throne of Homana。
There; Uren; have we made the man take notice?
Alix laughed joyously within her mind; weling her god…gift; and felt me hawk's approval。
Shaine stumbled away from her; but neither did he go near me
throne with its hawk headpiece。 The Mujhar's hand raised and pointed at the bird。
〃Is this your doing? Do you summon the familiars of demons?〃
〃He is a lir; my lord;〃 she said evenly。 〃Surely you recall them。 Hale had one; did be not?〃
〃Go from here!〃 Shaine cried hoarsely。 〃Leave this place! I will not suffer a Cheysuli within Homana…Mujhar!〃
〃Willingly; my lord gra