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小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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to his lord。〃
 Alix; slumped wearily in the saddle; nodded。 〃My father+〃 She broke off; then continued in a subtly altered tone。 〃Torrin has ever been a man of deepness and dark silences。 I begin to see why; I think。〃
 〃If the story is true; he has carried a burden on his soul for many years。〃
 Alix straightened as the whitewashed door of the croft squeaked open。 Torrin came out and stood staring as Carillon took the horse in to him。
 〃By me gods。。;〃 Torrin said hoarsely; 〃I thought you taken by beasts; Alix。〃
 She; seeing him through different eyes; marked the seams of age in his worn face and the dunning of his graying hair cropped close against his head。 His hands; once so powerful; had callused and gnarled with crofter's work over the years; so different from an arms…master's craft。 Even his broad shoulders had shrunk; falling in as if the weight of me realm rested on mem。
 What manner of man was he before he took me from the Mujhar? she wondered。 What has this burden done to him?
 Alix slid free of the horse as Carillon halted him。 standing straight and tall before the man she had called father all her life。 Then she put out her hand。 palm up; and spread her fingers。
 〃Know you what this is?〃 she asked softly。
 Torrin stared transfixed at her hand。 Color leached from his
 weatber…bumed face until he resembled little more than a dead man with glistening eyes。
 〃Alix。。。〃 he said gently。 〃Alix; I could not tell you。 I feared to lose you to them。〃
 〃But I have e back。〃 she said。 〃I have been with mem; and I have e back。〃
 He aged before her eyes。 〃I could not tell you。〃
 Carillon stepped off his horse and walked slowly forward; skin stretched taut across the bones of his face。 〃Then it is true; this shapechanger tale。 Lindir went willingly; forsaking the betrothal because of Shaine's liege man。〃
 Tomn sighed and ran a gnarled hand through his hair。 〃It was a long time ago。 I have put much of it away。 But I see you must know it; now。〃 He smiled a little。 〃My lord prince; when last I saw you; you were but a year old。 It is hard to believe that squalling infant has bee a man。〃
 Alix stepped up to Torrin and took one of his hands in hers。
 She felt the weariness and resignation in his body。
 〃I will go to my grandsire;〃 she said softly。 〃But first I will hear the truth of my begetting。〃
 Torrin led them inside and gestured for Carillon to seat him…self at a rectangular slab table of scarred wood。 Alix paced the room like a fretful dog; seeking security in the familiarity she had ever known。
 Finally; knowing it eluded her; she stopped before the fire…place and faced Torrin。 〃Tell me。 I would know it all。〃
 He nodded; pouring a cup of thin wine for Carillon and another for himself。 Then he sat down on a stool and stared fixedly at me beaten dirt floor。
 〃Lindir refused Ellic of Solinde from the very first。 She would not be marriage bait; she said; to be given to Ellic like a tame puppy。 Shame was furious and ordered her to do his bidding。 When she remained defiant; he said he would place her under guard and sent her to Lestra; Bellam's city。 Lindir was ever a determined woman; but she also recognized me strength in her father。 He would have done it。〃
 〃So she fled;〃 Atix said softly。
 〃Aye。〃 Torrin blew out a heavy breath。 〃Hale did not steal her。 That was a tale the Mujhar put out; to justify the affront to his pride。 Later; when Ellinda died and Lorsilla bore no living children; he decided it was a curse laid against his House by roe Cheysuli。 What Lindir did made him half…mad; I thought。 She had kept her secret well。 None knew of her feelings for Hate。〃
 〃He had a woman at the Keep;〃 Alix said。 〃Yet he left her for Lindir。〃
 Torrin looked at her steadily。 〃You will understand such tilings one day; Alix; when you have met me man you will have。 Lindir was the sort all men loved; but she would have no one; until Hale。〃 He shrugged。 〃She was eighteen; and more beauti…ful man anything I have ever seen。 Had she been born a boy+ with all her pride and strength+she would have made Shaine die finest heir a king could want。〃
 〃But she refused Ellic。〃
 Torrin snorted。 〃I did not say she was acquiescent。 Lindir had a way about her mat ensorcelled all men; even her father; until he would wed her to the Solindish heir。 Then she showed her own measure of the Mujhar's strength and stubbornness。〃
 Carillon sipped his wine; men set the cup down。 〃My uncle never speaks of it。 What I have beard has e from others。〃
 〃Aye;〃 Torrin agreed。 〃The Mujhar was a proud man。 Lin…dir defeated him。 Few men of so much pride will speak of such things。〃
 〃What happened?〃 Alix asked; hugging herself before the fire。
 〃The night of me betrothal; when all the lords of Solinde and Homana garnered in me Great Hall; Lindir walked out of Homana…Mujhar in the guise of a serving woman。 Hale went as a red fox; and no one knew either of them as they left the city。 He was not seen again。〃
 〃What of Lindir?〃 Carillon asked。
 Torrin sighed。 〃She disappeared。 Shaine sent troops after mem; of course; swearing Hale had stolen her for himself。 But neither was ever found; and within a year the Lady Ellinda was dead of a wasting disease。 Shaine's second wife; me Lady Lorsilla; was made barren when she lost the boy who would have been prince。 But I have told you that。 Shaine began Us purge the morning after the boy was born dead; and it has continued since。〃
 Alix shivered。 〃But。。。 Lindir came back;〃
 Torrin's hands clenched against his knees。 〃She came back eight years after Shaine began the purge。 Hale was dead and she herself was ill。 The Mujhar accepted her only because he needed an heir; and when Lindir died after bearing a gyri he would not accept it。 He said me purge would continue。 The Lady Lorsilla and myself pleaded with him not to have roe child left to die in the forests。 He said I could take roe girl; if I left his service and swore never to allow her in Mujhara。 I agreed。〃
 Alix stared at him。 〃You did all that for a halfung giri…child。。。〃
 He swallowed heavily。 〃Had Shaine cast you out; I could not have served him again。 Taking you was the best thing I have ever done。〃
 〃Then they are not demons?〃
 Torrin shook his head slowly。 〃The Cheysuli have never been demons。 They have arts we do not; and most of us fear them for it; but they do not use them for ill。〃
 〃Why did you allow me to believe they were?〃
 〃I never called them demons; Alix。 But neither could I tell you differently; or your own innocence in defending them would draw suspicion。 Had Shaine ever heard of you; he might have called you to him。 He might have rescinded his decision to let me keep you as my own。〃
 〃And Hate?〃 she asked softly。
 Torrin's head bowed。 〃Hale served his lord with a loyalty no other man could hope for。 It was Lindir who twisted that loyalty。
 Hale was a good man。 You have no need to fear the memory of
 your father。*'
 Alix went to him and knelt before him; placing soft hands over his hardened ones。 She put her forehead down on his knee。
 〃You will ever be my father!〃 she said brokenly。
 Torrin placed one hand on her bowed head。 〃You are my daughter; Alix。 If your blood begins to show you another way; I understand it。 There is magic in a Cheysuli soul。〃 He sighed and smoothed her hair。 〃But you will be my daughter as long as I live。〃
 〃I will never leave you!〃
 He cradled her head; lifting it so she could see his face。 〃Alix; I think you must。 I served with the Cheysuli years before your birth; I know their strength and dedication and their magnifi…cent honor。 They did not ask for this qu'mahlin。 But they realize it is a part of their tahinwrra。〃
 〃You speak of that!〃
 He smiled sadly。 〃I have reared a Cheysuli girl…child in my house; and in my heart。 How could I not?〃
 A chilling sensation rippled through her body。 〃Then you knew。。。 one day。。。〃
 〃I have ever known。〃 He leaned forward and kissed her brow softly。 〃A Cheysuli can never deny his tahinwrra。 To do so angers the gods。〃
 〃I did not want this;〃 she said dully。
 Torrin removed his hands and sat back from her as if to
 illustrate the sacrifice he made。 〃Go with the prince。 Alix。 I
 would keep you; if I could; but it is no

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