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小说: alistairmaclean.seawitch 字数: 每页4000字

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rther suppose that Nation B es along and starts drilling thirty miles outside those limits。 Then let us suppose that Nation A makes a unilateral decision to extend its offshore limits to a hundred and fifty miles…and don't forget that Peru has claimed two hundred miles as its limits: the subsequent possibilities are too awesome to contemplate。
 〃Alas; not all are gentlemen。 The chairman of the North Hudson Oil pany; Lord Worth; and his entire pestiferous board of directors would have been the first to vehemently deny any suggestion that they were gentlemen; a fact held in almost universal acceptance by their petitors in oil。 They would also have denied equally vehemently that they were criminals; a fact that may or may not have been true; but it most certainly is not true now。
 〃He has; in short; mitted two of what should be indictable offenses。 'Should;' I say。 The first is unprovable; the second; although an of…fense in moral terms; is not; as yet; strictly illegal。
 〃The facts of the first…and what I consider much the minor offense…concerns the building of Lord Worth's TLP in Houston。 It is no secret in the industry that the plans were stolen…those for the platform from the Mobil Oil pany; those for the legs and anchoring systems from the Chevron Oilfield Research pany。 But; as I say; unprovable。 It is monplace for new inventions and developments to occur at two or more places simultaneously; and he can always claim that his design team; working in secret; beat the others to the punch。〃
 Benson was perfectly correct。 In the design of the Seawitch Lord Worth had adopted shortcuts which the narrow…minded could have regarded as unscrupulous; if not illegal。 Like all oil panies; North Hudson had its own design team。 They were all cronies of Lord Worth; employed solely for tax…deduction purposes; their bined talents would have been incapable of designing a rowboat。
 This did not worry Lord Worth。 He had no need for a design team。 He was a vastly wealthy man; had powerful friends…none of them; needless to say; among the oil panies…and was a master of industrial espionage。 With these resources at his disposal; he found little trouble in obtaining those two secret advance plans; which he passed on to a firm of highly petent marine designers; whose exorbitant fees were matched only by then1 extreme discretion。 The designers found little difficulty in marrying the two sets of plans; adding just sufficient modifications and improvements to discourage those with a penchant for patent…rights litigation。
 Benson went on: 〃But what really worries me; and what should worry all you gentlemen here; is Lord Worth's violation of the tacit agreement never to indulge in drilling in international waters。〃 He paused; deliberately for effect; and looked slowly at each of the other nine in turn。 〃I say in all seriousness; gentlemen; that Lord Worth's foolhardiness and greed may well prove to be the spark that triggers a third world war。 Apart from protecting our own interests; I maintain that for the good of mankind…and I speak from no motive of spurious self…justification…if the governments of the world do not intervene; then it is imperative that we should。 As the governments show no sign of intervention; then I suggest that the burden lies upon us。 This madman must be stopped。 I think you gentlemen would agree that only we realize the full implications of all of this and that only we have the technical expertise to stop him。〃
 There were murmurs of approval from around the room。 A sincere and disinterested concern for the good of mankind was a much more morally justifiable reason for action than the protection of one's own selfish interest。 Patinos; the man from Venezuela; looked at Benson with a smile of mild cynicism on his face。 The smile signified nothing。 Patinos; a sincere and devout Catholic; wore the same expression when he passed through the doors of his church。
 〃You seem very sure of this; Mr。 Benson?〃
 〃Tve given quite some thought to it。〃
 Borosoff said: 〃And just how do you propose to stop this madman; Mr。 Benson?〃
 A'l don't know。〃
 〃You don't know?〃 One of the others at the table lifted his eyebrows a millimeter…for him a sign of plete disapproval。 〃Then why did you summon us all this distance?〃
 〃I didn't summon you。 I asked you。 I asked you to approve whatever course of action we might take。〃
 'This course of action being…〃
 〃Again; I don't know。〃
 The eyebrows returned to normal。 A twitch of the man's lip showed that he was contemplating smiling。
 〃This…ah…third party?〃
 〃He has a name?〃
 〃Cronkite。 John Cronkite。〃
 A hush descended upon the pany。 Them open objections had turned into pensive hesitation which in turn gave way to a nodding acceptance。 Benson apart; no one there had ever met Cronkite; but his name was a household word to all of them。 In the oil business that name had long been a legend; although at times a far from savory one。 They all knew that any of them might require his inparable services at any time; while at the same time hoping that that day would never e。
 When it came to the capping of blazing gushers; Cronkite was without peer。 Wherever in the world a gusher blew fire no one even considered putting it out themselves; they just sent for Cronkite。 To wincing observers his modus operandi seemed nothing short of Draconian; but Cronkite would blasphemously brook no interference。 Despite the extortionate fees he charged; it was more mon than not for a four…engined jet to be put at his disposal to get him to the scene of the disaster as quickly as possible。 Cronkite always delivered。 He also knew all there was to know about the oil business。 And he was; hardly surprisingly; extremely tough and utterly ruthless。
 Henderson; who represented oil interests in Honduras; said: 〃Why should a man with his extraordinary qualifications; the world's number; one; as we all know; choose to engage himself in…ah…an enterprise of this nature? From his reputation I would hardly have thought that he was one to be concerned about the woes of suffering mankind。〃
 〃He isn't。 Money。 Cronkite es very high。 A fresh challenge…the man's a born adventurer。 But; basically; it's because he hates Lord Worth's guts。〃
 Henderson said: 〃Not an unmon sentiment; it seems。 Why?〃
 〃Lord Worth sent his own private Boeing for him to e cap a blazing gusher in the Middle East。 By the time Cronkite arrived; Lord Worth's own men had capped it。 This; alone; Cronkite regarded as a mortal insult。 He then made the mistake of demanding the full fee for his services。 Lord Worth has a reputation for notorious Scottish meanness; which; while an insult to the Scots; is more than justified in his case。 He refused; and said that he would pay him for his time; no more。 Cronkite then pounded his error by taking him to court。 With the kind of lawyers Lord Worth can afford; Cronkite never had a chance。 Not only did he lose but he had to pay the costs。〃
 〃Which wouldn't be low?〃 Henderson said。
 〃Medium…high to massive。 I don't know。 All J know is that Cronkite has done quite a bit of brooding about it ever since。〃
 〃Such a man would not have to be sworn to secrecy?〃
 〃A man can swear a hundred different oaths and break them all。 Besides; because of the exorbitant fees Cronkite charges; his feelings toward Lord Worth and the fact that he might just have to step outside the law; his silence is ensured。〃
 It was the turn of another of those grouped round the table to raise his eyebrows。 〃Outside the law? We cannot risk being involved…〃
 〃 'Might;' I said。 For us; the element of risk does not exist。〃
 〃May we see this man?〃 Benson nodded; rose; went to a door and admitted Cronkite。
 Cronkite was a Texan。 In height; build and cragginess of features he bore a remarkable resemblance to John Wayne。 Unlike Wayne; he never smiled。 His face was of a peculiarly yellow plexion; typical of those who have had an overdose of antimalarial tablets; which was just what had happened to Cronkite。 Mepacrine does not make for a peaches…and…cream plexion… not that Cronkite's had ever remotely resembled that。 He was newly returned from Indonesia; where he had inevitably maintained his 100 percent record。
 〃Mr。 Cronkite;〃 B

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