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小说: tw.togreenangeltower2 字数: 每页4000字

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es between scorched; crumbling buildings and through winter…blasted gardens…places where Eolair had once walked on warm evenings with ladies of Josua's court。
       The dwindling army of Norns defended the stolen citadel with a kind of heedless madness: Count Eolair had seen one of them shove forward against a sword rammed through his chest; working his way up the blade to kill the mortal that clutched the hilt before dying in a coughing spray of red。
       Most of the giants had also died; but each one exacted a horrible toll of men and Sithi before it fell。 Dreaming; remembering; Eolair was again forced to watch one of the huge brutes grab Ule Frekkeson; one of the few Rimmersmen who had acpanied the war party out of Hernysadharc; then swing him around and dash his brains out against a wall as easily as a man might kill a cat。 As a trio of Sithi surrounded him; the Hune contemptuously shook the almost headless corpse at them; showering them with gore。 The hairy giant then used Ule's body as a club; killing one of the Sithi with it before the spears of the other two punched into the monster's heart。
       Squirming in the dream's unshakable grasp; Eolair helplessly watched dead Ule used as a weapon; smashed left and right until his body began to e apart。。。。
       He woke quivering; head throbbing as though it might burst。 He pressed his hands against his temples and squeezed; trying to relieve the pressure。 How could a man see such things and keep his reason?
       A hand touched his wrist。
       Terrified; Eolair gasped and flung himself to one side; scrabbling for his sword。 A tall shadow loomed in the doorway of his tent。
       〃Peace; Count Eolair;〃 said Jiriki。 〃I am sorry I startled you。 1 called from outside the door。 but I thought you must be asleep since you did not reply。 Please forgive my intrusion。〃
       Eolair was relieved; but angry and embarrassed。 〃What do you want?〃
       〃Forgive me; please。 I came because it is important and time is short。〃
       The count shook his head and took a slow breath。 〃What is it? Is something wrong?〃
       〃Likimeya asks that you e。 All will be explained。〃 He lifted the tent flap and stepped back outside。 〃Will you e? I will wait for you to dress。〃
       〃Yes 。。。 yes; certainly I will。〃
       The count felt a sort of muted pride。 Likimeya had sent her son for him; and since these days Jiriki seemed involved only in things of the first and most crucial order; the Sithi must indeed think it important that Eolair e。 A moment later bis pride turned to a gnawing of disquiet: could circumstances be so bad that they were searching for ideas or leadership from me master of two score terrified mortal warriors? He had been sure they were winning the siege。
       It took only a few moments to secure his sword belt and pull on his boots and fur…lined cloak。 He followed Jiriki across the foggy hillside; marveling that the footfalls of the Sitha; who was as tall as Eolair and almost as broad; should only dimple the snow while his own boots dug deep gouges in the white crust。
       Eolair looked up to where Naglimund crouched on the hilltop like a huddled; wounded beast。 It was almost impossible to believe that it had once been a place where people danced and talked and loved。 Prince Josua's court had been thought by some rather grim…but; oh; how those who had mocked the prince would feel their mouths dry and their hearts flutter if they saw what grim truly meant。
       Jiriki led the count among the gossamer…thin tents of the Sithi; tents that gleamed against the snow as though they were half…soaked in moonlight。 Despite the hour; halfway between midnight and dawn; many of the Fair Folk were out; they stood in solemn clusters and stared at the sky or sat on the ground singing quietly。 None of them seemed at all bothered by the freezing wind that had Eolair clutching his hood close beneath his chin。 He hoped that Likimeya had a fire burning; if only out of consideration for the frailties of a mortal visitor。
       〃We have questions to ask you about this place you call Naglimund; Count Eolair。〃 There was more than a hint of mand in Likimeya's voice。
       Eolair turned from the blaze to face Jiriki; his mother; and tall; black…haired Kuroyi。 〃What can I tell you that I have not told you already?〃 The count felt a mild anger at the Sithi's confusing habits; but found it hard to hold that emotion in the presence of Likimeya's powerful; even gaze。 〃And is it not a little late to be asking; since the siege began a fortnight ago?〃
       〃It is not such things as the height of walls and the depth of wells that we need to know。〃 Jiriki sat down beside the count; the cloth of his thin shirt glinting。 〃You have already told us much that has helped us。〃
       〃You spent time in Naglimund when the mortal prince Josua ruled here。〃 Likimeya spoke briskly; as though impatient with her son's attempts at diplomacy。 〃Does it have secrets?〃
       〃Secrets?〃 Eolair shook his head。 〃Now I am pletely confounded。 What do you mean?〃
       〃This is not fair to the mortal。〃 Kuroyi spoke with an emotionless reserve that was extreme even for the Sithi。
       〃He deserves to know more。 If Zinjadu had lived; she could tell him。 Since I failed my old friend and she is now voyaging with the Ancestors; I will take her place as the lore…giver。〃 He turned to Likimeya。 〃If Year…Dancing House approves; of course。〃
       Likimeya made a wordless musical noise; then flicked her hand in permission。
       〃Jiriki i…Sa'onserei has told you something of the Road of Dreams; Count Eolair?〃 Kuroyi asked。
       〃Yes; he has told me a little。 Also; we Hernystiri still have many stories of the past and of your people。 There are those living among us who claim they can walk the Dream Road; just as you taught our ancestors to do。〃 He thought sourly of Maegwin's would…be mentor; the scryer Diawen: if some Hernystiri did still have that power; it had little to do with good sense or responsibility。
       〃Then 1 am sure he has spoken of the Witnesses; too…those objects that we use to make the journeying easier。〃 Kuroyi hesitated; then reached into his milk…white shirt and produced a round; translucent yellow object that caught the firelight like a globule of amber or a ball of melted glass。 〃This is one such…my own。〃 He let Eolair look for a moment; then tucked the thing away again。 〃Like most others; it is of no use in these strange times…the Dream Road is as impassable as a road of this world might be in a terrible blizzard。
       〃But there are other Witnesses; too: larger; more powerful objects that are not moveable; and are linked to the place where they are found。 Master Witnesses; they are called; for they can look upon many things and places。 You have seen one such。〃
       〃The Shard?〃
       Kuroyi nodded his head once。 〃In Mezutu'a; yes。 There were others; although most are now lost to time and earth…changes。 One lies beneath the castle of your enemy King Elias。〃
       〃Beneath the Hayholt?〃
       〃Yes。 The Pool of Three Depths is its name。 But it has been dry and voiceless for centuries。〃
       〃And this has something to do with Naglimund? Is there something of that sort here?〃
       Kuroyi smiled; a narrow; wintery smile; 〃We are not sure。〃
       〃I don't understand;〃 the count said。 〃How can you not be sure?〃
       The Sitha lifted his long…fingered hand。 〃Peace; Eolair of Nad Mullach。 Let me finish my tale。 By the standards of the Gardenborn it is quite short。〃
       Eolair shifted slightly; he was glad for the firelight; which disguised his flush of embarrassment。 How was it that among these folk he was as easily cowed as a child…as if all his years of statecraft had been forgotten? 〃My apologies。〃
       〃There have always been in Osten Ard certain places;〃 Kuroyi resumed; 〃which act much like Master Witnesses 。。。 but in which no Master Witness seems to be present。 That is; many of the effects are there…in fact; sometimes these places exhibit more powerful results than any Witness…but no object can be found which is responsible。 Since we first came to this land long ago; we have studied such places; thinking that they might answer questions we have about the Witnes

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