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see through them; to the black beyond。 That torch will burn out soon; he thought; and we are all alone; without food or friends or fire。
But that was wrong。 They weren't alone at all。
The lower branches of the great green sentinel shed their burden of snow with a soft wet plop。 Grenn spun; thrusting out his torch。 〃Who goes there?〃 A horse's head emerged from the darkness。 Sam felt a moment's relief; until he saw the horse。 Hoarfrost covered it like a sheen of frozen sweat; and a nest of stiff black entrails dragged from its open belly。 On its back was a rider pale as ice。 Sam made a whimpery sound deep in his throat。 He was so scared he might have pissed himself all over again; but the cold was in him; a cold so savage that his bladder felt frozen solid。 The Other slid gracefully from the saddle to stand upon the snow。 Sword…slim it was; and milky white。 Its armor rippled and shifted as it moved; and its feet did not break the crust of the new…fallen snow。
Small Paul unslung the long…hafted axe strapped across his back。 〃Why'd you hurt that horse? That was Mawney's horse。〃
Sam groped for the hilt of his sword; but the scabbard was empty。 He had lost it on the Fist; he remembered too late。
〃Get away!〃 Grenn took a step; thrusting the torch out before him。 〃Away; or you burn。〃 He poked at it with the flames。
The Other's sword gleamed with a faint blue glow。 it moved toward Grenn; lightning quick; slashing。 When the ice blue blade brushed the flames; a screech stabbed Sam's ears sharp as a needle。 The head of the torch tumbled sideways to vanish beneath a deep drift of snow; the fire snuffed out at once。 And all Grenn held was a short wooden stick。 He flung it at the Other; cursing; as Small Paul charged in with his axe。
The fear that filled Sam then was worse than any fear he had ever felt before; and Samwell Tarly knew every kind of fear。 〃Mother have mercy;〃 he wept; forgetting the old gods in his terror。 〃Father protect me; oh oh 。 。 。 〃 His fingers found his dagger and he filled his hand with that。
The wights had been slow clumsy things; but the Other was light as snow on the wind。 it slid away from Paul's axe; armor rippling; and its crystal sword twisted and spun and slipped between the iron rings of Paul's mail; through leather and wool and bone and flesh。 It came out his back with a hissssssssssss and Sam heard Paul say; 〃Oh;〃 as he lost the axe。 Impaled; his blood smoking around the sword; the big man tried to reach his killer with his hands and almost had before he fell。 The weight of him tore the strange pale sword from the Other's grip。
Do it now Stop crying and fight; you baby。 Fight; craven。 It was his father he heard; it was Alliser Thorne; it was his brother Dickon and the boy Rast。 Craven; craven; craven。 He giggled hysterically; wondering if they would make a wight of him; a huge fat white wight always tripping over its own dead feet。 Do it; Sam。 Was that Jon; now? Jon was dead。 You can do it; you can; just do it。 And then he was stumbling forward; falling more than running; really; closing his eyes and shoving the dagger blindly out before him with both hands。 He heard a crack; like the sound ice makes when it breaks beneath a man's foot; and then a screech so shrill and sharp that he went staggering backward with his hands over his muffled ears; and fell hard on his arse。
When he opened his eyes the Other's armor was running down its legs in rivulets as pale blue blood hissed and steamed around the black dragonglass dagger in its throat。 It reached down with two bone…white hands to pull out the knife; but where its fingers touched the obsidian they smoked。
Sam rolled onto his side; eyes wide as the Other shrank and puddled; dissolving away。 In twenty heartbeats its flesh was gone; swirling away in a fine white mist。 Beneath were bones like milkglass; pale and shiny; and they were melting too。 Finally only the dragonglass dagger remained; wreathed in steam as if it were alive and sweating。 Grenn bent to scoop it up and flung it down again at once。 〃Mother; that's cold。〃
〃Obsidian。〃 Sam struggled to his knees。 〃Dragonglass; they call it。 Dragonglass。 Dragon glass。〃 He giggled; and cried; and doubled over to heave his courage out onto the snow。
Grenn pulled Sam to his feet; checked Small Paul for a pulse and closed his eyes; then snatched up the dagger again。 This time he was able to hold it。
〃You keep it;〃 Sam said。 〃You're not craven like me。〃
〃So craven you killed an Other。〃 Grenn pointed with the knife。 〃Look there; through the trees。 Pink light。 Dawn; Sam。 Dawn。 That must be east。 If we head that way; we should catch Mormont。〃
〃If you say。〃 Sam kicked his left foot against a tree; to knock off all the snow。 Then the right。 〃I'll try。〃 Grimacing; he took a step。 〃I'll try hard。〃 And then another。
Lord Tywin's chain of hands made a golden glitter against the deep wine velvet of his tunic。 The Lords Tyrell; Redwyne; and Rowan gathered round him as he entered。 He greeted each in turn; spoke a quiet word to Varys; kissed the High Septon's ring and Cersei's cheek; clasped the hand of Grand Maester Pycelle; and seated himself in the king's place at the head of the long table; between his daughter and his brother。
Tyrion had claimed Pycelle's old place at the foot; propped up by cushions so he could gaze down the length of the table。 Dispossessed; Pycelle had moved up next to Cersei; about as far from the dwarf as he could get without claiming the king's seat。 The Grand Maester was a shambling skeleton; leaning heavily on a twisted cane and shaking as he walked; a few white hairs sprouting from his long chicken's neck in place of his once…luxuriant white beard。 Tyrion gazed at him without remorse。
The others had to scramble for seats: Lord Mace Tyrell; a heavy; robust man with curling brown hair and a spadeshaped beard well salted with white; Paxter Redwyne of the Arbor; stoop…shouldered and thin; his bald head fringed by tufts of orange hair; Mathis Rowan; Lord of Goldengrove; clean…shaven; stout; and sweating; the High Septon; a frail man with wispy white chin hair。 Too many strange faces; Tyrion thought; too many new players。 The game changed while I lay rotting in my bed; and no one will tell me the rules。
Oh; the lords had been courteous enough; though he could tell how unfortable it made them to look at him。 〃That chain of yours; that was cunning;〃 Mace Tyrell had said in a jolly tone; and Lord Redwyne nodded and said; 〃Quite so; quite so; my lord of Highgarden speaks for all of us;〃 and very cheerfully too。
Tell it to the people of this city; Tyrion thought bitterly。 Tell it to the bloody singers; with their songs of Renly's ghost。
His uncle Kevan had been the warmest; going so far as to kiss his cheek and say; 〃Lancel has told me how brave you were; Tyrion。 He speaks very highly of you。〃
He'd better; or I'll have a few things to say of him。 He made himself smile and say; 〃My good cousin is too kind。 His wound is healing; I trust?〃
Ser Kevan frowned。 〃One day he seems stronger; the next 。 。 。 it is worrisome。 Your sister often visits his sickbed; to lift his spirits and pray for him。〃
But is she praying that he lives; or dies? Cersei had made shameless use of their cousin; both in and out of bed; a little secret she no doubt hoped Lancel would carry to his grave now that Father was here and she no longer had need of him。 Would she go so far as to murder him; though? To look at her today; you would never suspect Cersei was capable of such ruthlessness。 She was all charm; flirting with Lord Tyrell as they spoke of Joffrey's wedding feast; plimenting Lord Redwyne on the valor of his twins; softening gruff Lord Rowan with jests and smiles; making pious noises at the High Septon。 〃Shall we begin with the wedding arrangements?〃 she asked as Lord Tywin took his seat。
〃No;〃 their father said。 〃With the war。 Varys。〃
The eunuch smiled a silken smile。 〃I have such delicious tidings for you all; my lords。 Yesterday at dawn our brave Lord Randyll caught Robett Glover outside Duskendale and trapped him against the sea。 Losses were heavy on both sides; but in the end our loyal men prevailed。 Ser Helman Tallhart is repo