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小说: grrm.astormofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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be needing them here。〃
 Arya sheathed her sword and crossed the road to where her friends sat on their horses; keeping her distance from the three strangers。 〃Hot Pie; get those cabbages;〃 she said as she vaulted into her saddle。 〃And the carrots too。〃
 For once he did not argue。 They set off as she had wanted; walking their horses slowly down the rutted road a dozen paces behind the three on foot。 But before very long; somehow they were riding right on top of them。 Tom Sevenstrings; walked slowly; and liked to strum his woodharp as he went。 〃Do you know any songs?〃 he asked them。 〃I'd dearly love someone to sing with; that I would。 Lem can't carry a tune; and our longbow lad only knows marcher ballads; every one of them a hundred verses long。〃
 〃We sing real songs in the marches;〃 Anguy said mildly。
 〃Singing is stupid;〃 said Arya。 〃Singing makes noise。 We heard you a long way off。 We could have killed you。〃
 Tom's smile said he did not think so。 〃There are worse things than dying with a song on your lips。〃
 〃If there were wolves hereabouts; we'd know it;〃 groused Lem。 〃Or lions。 These are our woods。〃
 〃You never knew we were there;〃 said Gendry。
 〃Now; lad; you shouldn't be so certain of that;〃 said Tom。 〃Sometimes a man knows more than he says。〃
 Hot Pie shifted his seat。 〃I know the song about the bear;〃 he said。 〃Some of it; anyhow。〃
 Tom ran his fingers down his strings。 〃Then let's hear it; pie boy。〃 He threw back his head and sang; 〃A bear there was; a bear; a bear! All black and brown; and covered with hair 。 。 。〃
 Hot Pie joined in lustily; even bouncing in his saddle a little on the rhymes。 Arya stared at him in astonishment。 He had a good voice and he sang well。 He never did anything well; except bake; she thought to herself。
 A small brook flowed into the Trident a little farther on。 As they waded across; their singing flushed a duck from among the reeds。 Anguy stopped where he stood; unslung his bow; notched an arrow; and brought it down。 The bird fell in the shallows not far from the bank。 Lem took off his yellow cloak and waded in knee…deep to retrieve it; plaining all the while。 〃Do you think Shama might have lemons down in that cellar of hers?〃 said Anguy to Tom as they watched Lem splash around; cursing。 〃A Domish girl once cooked me duck with lemons。〃 He sounded wistful。
 Tom and Hot Pie resumed their song on the other side of the brook; with the duck hanging from Lem's belt beneath his yellow cloak。 Somehow the singing made the miles seem shorter。 It was not very long at all until the inn appeared before them; rising from the riverbank where the Trident made a great bend to the north。 Arya squinted at it suspiciously as they neared。 It did not look like an outlaws' lair; she had to admit; it looked friendly; even homey; with its whitewashed upper story and slate roof and the smoke curling up lazy from its chimney。 Stables and other outbuildings surrounded it; and there was an arbor in back; and apple trees; a small garden。 The inn even had its own dock; thrusting out into the river; and 。 。 。
 〃Gendry;〃 she called; her voice low and urgent。 〃They have a boat。 We could sail the rest of the way up to Riven…un。 It would be faster than riding; I think。〃
 He looked dubious。 〃Did you ever sail a boat?〃
 〃You put up the sail;〃 she said; 〃and the wind pushes it。〃
 〃What if the wind is blowing the wrong way?〃
 〃Then there's oars to row。〃
 〃Against the current?〃 Gendry frowned。 〃Wouldn't that be slow? And what if the boat tips over and we fall into the water? It's not our boat anyway; it's the inn's。〃
 We could take it。 Arya chewed her lip and said nothing。 They dismounted in front of stables。 There were no other horses to be seen; but Arya noticed fresh manure in many of the stalls。 〃One of us should watch the horses;〃 she said; wary。
 Tom overheard her。 〃There's no need for that; Squab。 e eat; they'll be safe enough。〃
 〃I'll stay;〃 Gendry said; ignoring the singer。 〃You can e get me after you've had some food。〃
 Nodding; Arya set off after Hot Pie and Lem。 Her sword was still in its sheath across her back; and she kept a hand close to the hilt of the dagger she had stolen from Roose Bolton; in case she didn't like whatever they found within。
 The painted sign above the door showed a picture of some old king on his knees。 Inside was the mon room; where a very tall ugly woman with a knobby chin stood with her hands on her hips; glaring。 〃Don't just stand there; boy;〃 she snapped。 〃Or are you a girl? Either one; you're blocking my door。 Get in or get out。 Lem; what did I tell you about my floor? You're all mud。〃
 〃We shot a duck。〃 Lem held it out like a peace banner。
 The woman snatched it from his hand。 〃Anguy shot a duck; is what you're meaning。 Get your boots off; are you deaf or just stupid?〃 She turned away。 〃Husband!〃 she called loudly。 〃Get up here; the lads are back。 Husband!〃
 Up the cellar steps came a man in a stained apron; grumbling。 He was a head shorter than the woman; with a lumpy face and loose yellowish skin that still showed the marks of some pox。 〃I'm here; woman; quit your bellowing。 What is it now?〃
 〃Hang this;〃 she said; handing him the duck。
 Anguy shuffled his feet。 〃We were thinking we might eat it; Shama。 With lemons。 If you had some。〃
 〃Lemons。 And where would we get lemons? Does this look like Dome to you; you freckled fool? Why don't you hop out back to the lemon trees and pick us a bushel; and some nice olives and pomegranates too。〃 She shook a finger at him。 〃Now; I suppose I could cook it with Lem's cloak; if you like; but not till it's hung for a few days。 You'll eat rabbit; or you won't eat。 Roast rabbit on a spit would be quickest; if you've got a hunger。 or might be you'd like it stewed; with ale and onions。〃
 Arya could almost taste the rabbit。 〃We have no coin; but we brought some carrots and cabbages we could trade you。〃
 〃Did you now? And where would they be?〃
 〃Hot Pie; give her the cabbages;〃 Arya said; and he did; though he approached the old woman as gingerly as if she were Rorge or Biter or Vargo Hoat。
 The woman gave the vegetables a close inspection; and the boy a closer one。 〃Where is this hot pie?〃
 〃Here。 Me。 It's my name。 And she's 。 。 。 ah 。 。 。 Squab。〃
 〃Not under my roof。 I give my diners and my dishes different names; so as to tell them apart。 Husband!〃
 Husband had stepped outside; but at her shout he hurried back。 〃The duck's hung。 What is it now; woman?〃
 〃Wash these vegetables;〃 she manded。 〃The rest of you; sit down while I start the rabbits。 The boy will bring you drink。〃 She looked down her long nose at Arya and Hot Pie。 〃I am not in the habit of serving ale to children; but the cider's run out; there's no cows for milk; and the river water tastes of war; with all the dead men drifting downstream。 If I served you a cup of soup full of dead flies; would you drink it?〃
 〃Arry would;〃 said Hot Pie。 〃I mean; Squab。〃
 〃So would Lem;〃 offered Anguy with a sly smile。
 〃Never you mind about Lem;〃 Shama said。 〃It's ale for all。〃 She swept off toward the kitchen。
 Anguy and Tom Sevenstrings took the table near the hearth while Lem was hanging his big yellow cloak on a peg。 Hot Pie plopped down heavily on a bench at the table by the door; and Arya wedged herself in beside him。
 Tom unslung his harp。 〃A lonely inn on a forest road;〃 he sang; slowly picking out a tune to go with the words。 〃The innkeep's wife was plain as a toad。〃
 〃Shut up with that now or we won't be getting no rabbit;〃 Lem warned him。 〃You know how she is。〃
 Arya leaned close to Hot Pie。 〃Can you sail a boat?〃 she asked。 Before he could answer; a thickset boy of fifteen or sixteen appeared with tankards of ale。 Hot Pie took his reverently in both hands; and when he sipped he smiled wider than Arya had ever seen him smile。 〃Ale;〃 he whispered; 〃and rabbit。〃
 〃Well; here's to His Grace;〃 Anguy the Archer called out cheerfully; lifting a toast。 〃Seven save the king!〃
 〃All twelve o'them;〃 Lem Lemoncloak muttered。 He drank; and wiped the foam from his mouth with the back of his hand。
 Husband came bustling in through the front door; with an apron full of washed vegetables。 〃There's strange horses in the stable;〃 he

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