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小说: grrm.astormofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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 …VARYS; a eunuch; called THE SPIDER; master of whisperers; 
 …LORD MACE TYRELL; master of ships; 
 …his court and retainers: 
 …SER ILYN PAYNE; the King's Justice; a headsman;
 …LORD HALLYNE THE PYROMANCER; a Wisdom of the Guild of Alchemists;
 …MOON BOY; a jester and fool; 
 …ORMOND OF OLDTOWN; the royal harper and bard;
 …DONTOS HOLLARD; a fool and a drunkard; formerly a knight called SER DONTOS THE RED;
 …ALABHAR XHO; Prince of the Red Flower Vale; an exile from the Summer Isles;
 … her daughter; FALYSE; wed to Ser Balman Byrch;
 … her daughter; LOLLYS; thirty…four; unwed; and soft of wits; with child after being raped;
 … her healer and counselor; MAESTER FRENKEN; LORD GYLES ROSBY; a sickly old man;
 …SER TALLAD; a promising young knight;
 …LORD MORROS SLYNT; a squire; eldest son of the former mander of the City Watch;
 … JOTHOS SLYNT; his younger brother; a squire; 
 … DANOS SLYNT; younger still; a page;
 …SER BOROS BLOUNT; a former knight of the Kingsguard; dismissed for cowardice by Queen Cersei;
 …OSMYN PECKLEDON; a squire; and a hero of the Battle of the Blackwater;
 …SER PHILIP FOOTE; made Lord of the Marches for his valor during the Battle of the Blackwater;
 …SER LOTHOR BRUNE; named LOTHOR APPLE…EATER for his deeds during the Battle of the Blackwater; a former freerider in service to Lord Baelish;
 other lords and knights at King's Landing:
 …MATHIS ROWAN; Lord of Goldengrove; 
 …PAXTER REDWYNE; Lord of the Arbor; 
 … Lord Paxter's twin sons; SER HORAS and SER HOBBER; mocked as HORROR and SLOBBER;
 … Lord Redwyne's healer; MAESTER BALLABAR; ARDRIAN CELTIGAR; the Lord of Claw Isle;
 …SER BONIFER HASTY; called THE GOOD; a famed knight; SER DONNEL SWANN; heir to Stonehelm;
 …SER RONNET CONNINGTON; called RED RONNET; the Knight of Griffin's Roost;
 …AURANE WATERS; the Bastard of Driftmark;
 …SER DERMOT OF THE RAINWOOD; a famed knight; 
 …SER TIMON SCRAPESWORD; a famed knight;
 the people of King's Landing: 
 … the City Watch (the 〃gold cloaks〃);
 … (SER JACELYN BYWATER; called IRONHAND); mander of the City Watch; slain by his own men during the Battle of the Blackwater;
 … SER ADDAM MARBRAND; mander of the City Watch; Ser jacelyn's successor;
 … CHATAYA; owner of an expensive brothel;
 … ALAYAYA; her daughter;
 … DANCY; MAREI; JAYDE; Chataya's girls;
 … TOBHO MOTT; a master armorer;
 … IRONBELLY; a blacksmith;
 … HAMISH THE HARPER; a famed singer;
 … COLLIO QUAYNIS; a Tyroshi singer;
 … BETHANY FAIR…FINGERS; a woman singer;
 … ALARIC OF EYSEN; a singer; far…traveled;
 … GALYEON OF CUY; a singer notorious for the length of his songs;
 King Joffrey's banner shows the crowned stag of Baratheon; black on gold; and the lion of Lannister; gold on crimson; batant。
 ROBB STARK; Lord of Winterfell; King in the North; and King of the Trident; the eldest son of Eddark Stark; Lord of Winterfell; and Lady Catelyn; of House Tully;
 … his direwolf; GREY WIND;
 … his mother; LADY CATELYN; of House Tully; widow of Lord Eddard Stark;
 … his siblings:
 … his sister; PRINCESS SANSA; a maid of twelve; a captive in King's Landing;
 … Sansa's direwolf; (LADY); killed at Castle Darry;
 … his sister; PRINCESS ARYA; a girl of ten; missing and presumed dead;
 … Arya's direwolf; NYMERIA; lost near the Trident;
 … his brother; PRINCE BRANDON; called BRAN; heir to the north; a boy of nine; believed dead;
 … Bran's direwolf; SUMMER; … 
 Bran panions and protectors:
 … MEERA REED; a maid of sixteen; daughter of Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch; 
 … JOJEN REED; her brother; thirteen;
 … HODOR; a simpleminded stableboy; seven feet tall;
 … his brother; PRINCE RICKON; a boy of four; believed dead; 
 … Rickon's direwolf; SHAGGYDOG; 
 … Rickon's panion and protector:
 … OSHA; a wildling captive who served as a scullion at Winterfell;
 … his half…brother; JON SNOW; a Sworn Brother of the Night's Watch;
 … Jon's direwolf; GHOST;
 …his uncles and aunts; paternal: 
 …his father's elder brother; (BRANDON STARK); slain at the mand of King Aerys II Targaryen;
 …his father's sister; (LYANNA STARK); died in the Mountains of Dome during Robert's Rebellion;
 …his father's younger brother; BENJEN STARK; a man of the Night's Watch; lost beyond the Wall; 
 …his uncles; aunts; and cousins; maternal: 
 …his mother's younger sister; LYSA ARRYN; Lady of the Eyrie and widow of Lord Jon Arryn;
 … their son; ROBERT ARRYN; Lord of the Eyrie; 
 …his mother's younger brother; SER EDMURE TULLY; heir to Riverrun;
 …his grandfather's brother; SER BRYNDEN TULLY; called THE BLACKFISH;
 …his sworn swords and panions: 
 …his squire; OLYVAR FREY;
 …SER WENDEL MANDERLY; second son to the Lord of White Harbor;
 …PATREK MALLISTER; heir to Seagard;
 …DACEY MORMONT; eldest daughter of Lady Maege Mormont and heir to Bear Island;
 …JON UMBER; called THE SMALLJON; heir to Last Hearth; 
 his lords bannermen; captains and manders: (with Robb's army in the Westerlands)
 …SER BRYNDEN TULLY; the BLACKFISH; manding the scouts and outriders;
 …JON UMBER; called THE GREATJON; manding the van; 
 …RICKARD KARSTARK; Lord of Karhold;
 …GALBART GLOVER; Master of Deepwood Motte; 
 …MAEGE MORMONT; Lady of Bear Island;
 …(SER STEVRON FREY); eldest son of Lord Walder Frey and heir to the Twins; died at Oxcross;
 … Ser Stevron's eldest son; SER RYMAN FREY;
 … Ser Ryman's son; BLACK WALDER FREY; MARTYN RIVERS; a bastard son of Lord Walder Frey;
 (with Roose Bolton's host at Harrengal);
 …ROOSE BOLTON; Lord of the Dreadfort; 
 … their bastard half…brother; RONEL RIVERS; SER WYLIS MANDERLY; heir to White Harbor; 
 … SER KYLE CONDON; a knight in his service; RONNEL STOUT; 
 … VARGO HOAT of the Free City of Qohor; captain of a sellsword pany; the Brave panions;
 … his lieutenant; URSWYCK called THE FAITHFUL;
 … his lieutenant; SEPTON UTT;
 … QYBURN; a chainless maester and sometime necromancer; his healer;
 (with the northern army attacking Duskendale)
 …ROBETT GLOVER; of Deepwood Motte; 
 …SER HEIMAN TALLHART; of Torrhen's Square; 
 …HARRION KARSTARK; sole surviving son of Lord Rickard Karstark; and heir to Karhold;
 (traveling north with Lord Eddard's bones)
 …HALLIS MOLLEN; captain of guards for Winterfell; 
 …JACKS; QUENT; SHADD; guardsmen;
 …his lord bannermen and castellans; in the north:
 …WYMAN MANDERLY; Lord of White Harbor; 
 …HOWLAND REED; Lord of Greywater Watch; a crannogman; 
 …MORS UMBER; called CROWFOOD; and HOTHER UMBER; called WHORESBANE; uncles to Greatjon Umber; joint castellans at the Last Hearth; 
 …LYESSA FLINT; Lady of Widow's Watch; 
 …ONDREW LOCKE; Lord of Oldcastle; an old man; 
 (CLEY CERWYN); Lord of Cerwyn; a boy of fourteen; killed in battle at Winterfell;
 … his sister; JONELLE CERWYN; a maid of two…and…thirty; now the Lady of Cerwyn;
 … (LEOBALD TALLHART); younger brother to Ser Helman; castellan at Torrhen's Square; killed in battle at Winterfell;
 … Leobald's wife; BERENA of House Hornwood;
 … Leobald's son; BRANDON; a boy of fourteen;
 … Leobald's son; BEREN; a boy of ten;
 … Ser Helman's son; IBENFRED); killed by ironmen on the Stony Shore;
 … Ser Helman's daughter; EDDARA; a girl of nine; heir to Torrhen's Square;
 … LADY SYBELLE; wife to Robett Glover; a captive of Asha Greyjoy at Deepwood Motte;
 … Robett's son; GAWEN; three; rightful heir to Deepwood Motte; a captive of Asha Greyjoy;
 … Robett's daughter; ERENA; a babe of one; a captive of Asha Greyjoy at Deepwood Motte;
 … LARENCE SNOW; a bastard son of Lord Hornwood; and ward of Galbart Glover; thirteen; a captive of Asha Greyjoy at Deepwood Motte。
 The banner of the King in the North remains as it has for thousands of years

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