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en with food; fodder; camp supplies; wedding gifts; and the wounded too weak to walk; under the watchful eye of Ser Wendel Manderly and his White Harbor knights。 Herds of sheep and goats and scrawny cattle trailed behind; and then a little tail of footsore camp followers。 Even farther back was Robin Flint and the rearguard。 There was no enemy in back of them for hundreds of leagues; but Robb would take no chances。
Thirty…five hundred they were; thirty…five hundred who had been blooded in the Whispering Wood; who had reddened their swords at the Battle of the Camps; at Oxcross; Ashemark; and the Crag; and all through the gold…rich hills of the Lannister west。 Aside from her brother Edmure's modest retinue of friends; the lords of the Trident had remained to hold the riverlands while the king retook the north。 Ahead awaited Edmure's bride and Robb's next battle 。 。 。 and for me; two dead sons; an empty bed; and a castle full of ghosts。 It was a cheerless prospect。 Brienne; where are you? Bring my girls back to me; Brienne。 Bring them back safe。
The drizzle that had sent them off turned into a soft steady rain by midday; and continued well past nightfall。 The next day the northmen never saw the sun at all; but rode beneath leaden skies with their hoods pulled up to keep the water from their eyes。 It was a heavy rain; turning roads to mud and fields to quagmires; swelling the rivers and stripping the trees of their leaves。 The constant patter made idle chatter more bother than it was worth; so men spoke only when they had something to say; and that was seldom enough。
〃We are stronger than we seem; my lady;〃 Lady Maege Mormont said as they rode。 Catelyn had grown fond of Lady Maege and her eldest daughter; Dacey; they were more understanding than most in the matter of Jaime Lannister; she had found。 The daughter was tall and lean; the mother short and stout; but they dressed alike in mail and leather; with the black bear of House Mormont on shield and surcoat。 By Catelyn's lights; that was queer garb for a lady; yet Dacey and Lady Maege seemed more fortable; both as warriors and as women; than ever the girl from Tarth had been。
〃I have fought beside the Young Wolf in every battle;〃 Dacey Mormont said cheerfully。 〃He has not lost one yet。〃
No; but he has lost everything else; Catelyn thought; but it would not do to say it aloud。 The northmen did not lack for courage; but they were far from home; with little enough to sustain them but for their faith in their young king。 That faith must be protected; at all costs。 I must be stronger; she told herself。 I must be strong for Robb。 If I despair; my grief will consume me。 Everything would turn on this marriage。 If Edmure and Roslin were happy in one another; if the Late Lord Frey could be appeased and his power once more wedded to Robb's 。 。 。 Even then; what chance will we have; caught between Lannister and Greyjoy? It was a question Catelyn dared not dwell on; though Robb dwelt on little else。 She saw how he studied his maps whenever they made camp; searching for some plan that might win back the north。
Her brother Edmure had other cares。 〃You don't suppose all Lord Walder's daughters look like him; do you?〃 he wondered; as he sat in his tall striped pavilion with Catelyn and his friends。
〃With so many different mothers; a few of the maids are bound to turn up ely;〃 said Ser Marq Piper; 〃but why should the old wretch give you a pretty one?〃
〃No reason at all;〃 said Edmure in a glum tone。
It was more than Catelyn could stand。 〃Cersei Larmister is ely;〃 she said sharply。 〃You'd be wiser to pray that Roslin is strong and healthy; with a good head and a loyal heart。〃 And with that she left them。
Edmure did not take that well。 The next day he avoided her entirely on the march; preferring the pany of Marq Piper; Lymond Goodbrook; Patrek Mallister; and the young Vances。 They do not scold him; except in jest; Catelyn told herself when they raced by her that afternoon with nary a word。 I have always been too hard with Edmure; and now grief sharpens my every word。 She regretted her rebuke。 There was rain enough falling from the sky without her making more。 And was it really such a terrible thing; to want a pretty wife? She remembered her own childish disappointment; the first time she had laid eyes on Eddard Stark。 She had pictured him as a younger version of his brother Brandon; but that was wrong。 Ned was shorter and plainer of face; and so somber。 He spoke courteously enough; but beneath the words she sensed a coolness that was all at odds with Brandon; whose mirths had been as wild as his rages。 Even when he took her maidenhood; their love had more of duty to it than of passion。 We made Robb that night; though; we made a king together。 And after the war; at Winterfell; I had love enough for any woman; once I found the good sweet heart beneath Ned's solemn face。 There is no reason Edmure should not find the same; with his Roslin。
As the gods would have it; their route took them through the Whispering Wood where Robb had won his first great victory。 They followed the course of the twisting stream on the floor of that pinched narrow valley; much as Jaime Lannister's men had done that fateful night。 It was warmer then; Catelyn remembered; the trees were still green; and the stream did not overflow its banks。 Fallen leaves choked the flow now and lay in sodden snarls among the rocks and roots; and the trees that had once hidden Robb's army had exchanged their green raiment for leaves of dull gold spotted with brown; and a red that reminded her of rust and dry blood。 Only the spruce and the soldier pines still showed green; thrusting up at the belly of the clouds like tall dark spears。
More than the trees have died since then; she reflected。 on the night of the Whispering Wood; Ned was still alive in his cell beneath Aegon's High Hill; Bran and Rickon were safe behind the walls of Winterfell。 And Theon Greyjoy fought at Robb's side; and boasted of how he had almost crossed swords with the Kingslayer。 Would that he had。 lf Theon had died in place of Lord Karstark's sons; how much ill would have been undone?
As they passed through the battleground; Catelyn glimpsed signs of the carnage that had been; an overturned helm filling with rain; a splintered lance; the bones of a horse。 Stone cairns had been raised over some of the men who had fallen here; but scavengers had already been at them。 Amidst the tumbles of rock; she spied brightly colored cloth and bits of shiny metal。 Once she saw a face peering out at her; the shape of the skull beginning to emerge from beneath the melting brown flesh。
It made her wonder where Ned had e to rest。 The silent sisters had taken his bones north; escorted by Hallis Mollen and a small honor guard。 Had Ned ever reached Winterfell; to be interred beside his brother Brandon in the dark crypts beneath the castle? Or did the door slam shut at Moat Cailin before Hal and the sisters could pass?
Thirty…five hundred riders wound their way along the valley floor through the heart of the Whispering Wood; but Catelyn Stark had seldom felt lonelier。 Every league she crossed took her farther from Riverrun; and she found herself wondering whether she would ever see the castle again。 Or was it lost to her forever; like so much else?
Five days later; their scouts rode back to warn them that the rising waters had washed out the wooden bridge at Fairmarket。 Galbart Glover and two of his bolder men had tried swimming their mounts across the turbulent Blue Fork at Ramsford。 Two of the horses had been swept under and drowned; and one of the riders; Glover himself managed to cling to a rock until they could pull him in。 〃The river hasn't run this high since spring〃 Edmure said。 〃And if this rain keeps falling; it will go higher yet。〃
〃There's a bridge further upstream; near Oldstones;〃 remembered Catelyn; who had often crossed these lands with her father。 〃It's older and smaller; but if it still stands…〃
〃It's gone; my lady;〃 Galbart Glover said。 〃Washed away even before the one at Fairmarket。〃
Robb looked to Catelyn。 〃Is there another bridge?〃
〃No。 And the fords will be impassable。〃 She tried to remember。 〃If we cannot cross the Blue Fork