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No unified army went north into the no…man's…land now; and if the steppes of those empty places saw soldiers in numbers any time soon it was more likely to be the Horsemen of Jad the sun…god。 Jehane could almost convince herself that even those last; impotent khalifs of her childhood had been symbols of a golden time。
She shook her head and turned from watching the mercenaries。 A quarry laborer was next in line; she read his occupation in the chalk…white dust coating his clothing and hands。 She also read; unexpectedly; gout in his pinched features and the awkward tilt of his stance; even before she glanced at the thick; milky sample of urine he held out to her。 It was odd for a laborer to have gout; in the quarries the usual problems were with throat and lungs。 With real curiosity she looked from the flask back up at the man。
As it happened; the quarryman was a patient Jehane never did treat。 So; too; in fact; was the leather worker's child。
A sizable purse dropped onto the counter before her。
〃Do forgive this intrusion; doctor;〃 a voice said。 〃May I be permitted to impose upon your time?〃 The light tones and court diction were incongruous in the marketplace。 Jehane looked up。 This was; she realized; the man who had laughed before。
The rising sun was behind him; so her first image was haloed against the light and imprecise: a smooth…shaven face in the current court fashion; brown hair。 She couldn't see his eyes clearly。 He smelled of perfume and he wore a sword。 Which meant he was from Cartada。 Swords were forbidden the citizens of Fezana; even within their own walls。
On the other hand; she was a free woman going about her lawful affairs in her own place of business; and because of Almalik's gifts to her father she had no need to snatch at a purse; even a large purse…as this one manifestly was。
Irritated; she breached protocol sufficiently to pick it up and flip it back to him。 〃If your need is for a physician's assistance you are not intruding。 That is why I am here。 But there are; as you will have noted; people ahead of you。 When you have; in due course; arrived at the front of this line I shall be pleased to assist; if I can。〃 Had she been less vexed she might have been amused at how formal her own language had bee。 She still couldn't see him clearly。 The quarryman had sidled nervously to one side。
〃I greatly fear I have not the time for either alternative;〃 the Cartadan murmured。 〃I will have to take you from your patients here; which is why I offer a purse for pensation。〃
〃Take me?〃 Jehane snapped。 She rose to her feet。 Irritation had given way to anger。 Several of the Muwardis; she realized; were now strolling over towards her stall。 She was aware of Velaz directly behind her。 She would have to be careful; he would challenge anyone for her。
The courtier smiled placatingly and quickly held up a gloved hand。 〃Escort you; I ought rather to have said。 I entreat forgiveness。 I had almost forgotten I was in Fezana; where such niceties matter greatly。〃 He seemed amused more than anything else; which angered her further。
She could see him clearly now that she was standing。 His eyes were blue; like her own…as unusual in the Asharites as it was among the Kindath。 The hair was thick; curling in the heat。 He was very expensively dressed; rings on several of his gloved fingers and a single pearl earring which was certainly worth more than the collective worldly goods of everyone in the line in front of her。 More gems studded his belt and sword hilt; some were even sewn into the leather of the slippers on his feet。 A dandy; Jehane thought; a mincing court dandy from Cartada。
The sword was a real one though; not a symbol; and his eyes; now that she was looking into them; were unsettlingly direct。
Jehane had been raised; by her mother and father both; to show deference where it was due and earned; and not otherwise。
〃Such 'niceties;' as you prefer to call simple courtesy; ought to matter in Cartada as much as they do here;〃 she said levelly。 She pushed a strand of hair back from her eyes with the back of her hand。 〃I am here in the market until the midday bells have rung。 If you have genuine need of a private consultation I will refer to my afternoon appointments and see when I am available。〃
He shook his head politely。 Two of the veiled soldiers had e up to them。 〃As I believe I did mention; we have not time for that。〃 There still seemed to be something amusing him。 〃I should perhaps say that I am not here for an affliction of my own; much as it might gratify any man to be subject to your care。〃 There was a ripple of laughter。
Jehane was not amused。 This sort of thing she knew how to deal with; and was about to; but the Cartadan went on without pausing: 〃I have just e from the house of a patient of yours。 Husari ibn Musa is ill。 He begs you to e to him this morning; before the consecration ceremony begins at the castle; that he might not be forced to miss being presented to the prince。〃
〃Oh;〃 Jehane said。
Ibn Musa had kidney stones; recurring ones。 He had been her father's patient and one of the very first to accept her as Ishak's successor。 He was wealthy; soft as the silk in which he traded; and he enjoyed rich foods far too much for his own good。 He was also kind; surprisingly unpretentious; intelligent; and his early patronage had meant a great deal to her practice。 Jehane liked him; and worried about him。
It was certain; given his wealth; that the silk merchant would have been on the list of citizens honored with an invitation to meet the prince of Cartada。 Some things were being clear。 Not all。
〃Why did he send you? I know most of his people。〃
〃But he didn't send me;〃 the man demurred; with easy grace。 〃I offered to e。 He warned me of your weekly market routine。 Would you have left this booth at the behest of a servant? Even one you knew?〃
Jehane had to shake her head。 〃Only for a birth or an accident。〃
The Cartadan smiled; showing white teeth against the tanned; smooth features。 〃Ibn Musa is; Ashar and the holy stars be thanked; not presently with child。 Nor has any untoward accident befallen him。 His condition is the one for which I understand you have treated him before。 He swears no one else in Fezana knows how to alleviate his sufferings。 And today; of course; is an 。。。 exceptional day。 Will you not deviate from your custom this one time and permit me the honor of escorting you to him?〃
Had he offered the purse again she would have refused。 Had he not looked calm and very serious as he awaited her reply; she would have refused。 Had it been anyone other than Husari ibn Musa entreating her presence 。。。
Looking back; afterwards; Jehane was acutely aware that the smallest of gestures in that moment could have changed everything。 She might so easily have told the smooth; polished Cartadan that she'd attend upon ibn Musa later that day。 If so…the thought was inescapable…she would have had a very different life。
Better or worse? No man or woman could answer that。 The winds blew; bringing rain; yes; but sometimes also sweeping away the low; obscuring clouds to allow the flourishes of sunrise or sunset seen from a high place; or those bright; hard; clear nights when the blue moon and the white seemed to ride like queens across a sky strewn with stars in glittering array。
Jehane instructed Velaz to close and lock the booth and follow her。 She told all those left in the line to give their names to Velaz; that she would see them free of charge in her treatment rooms or at the next week's market。 Then she took her urine flask and let the stranger take her off to ibn Musa's house。
The stranger。
The stranger was Ammar ibn Khairan of Aljais。 The poet; the diplomat; the soldier。 The man who had killed the last khalif of Al…Rassan。 She learned his name when they arrived at her patient's house。 It was the first great shock of that day。 Not the last。 She could never decide if she would have gone with him; had she known。
A different life; if she hadn't gone。 Less wind; less rain。 Perhaps none of the visions offered those who stand in the high; windy places of the world。
Ibn Musa's steward h