贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > hh.thessrat.sings.the.blues >



小说: hh.thessrat.sings.the.blues 字数: 每页4000字

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dy to go。 We ship out at midnight。 Transportation to the spaceport leaves here an hour earlier…so don't be late。〃
 They shuffled out wearily with dragging feet。 The Admiral stamped in as they left; with Zach trailing in his wake。
 〃This agent informs me that all preparations have been made and you are ready to embark。〃 I could only nod agreement。
 〃Wish I could go with you;〃 Zach said。
 〃You set it all up…you have our thanks for that。 Now get going。〃
 He numbed my fingers with his handshake and the door closed behind him。
 The Admiral's smile had all of the warmth of a striking snake。 〃Drug Enforcement has e up with a crime so awful that it means an instant sentence to Liokukae。〃
 〃That's nice…what is it?〃
 〃Misuse of a highly refined and expensive drug called baksheesh。 You and the rest of the musicians have been caught smuggling it and are addicted to it。 There is a medical cure for the addiction that leaves the victim weak and vibrating for a number of days。 This should give you a little time to look around before you have to play your first concert。 The press release has already gone out about your capture and your sentence to prison hospital for the criminally doped。 The natives of Liokukae will not be surprised at all when you arrive there。 Questions?〃
 〃A big one。 Has the munication been set up?〃
 〃Yes。 The coded radio built into your jaw can reach the receiver at the entrance terminal from any place on the planet。 It will be manned all of the time and an officer will be listening in on all munication。 Your contact on the ground will give you what aid he can before you go out of the sealed terminal。 Then he will move to the spacecruiser Remorseless in orbit above; which will also monitor your radio。 We can hit anywhere on the planet in a maximum of eleven minutes。 Send the signal when you have found the artifact and the space marines will be there。 Report at a minimum of once a day。 Location and results of your investigation。〃
 〃Just in case we get blown away and you have to send in the second team?〃
 〃Exactly。 More questions?〃
 〃One。 Going to wish us luck?〃
 〃No。 Don't believe in it。 Make your own。〃
 〃Gee; thanks; you really are all heart。〃
 He turned and stamped away and the door swung shut behind him。 Fatigue washed through me and black depression hit just one more time。 Why was I doing this?
 To stay alive of course。 Twenty…two days more before my curtain fell for the final performance。
 The Faster Than Light voyage aboard the good ship Remorseless was blessedly brief。 Being surrounded by the military has always had a deleterious effect on my morale。 We had a solid day of rehearsal; some bad food; a good night's rest; followed the next day by a very non…alcoholic party…since the Navy was remorselessly teetotal。 Then; a few hours before we were to meet the shuttle; the medics gave us the injections that were to simulate the aftereffects of our drug treatment。
 I think I would have preferred the treatment。 I didn't mind seeing my last meal go by for a second time; it had been pretty bad and I would not miss it。 But the shakes and shivers were something else again。 And all of my vibrating and stumbling co…musicians had eyeballs as red as fire。 I dared not look in the mirror for fear of what I would see there。
 Steengo was gray and drawn and looked a hundred years old。 I felt a quick blast of guilt for dragging him out of retirement。 Said guilt fading instantly when I thought about my own problems。
 〃Do I look as bad as you do?〃 Floyd said in a hoarse voice; his new…grown beard black against his parchment skin。
 〃I hope not;〃 I husked in return。 Madonette reached over and patted my shaking hand in what might have been a maternal way。
 〃It will be all right on the night; Jim。 Just you wait and see。
 I did not feel filial in return since I was rapidly developing a crush on her that I hoped I disguised。 I growled something or other and stumbled away to the heads where I could be alone with my misery。 Even this did not work for the speaker in the ceiling rustled ominously…then crashed out Admiral Bonbon's voice。 。
 〃Now hear this。 All Stainless Steel Rats will assemble at debarkation station twelve in two minutes。 We are now in parking orbit。 One minute and fifty…eight seconds。 One minute and 。 。 。〃
 I slammed out into the passageway to escape his voice but it followed me as I fled。 I was the last to arrive and I collapsed and joined the others where they slumped on the deck beside our backpacks。 The Admiral appeared suddenly behind me like a bad dream and roared his mand。
 〃Attention! On your feet you slovenly crew!〃
 〃Never!〃 I shouted even louder in a cracked voice。 Rolling over to pull the swaying bodies back to the deck。
 〃Begone foul military fiend! We are musicians; civilians; medically reformed drug addicts and we must think and feel that way。 Someday; if we live; you may have some of us back at your military mercy。 But not now。 Leave us in peace and wait for my reports。〃
 He snarled a rich naval oath…but had the brains to turn cm his heel and vanish。 There was a ragged cheer from my panions which made me feel slightly less sordid。 The silence after this was unbroken; except for the occasional groan; until distant motors whirred and the inner lock swung majestically open。 A keen clipboard…bearing naval officer stepped t I h rough。
 〃Landing party for Liokukae?〃
 〃All present; all ill。 Send a working party for our gear。〃
 He muttered into his lapel microphone; reached to the hack of his belt to unclip a pair of handcuffs。 Which he promptly snapped onto my wrists。
 〃Whasha?〃 I blurted incoherently。 Blinking down at the cuffs。
 〃Don't give me a hard time; you drug…pushing addict; and I won't give you one。 You may be a big man out there in the galaxy; but here you are just one more sentenced crook。 Who is going to carry his own pack…no working party for the likes of you。〃
 I opened my mouth to verbally assassinate him。 Then closed it。 It had been my idea that our mission be known to the minimum few。 He obviously wasn't one of them。 I groaned to my feet and stumbled into the airlock dragging my gear after me; the others following in like condition。 The orbital shuttle ship was grim and cheerless。 The hard metal seats snapped clamps on our ankles when we sat down; no dancing in the aisles this trip。 We watched in silence as our backpacks were thrown into a storage bin; then looked up at the big screen on the front bulkhead。 Lots of stars。 They rotated and the bulk of Remorseless swam into sight; grew smaller and dropped behind as the engines fired。 Then the pickup turned so that the growing bulk of the planet could be seen and we were treated to a scratchy and static…filled ancient recording of martial music。 This died away and was replaced by a male speaker with a repulsive nasal whine。
 〃Now hear this; prisoners。 This is a one…way trip。 You will have resisted all efforts at adjustment that would have fitted you to live peacefully in our humane and civilized society 。 。 。〃
 〃Blow it out your rocket tubes'。〃 Steengo snarled; running his fingers through his gray hair; perhaps to see if it was still there。 I would have nodded agreement with his snarl only my head hurt too much。
 〃。 。 。 brought upon yourselves by your own efforts。 Upon landing you will be escorted by armed guards to the gates of the landing station。 Your restraints will be removed and you will be given an orientation booklet; a canteen of distilled water; as well as a week's supply of concentrated survival rations。 During that week you will look for small trees bearing hard fruit。 These are the polpettone trees and a source of nourishment for all。 Their fruit is the result of careful gene mutation and transplant; rich in animal protein。 They should not be eaten raw because of the chance of trichinosis; but should be baked or boiled。 You must remember 。 。 。〃
 I wanted to remember nothing he said so I tuned him out。 I tried to reassure myself that the normal condemned passenger on; this flight must have done something pretty gruesome to deserve this fate。 I wasn't convinced。 Despite millennia of civilization man's inhumanity to man persisted whenever an opportunity present

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