贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > hh.thessrat.sings.the.blues >



小说: hh.thessrat.sings.the.blues 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃What must we do?〃 Vesta asked。 Palm of my hand。
 〃First you will help me by permitting myself and my associates to escape before the time stasis has been turned off。〃
 〃That should be possible;〃 Othred said。
 〃Then that's agreed。 Secondly I will need another temporooter to take back with me 。 。 。〃
 〃Forbidden! Impossible!〃
 〃Hear me out; will you please。 Another temporooter to take back that does not function。 A realistic fake that will disguise the fact that you and your machine have been here。 Catch on?〃
 They sure bred them dumb in the future。 Or without imagination or whatever。 I took a deep breath。
 〃Look。 I want you to remember that all the scientists here; in this time; know that there is a device of some kind that looks like your temporooter。 Only they think that it is an alien artifact from the far past。 Let us convince them that their assumption is true。 If we do that; why no one will ever know about you and your lost equipment。 Just have your technicians get some million…year…old rock and carve out something that looks like this。 We'll pass it off as the original; the secret will be kept; honor satisfied; all's well that ends well。〃
 〃Excellent idea;〃 Vesta said; and pulled a microphone from her armored suit。 〃I'll have one constructed now。 It will be here in a second or two…〃
 〃Wait。 I have another small favor to ask。 I will need certain functions built into the duplicate to convince our scientists that it is not a dummy。 Just a simple device that will destruct after a single operation。 This will pose absolutely no difficulties for your techs; I am sure。〃
 It took me a bit longer to convince them of this necessity; but in the end they reluctantly agreed。 The duplicate was an exact physical duplicate of the original。 It blinked into existence floating in the air before us。 Othred reached up and tugged; there was a popping sound as he pulled it down and handed it to me。
 〃Wonderful;〃 I said; tucking it under my arm。 〃Shall we go?〃 They nodded agreement and put their helmets back on。
 I had my temporal panions first release the stasis field on Floyd's hand so I could disarm him。 Like our mutual enemy his finger was also tightening on the trigger。 What a world of nascent danger 〃=e do live in! I tucked the gun into my belt and nodded to the tempotechs。
 Give Floyd that…his reflexes were great。 He was twisting and chopping towards Othred's neck the second he moved … stopped when I called a halt。
 〃Friends; Floyd; Down boy! Ugly…looking monster friends who are getting us out of here。 If you look around you; you will see that all our enemies are paralyzed with indecision…and will stay that way until we are gone。 Don't trip over the pieces of the Killerbot on the way out。 And; Vesta; if you please。 Tap that fake ball of fur with your magic wand so it can join us。〃
 〃What the hell is going on?〃 Floyd said; blinking in confusion as he tried to understand what was happening。
 〃I feel that some explanation is in order;〃 Aida said; and Fido barked with exasperation。
 〃Second the motion;〃 Floyd said。
 〃Forthing。 As soon as we are out of here。 Will you be so kind as to lead the way back to the surface。〃
 I turned to thank my temporal saviors; but they were already gone。 Not only short on imagination but bereft of manners as well。 And when they had vanished they had taken the time stasis with them; I could hear our footsteps for the first time。 I looked back with a sudden feeling of horror but; right; the stasis was still working for the enemy as the silent form of the gun…toting snarling mander indicated。
 〃Time to leave;〃 I said。 〃Since I have no idea how long the nasties are going to stand around that way。 Go?〃
 〃Explain!〃 Floyd shouted。 Not in the best of moods。
 〃In a moment;〃 I equivocated…and stopped dead。 For I had suddenly been possessed of an even more horrifying idea。 All this playing with time…what had it done for my personal poisonous deadline! I groped for my pendant skull…puter but of course it was gone with the rest of my equipment。 How much time had passed? Was the poison now taking effect? Was I about to die 。 。 。 ?
 Sweating and trembling I dropped the replacement artifact temporooter and grabbed up the plastic poodle。
 〃Aida…is Fido transmitting?〃
 〃Of course。〃
 〃What time is it…I mean what day? No cancel that mand。 Get on to the Admiral now。 Ask him how much time I have left。 When is the deadline? Now…please。 Don't ask me any questions。 He'll know what you are talking about。 Do it! And fast!〃
 Time dragged by on very sluggish feet I will tell you。 Floyd must have heard the desperation in my voice for he stayed silent。 A second; a minute…a subjective century crawled by before I had my answer。 Aida must have done it…and made a good connection。 Because the next voice Fido spoke with was that of Admiral Steengo。
 〃Good to hear from you; Jim 。 。 。〃
 〃Don't talk。 Listen。 I don't know what day it is。 How much time is there to the deadline?〃
 〃Well; Jim; I wouldn't worry about that if I were you…〃
 〃You are not me and I am worried and answer the question or I will kill you slowly first chance I have。 Speaking of killing 。 。 。〃 I found that I couldn't go on。
 〃I meant it when I said don't worry。 The threat of the thirty…day poison is over。〃
 〃You have the antidote?〃
 〃No。 But the thirty days are past。 Two days ago!〃
 〃Past!! Then I'm dead!〃
 But I wasn't dead。 My brain spluttered and clanked and slipped back into gear。 Thirty days past。 No antidote。 I was alive。 I could hear my teeth grating as I spoke。
 〃Then the thirty…day poison…the whole thing was a fake from the start; wasn't it?〃
 〃I am afraid that it was; and I do apologize。 But you must realize that I did not know about it until now。 Only one person had that information; the instigator of the operation。〃
 〃Admiral Benbow!〃
 〃I'm afraid that information is not mine to reveal。〃
 〃You don't have to…it reveals itself。 That lawyer who gave me the drink was just doing as directed。 Lawyers will do anything if you pay them enough。 Benbow was in charge and Benbow invented the poison plot to keep me in line。〃
 〃Perhaps; Jim; perhaps。〃 His voice; even when transmitted through the agency of a plastic dog; reeked of insincerity and equivocation。 〃But there is nothing we can do about it now。 A thing of the past。 Best forgotten。 Correct?〃
 I nodded and thought…then smiled。 〃Correct; Admiral。 Why don't we just forget about the whole thing。 All's well that ends well and tomorrow is another day。 Forget it。〃
 For now; I thought to myself; but did not speak that important little codicil aloud。
 〃I'm glad you understand; Jim。 No hard feelings then。〃
 I dropped the dog; turned and clapped Floyd happily on the shoulder; bent and picked up the replacement artifact。
 〃We did it; Floyd; we did it。 I will explain everything as we walk。 In great detail。 But as you can see we are free; in possession of this artifact。 Mission acplished。 Now…lead on; faithful Fido; since you have memorized the entrance…and…exit path。 But go slowly; for it really has been one of those days。〃
 I was hungry and thirsty。 But even more thirsty for…what? Revenge? No; revenge was a dead end。 If not vengeance…what then?
 The time had e for a little evening up; a little sorting out of the record。 I had been taken in pletely by the poisonous con job。 So before the last i was dotted; before the last alien artifact laid to rest; I was going to see that a little justice got done。
 On my terms。
 〃Carry this for a bit; will you Floyd;〃 I said; passing over the replacement temporooter。 We were leaving the last lit tunnel behind and would depend now on Aida to remember the way。 〃I'm a little on the tired side。〃
 〃I don't wonder。 But you have to understand…my patience has just run out。 So work hard and see if you can dig up enough energy to tell me just what happened。 I am now pletely confused。 I remember that I wasted the Killerbot with that gun you now have tucked into your belt; the one Fido brought to me。 Then I jumped through the door and told you to get down so I could blast the mander as well as anyone else who was looking for trouble。〃
 〃That's just the way I remember it。〃
 Fido barked and 

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