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小说: hh.thessrat.sings.the.blues 字数: 每页4000字

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were also carried through in the interior decorations; light fixtures made of aerial bombs; machine…gun flowerpots; draperies assembled from tattered; ancient banners。 I found it horribly depressing。
 Without looking back our captor marched around the gigantic conference table and sat down in the single; high…backed chair there。 With a wave of his hand he indicated the two smaller chairs before us。
 〃Sit;〃 he manded。 Behind us was a clank and rattle; a hiss of escaping steam。 We sat。
 Something brushed my ankle and I looked down and saw that padded clamps had swung into position to secure my legs; motors whirred and they tightened。
 I threw my arms into the air just as clamps from the chair arms swung out and clicked shut on empty air。
 〃Not wise;〃 our host said。 There was a clank…clank close behind me and what could only have been a gun…muzzle ground into the back of my neck。 The wrist clamps snapped open。 I sighed and dropped my arms。 I didn't have to look to know that Floyd had been imprisoned the same way。
 When his master manded the ambulatory war…machine clanked and rumbled out of the room and I heard the immense doors close。
 〃I am The mander;〃 our captor said; leaning back in his chair and lighting a large; green cigar。
 〃Is that your title or your name?〃 I asked。
 〃Both;〃 he said; blowing a ring of blue smoke towards the ceiling。 〃I have imprisoned you since I do not wish to be attacked…nor do I wish to have anyone or anything present while we talk。〃 He touched a button on his desk and looked at pulsing purple light。 〃And now we are secure against eavesdropping。〃
 〃Going to tell us who all you guys are; what you are doing here and that sort of thing?〃 I asked。
 〃Assuredly。 We are The Survivalists。〃
 〃I think I heard a reference to your mob before。〃
 〃Undoubtedly。 During the years of the Breakdown there were a number of groups with that name。 We are the only ones who deserve it since we are the only ones who survive。〃
 〃Survivalists;〃 Floyd said; and went on as though reading from a book。 〃Groups who believed in the inevitability of the ing war; as well as the inability of their own governments to protect them; who then withdrew from society into underground bunkers equipped with food; water; ammunition and supplies adequate to survive any catastrophe。 None survive。〃
 〃Very good…you are quoting from 。 。 。 ?〃
 〃Handbook of Historical Nuts; Cults and Saviors。〃
 〃Very good…except for the title and the last line。 We survived。〃
 〃A little too well;〃 I said。 〃The Breakdown Wars are long gone and the galaxy is at peace now。〃
 〃I'm glad to hear that。 Just don't tell anyone else here。〃
 〃Why not? But let me guess。 You want to keep them stupid and in line because you are onto a very good thing。 For as long as there is war or the threat of war those in charge tend to stay in charge。 Which; of course; is you。〃
 〃An excellent summation; Jim。 Though there are those who are unhappy with the state of things 。 。 。〃
 〃We've met them。 Youngsters who perhaps aren't too happy with the militaristic status quo and war forever。 Who perhaps prefer a future in the bosom of their families。 That is assuming you do have families?〃
 〃Of course; safe and secure in the residential caverns。 We guard them and protect them…〃
 〃As well as having a generally good time playing soldier and bossing everybody about。〃
 〃Your criticism is being tiring。〃
 He looked quizzically at his cigar ash; then tapped it into the ashtray before him。 Which was made from a shell casing of course。 Something black stirred at the very edge of my vision but I made no move to look that way。 It was about time Fido made an appearance。
 〃So what do you want us for?〃 Floyd asked。
 〃I thought that was obvious。 I want to find out who you are and how much you know about us。〃
 There was a quick movement from under the table to my chair; out of The mander's line of sight。 The thing must have then climbed the back of my chair because Aida's voice whispered in my ear。
 〃I have done a voice analysis of a recording I made during the interrupted meeting。 I stripped away the interference of the voice occulter and now know who the speaker who called himself Alphamega is 。 。 。〃
 〃I already know;〃 I said。
 〃Know what?〃 The mander said。 〃What are you saying?〃
 〃Sorry; just speaking my thoughts aloud。 My thoughts being that you are playing some kind of plicated game; aren't you? You called me by name…and we have never been introduced。 Of course if you were present at the meeting of the young dissidents you would know who I was。 And now I know who you are。〃
 I smiled and let the silence stretch before I spoke。
 〃The mander…or Alphamega…which name do you prefer? Since you are both of them rolled into one。〃
 I can kill you…quite quickly;〃 The mander said coldly and calmly。 But at the same time he was stubbing and crunching his cigar out in a most agitated manner。
 〃Temper; temper;〃 I said。 〃Since you appear to be in charge of both sides in this internal conflict; and you obviously got us here for a reason…why don't you just tell us all about it?〃
 He was scowling now; angry and dangerous。 As my mother always said…why was her memory still popping up?…you catch more porcuswine with honey than you do with vinegar。 Gently; gently。
 〃Please; mander;〃 I pleaded most unctuously; 〃we're on your side; even when no one else is。 You know exactly what you are doing…while none of your troops has the slightest idea what is happening。 Not only are you in charge here; but it looks as though you have managed a mild insurrection on your own terms。 You have done an incredible job that no one else was capable of doing。 We can help you…if you will let us。〃
 The scowl faded。 Floyd followed my lead; smiled and nodded agreement and said nothing; another cigar was produced and lit。 The smoke rose up and the smoker nodded beneficently。
 〃You are right of course; Jim。 The responsibility has been great; the pressure continuous。 And I am surrounded by morons…stulteguloj; kretenoj! Centuries of interbreeding and hiding underground has done little to improve their brain capacity。 I am amazed that I alone have the intelligence to see this。 I'm as different from them as if I had been born on a different planet; the child of superior parents。〃
 This was sounding familiar。 There has never been a strongman; dictator; military ruler; who did not believe that he somehow came from superior stock。
 〃You are different; sir;〃 Floyd said; almost humbly。 〃I knew that as soon as you spoke。〃
 We had both obviously read the same textbooks。 Though I thought he was spreading it on rather thickly。 I was wrong。
 〃You could see that? The difference is obvious I suppose; to someone from Outside。 It hasn't been easy; I tell you。 In the beginning I even tried to talk to the senior officers; explain some of the problems and suggest solutions。 I could have had more munication talking to a wall。 Not that the younger ones are any better。 Though they are restless; give them that。 When you get down to it there isn't much joy in just plain surviving。 In the beginning maybe; it must have been a challenge then。 But after a couple of centuries the pleasures begin to wear pretty thin。〃
 〃Was it the restlessness of the younger ones that gave you the idea to supply a leader for them to follow?〃 I asked。
 〃Not at first。 But I began to see that the young were losing respect for the old。 About the only people they looked up to were the scientists。 From their point of view the scientists were the only ones who at least appeared to be doing new and important things。 That's when I hit on the Alphamega role。 They think that I am one of the younger scientists。 A rebel who is unable to make any progress against the old ideas; the familiar ways…therefore I have been forced to enlist others of like age and mind。〃
 〃My arms are getting stiff;〃 Floyd said; smiling。 〃You wouldn't mind taking off these clamps for a bit?〃
 〃I would。 I want you two just where you are。〃
 Mercurial; our friend。 All warmth gone in an instant; he dragged so hard on the cigar that it crackled and sparked。 〃We Survivalists watch events pretty closely…all over this planet。 With a surveillan

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