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小说: hh.thessrat.sings.the.blues 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃By which time we should be ready for visitors。 Thanks; Cap…over and out。〃
 My stomach snarled at me and I realized that the concentrated rations had been a little too concentrated。 I drank some water to wash the taste of sleep from my mouth; then poked Floyd with my toe。 His eyes snapped open and I smiled sweetly。
 〃You have Just volunteered to go to those bushes over there and get some firewood。 It is breakfast time。〃
 〃Right; breakfast; wood; wonderful。〃 He climbed to his feet; yawned and stretched; scratched at his beard then went off on his mission。 I gathered up enough dry grass to make a small pile; then dug the atomic battery out of my pack。 It would power our musical equipment for at least a year; so it could spare a few volts now。 I pulled the insulation off the ends of the wires on a short lead; shorted them to produce a fat snap of sparks; pushed it into the grass。 In a moment the grass was burning nicely; crackling and smoking; and ready for the chunks of dry branches that Floyd brought back。 When it was good and hot I dropped the polpettone into the glowing ashes。
 The rest of the band stirred in their sleep when the smoke blew their way; but didn't really wake up until I broke one of the fruits open。 The skin was black so I hoped it was done。 The rich seasoned fragrance of cooked meat wafted out and everyone was awake in an instant。
 〃Yum;〃 I said; chewing on a fragrant morsel。 〃My thanks to the genetic engineers who dreamed this one up。 Gourmet food…and growing on trees。 If it weren't for the inhabitants this planet would be a paradise。〃
 After we had dined and were feeling relatively human I made my report to them。
 〃I've been in touch with the eye in the sky。 A band of nomads is ing this way。 I figured that we should let them do the walking instead of us。 Are we now prepared for contact?〃
 There were quick nods and no hesitant looks I was happy to see。 Steengo hefted his ax and glowered。 〃Ready as we'll ever be。 I just hope this lot is a bit more friendly than the first bunch。〃
 〃Only one way to find out。〃 I bit down three times hard。 〃Where are the Fundamentaloids now?〃
 〃Crossing a bit north of you…beyond those shrubs on the slight rise。〃
 〃Then here we go。 Packs on; weapons ready; fingers crossed。 Forward!〃
 We walked slowly up the hill and through the shrubs…and stopped in our tracks and stared at the herd passing slowly by。
 〃Sheots;〃 I said。 〃The mutant cross between sheep and goats that they told us about。〃
 〃Sheots;〃 Madonette agreed。 〃But they didn't tell us they were so huge! I don't even e up to their legpits。〃
 〃Indeed;〃 I agreed。 〃Something else about them。 They're big enough to ride upon。 And if I am not mistaken we have been seen and those three riders are galloping our way。〃
 〃And waving weapons;〃 Steengo said grimly。 〃Here we go again。〃
 They thundered towards us; swords waving; sharp black hooves kicking up clouds of dust。 The sheots had nasty little eyes; wicked; curved horns…and what looked very much like tusks。 I couldn't recall ever seeing a sheep or a goat with tusks; but there is always a first time。
 〃Stay in line; weapons ready;〃 I called out; swinging my own sword up。 The nearest rider; draped in black; pulled hard on the reins and his woolly mount skidded to a stop。 He frowned down on me from behind his great black beard; spoke in a deep and impressive voice。
 〃Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword。 So it is written。〃
 〃You talking about yourself?〃 I queried; blade still ready。
 〃We are men of peace; infidel; but defend our flocks against numberless rustlers。〃
 He could be telling the truth; I had to take the chance。 I plunged my sword into the dirt and stepped back。 But was ready to grab it in an instant。
 〃We are men of peace as well。 But go armed for our own protection in this wicked world。〃
 He thought about that for a bit; made the decision。 He slipped the sword into a leather scabbard; then swung down from his mount。 The beast instantly opened its mouth…and those were tusks and tried to bite him。 He scarcely noted this; merely balled a fist and got the thing under the jaw with a swift uppercut。 Its mouth clacked shut and its eyes crossed for an instant。 It wasn't too long on brains either; because when its eyes uncrossed it had pletely forgotten about him。 It said baa loudly and began to graze。 The rider walked over and stood before me。
 〃I am Arroz conPollo and these are my followers。 Have you been saved?〃
 〃I am Jim diGriz and this is my band。 And I don't believe in banks。〃
 〃What are banks?〃
 〃Where you save money。 Fedha。〃
 〃You misunderstand my meaning; Jim of diGriz。 It is your soul that needs saving…not your fedha。〃
 〃An interesting theological point; Arroz of conPollo。 We must discuss it in some depth。 What do you say we all put the weapons down and have a good chinwag。 Put them away;〃 I called out。
 Arroz signaled his two panions and we all felt a lot better as the swords were sheathed; axes lowered。 For the first time he looked away from me to my followers。 And gasped; turned pale under his tan; and held his arm before his eyes。
 〃Unclean;〃 he moaned; 〃unclean。〃
 〃Well it is a little hard to have a bath when you're on the trail;〃 I told him。 I didn't add that he wasn't that spic and span himself。
 〃Not of the body…of the spirit。 Is that not a vessel of corruption among you?〃
 〃Could you spell that out a little more clearly?〃
 〃Is that 。 。 。 person a 。 。 。 woman?〃 He still had his arm across his face。
 〃The last time I looked she was。〃 I moved sideways a bit; closer to my sword。 〃What's it to you?〃
 〃Her face must be covered to conceal impurity; her ankles covered lest they promote lust in the hearts of men。〃
 〃This guy is a bit of a weirdo;〃 Madonette said disgustedly。 He yiped。
 〃And her voice silenced lest it lure the blessed into sin!〃
 Steengo nodded to Floyd and took the angry girl by the arm; but she shrugged him off。 〃Jim;〃 he said。 〃The bunch of us are going to stroll back among the trees and have a break。 See if you can sort this out。〃
 〃Right。〃 I watched them leave and when they were out of sight looked back at the three nomads who were emulating their leader; all with their arms raised; as though sniffing their armpits。 〃It's safe now。 Can we talk about this?〃
 〃Return;〃 Arroz said to his mates。 〃I will explain the Law to this stranger。 Let the flock graze。〃
 They trotted off while his own mount chomped away on the grass。 He sat down cross…legged and motioned to me。 〃Sit。 We must talk。〃
 I sat。 But upwind of him because it had been a long time since he or his clothes had been near soap and water。 And he talked about unclean! He rooted about under his robe; had a good scratch; then withdrew a book and held it up。
 〃This book is the font of all wisdom;〃 he intoned; eyes gleaming。
 〃That's nice。 What is it called?〃
 〃The Book。 There are no other books。 All that men need to know is in here。 The distillate of all wisdom。〃 I thought that it looked pretty thin for that job; but wisely kept my mouth shut。 〃It was the great Founder; whose name may not be spoken; who had the inspiration to read all of the Holy books of all of the ages; who saw in them the work of the god whose name may not be spoken; saw which passages were inspired and which were untrue。 From all the books He distilled the true Book…then burned all of the others。 He went forth into the world and His followers were many。 But others were jealous and tried to destroy Him and His followers。 That has been told。 And it is told that to avoid this senseless persecution He and His followers came to this world where they could worship untroubled。 That is why I asked…are you unclean? Or do you also follow the Way of the Book?〃
 〃Most interesting。 I follow a slightly different way。 But my way believes in respecting your way; so don't worry too much about me。〃
 He frowned at this and shook an admonitory finger at me。 〃There is only one Way; only one Book。 All who think differently are damned。 Now is your chance to be cleansed for I have shown you the true Way。〃
 〃Thanks a lot…but no thanks。〃
 He stood up and stabbed an accusatory finger in my direction。 〃Unclean! Profane! Leave…for yo

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