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小说: hh.thessrat.sings.the.blues 字数: 每页4000字

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s。 The gas bomb popped and I spent a busy few seconds more dodging my attackers。 Who moved more and more slowly until they dropped。 When I looked around I saw that the gas had done a great job。 The entire great room was filled with prone and snoring forms。 I shook my hands over my head。
 〃Let's hear it for the good guys!〃 I had an audience of one; myself; which made the victory no less sweet。 The sleep gas had hit my friends as well; though Floyd had been doing quite well before he dropped。 A number of crumpled bodies were collapsed around him。 I opened my pack and got the gas antidote; one by one I shot up my panions with the styrette。 Then went to the door and stared gloomily out at the rain until they revived。
 Soft footsteps behind me and Madonette held me lightly by the arms。
 〃Thanks; Jim。〃
 〃Was nothing。〃
 〃It was something。 You saved our lives。〃
 〃We're still in it;〃 Floyd said。 〃And like Madonette said; we owe you a good bit of thanks。〃 Steengo nodded agreement。
 〃I wish you didn't。 If this operation had been planned better all these emergencies wouldn't be taking place。 My fault。 I'm under what you might call a certain kind of time pressure。 For reasons I can't go into right now we have to find the artifact and finish this operation within twenty days。〃
 〃That's not much time;〃 Steengo said。
 〃Right…so let's not waste any of it。 Our wele has worn out around here。 Grab weapons because we might have trouble getting out of town empty…handed。 Packs on; armed to kill; ruthless and deadly expressions。 Forward!〃
 After what had almost happened to us with Svinjar and his macho swinemen we were in no mood to be trifled with。 It must have shown in our faces…or more likely in the metal of our weapons…because the few people we met slipped away as soon as they saw us。 The rain had almost stopped and the sun was burning through and raising trails of mist from the waterlogged ground。 The hovels were farther apart now; the mounds of garbage fewer and more easily avoided。 Straggly little bushes began to appear; then trees and larger shrubs covering the easy slope of the rolling hills。 Mixed in were low bushes from which hung hard…skinned spheres the size of a man's fist。 Maybe these were the polpettone trees we had been told about。 This would have to be investigated…but not now。 I led on at a good pace; not calling a halt until we had reached the concealment of the first coppice。 I looked back at the crude buildings; with the great bulk of the Pentagon rising behind them。
 〃No one seems to be following us…so let's keep it that way。 Five…minute break every hour; keep walking until sunset。〃
 I touched the skull…puter hanging from my neck and the keyboard snapped into existence。 I summoned up the holomap; glanced up at the sun…then pointed ahead。
 〃We go thataway。〃
 It was tiring at first; struggling up one hill and down the other side; then up again。 But we soon left the trees and the rolling countryside behind and marched out onto a grassy plain。 We stopped for a break at the end of the first hour; dropped down and drank some water。 The bravest of us chewed industriously on the concentrated rations。 Which had the texture of cardboard…if not the same exciting flavor。 There was a grove of the polpettone trees close by and I went and picked a few of the spherical fruits。 Hard as rocks and looking just about as appetizing。 I put them into my pack for later examination。 Floyd had dug a small flute out of his pack and played a little jig that lifted our spirits。 When we stepped out again it was to a jolly marching tune。
 Madonette walked beside me; humming in time with the flute。 A strong walker; she seemed to be enjoying the effort。 And surely a great singer; good voice。 Good everything…and that included her bod。 She turned and caught me looking at her and smiled。 I looked away; slowed a bit to walk next to Steengo for a change。 He was keeping up with the rest of us and did not look tired I was happy to see。 Ahh; Madonette 。 。 。 Think of something else; Jim; keep your eye on the job。 Not the girl。 Yes; I know; she looked a lot better than anything else around。 But this was no time to go all smarmy and dewy…eyed。
 〃How long you think until dark?〃 Steengo asked。 〃That pill you gave me is wearing off with a vengeance。〃
 I projected a holo of a watch。 〃I truly don't know…because I don't even know the length of the day here。 This watch; like the puter; is on ship's time。 It's been a good long time since they threw us out the gate。〃 I squinted at the sky。 〃And I don't think that sun has moved very much at all。 Time to ask for some advice。〃
 I bit down three times hard on the left side of my jaw; which should have triggered a signal on the jawbone radio。
 〃Tremearne here。〃 The words bounced around clearly inside my skull。
 〃I read you。〃
 〃You read what?〃 Steengo asked。
 〃Please…I'm talking on the radio。〃
 〃Reception clear at this end。 Report。〃
 〃We were less than charmed by the Machmen。 We left town a couple of hours ago and are hiking out across the plain 。 。 。〃
 〃I have you on the chart; satellite location。〃
 〃Any of the Fundamentaloid bands in sight as well?〃
 〃A number of them。〃
 〃Any of them close to this position?〃
 〃Yes; one off to your left。 Roughly the same distance you've walked already。〃
 〃Sounds a winner。 But one important question first。 How long are the days here?〃
 〃About one hundred standard hours。〃
 〃No wonder we're beginning to feel tired…and it's still full daylight。 With the total daylight at least four times longer than what we're used to。 Can you put your satellite to work looking back the way we came…to see if we are being followed?〃
 〃I've already done that。 No pursuers in sight。〃
 〃That's great news。 Over and out。〃 I raised my voice。 〃pany…halt。 Fall out。 I'll give you the other side of the conversation that you didn't hear。 We're not being followed。〃 I waited until the ragged cheer had died away。 〃Which means we are stopping here for food; drink; sleep; the works。〃
 I slung my pack to the ground; stretched largely; then dropped down and leaned against it; pointed to the distant horizon。 〃The Fundamentaloid nomads are somewhere out in that direction。 We are going to have to find them sooner or later…and I vote for later。〃
 〃Vote seconded; motion passed。〃 They were all horizontal now。 I took a good swig of water before I went on。
 〃The days here are four times as long as the ones that we are used to。 I think that we have had enough of fighting; walking; everything for one day; or a quarter of a day; or whatever。 Let's sleep on it and go on when we are rested。〃
 My advice was unneeded since eyelids were already closing。 I could do no less myself and was drifting off when I realized this was not the world's greatest idea。 I heaved myself; groaning; to my feet and walked away from the others so my voice would not disturb them。
 〃e in Tremearne。 Can you read me。〃
 〃Sergeant Naenda here。 The Captain is off duty this watch。 Should I send for him?〃
 〃Not if you are sitting in for him…and you have the satellite observations handy and up…to…date。〃
 〃Well keep looking at them。 We're taking a sleep break now and I would like it to be undisturbed。 If you see anyone or anything creeping up on us…give a shout。〃
 〃Will do。 Nighty…night。〃
 Nighty…night! What were the armed forces ing to? I stumbled back to my panions and emulated their fine example。 I had no trouble at all in falling asleep。
 It was waking up that was difficult。 Some hours had slipped by because when I blinked blearily up at the sky I saw that the sun had passed the meridian and was finally slipping down towards the horizon。 What had wakened me?
 〃Attention; Jim diGriz; attention。〃
 I looked around for the speaker and it took long seconds before I realized that it was Captain Tremearne's voice I was hearing。
 〃Wazza?〃 I said incoherently; still numbed with sleep。
 〃One of the Fundamentaloid bands is on the move…roughly in your direction。 They should be close enough to see you in about an hour。〃
 〃By which time we should be ready for visitors。 Thanks; Cap…over and out。〃
 My stomach snarled at me and I realized that the concentrated rations had been a 

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