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小说: df.therunelords 字数: 每页4000字

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t hopes。 The first great hope was that someday he would return to Heredon and see his daughter once more。
 He gazed at her; saw how she'd grown beautiful like her mother; and he could not help but weep at seeing his greatest dream fulfilled。
 Chemoise watched her father's eyes fill with tears。 He gasped for breath; struggling from moment to moment to stay alive; unable to relax enough to let his lungs fill。 She wondered how he could have kept this up for six long years。
 〃Are you all right?〃 she asked。 〃What can I do for you?〃
 For a long moment he struggled to speak two words: 〃Kill。。。us。〃
 Chapter 13
 Thirty miles to the south of Castle Sylvarresta; a high rock called Tor Hollick rose four hundred feet above the Dunnwood; and from its crags one could gaze far。
 Once; long in the past; a fortress had stood here; but few of the stones remained one atop another。 Many had been carried away to build walls for peasants' homes。
 King Mendellas Draken Orden sat unfortably on a broken; lichen…crusted pillar; staring away over the rolling hills; the tops of trees that stirred in the night wind。 His cape of green samite fluttered on the small breeze。 A cup of too…sweet tea warmed his hands。 In the air above him; a pair of nesting graaks circled on leather wings; calling out softly in the darkness; their batlike shapes huge against the stars。
 King Orden ignored them; his attention focused elsewhere。 A fire burned on a distant hill。 Castle Sylvarresta aflame?
 Orden found the very thought to be harrowing。 It was more than a pain of the heart; it was a pain of the mind and of the soul。 Over the years; he'd learned to love this realm and its king dearly。 Perhaps; he loved it too dearly。 He was riding now into danger。
 According to Orden's scouts; Raj Ahten had reached the castle by midday。 The Wolf Lord could have mounted a quick attack; burned the castle。
 On seeing the glowing sky; Orden feared the worst。
 Two thousand troops camped in the woods below his perch。 His men were exhausted after a day of riding at an incredible pace。 Borenson had raced to his king after leaving Gaborn。 A hard flight it had beenBorenson had left four assassins dead in his trail。
 King Orden found his heart hammering at the thought of his son; there in that burning castle。 He wanted to send a spy in and learn where Gaborn was; how he'd fared。 He wanted to charge the castle and save his son。 Such useless thoughts preyed on him。 He would have stood and paced; if his rocky perch had given him the room。
 No; he could do nothing except grow angry at Gaborn。 So foolhardy; such a strong…willed boy。 And yet so hopelessly stupid。 Did the boy really believe Raj Ahten sought to take only the castle? Surely Raj Ahten knew that Orden journeyed each year to Castle Sylvarresta for the hunt。 And the key to destroying the North was to destroy House Orden。
 No; this entire escapade was little more than a trap。 A lion hunt; in the manner of the South; with beaters in the bushes and the spearmen somewhere in the rear。 Clever of Raj Ahten to beat the bushes; to take Castle Sylvarresta as a distraction。 Orden had already sent scouts to the south and to the east; hoping to discover what spearmen blocked his road home。 Surely every path was guarded。 If Raj Ahten played his part well; he might yet destroy House Orden and take Heredon in the bargain。 King Orden expected to hear nothing from his scouts for a day or more。
 It was foolhardy of Gaborn to go to Sylvarresta。 Foolhardy and great of heart。
 Yet King Orden had long been Sylvarresta's friend; and he knew that had the tables been turned; had he been the first to hear that Jas Laren Sylvarresta stood in need; he'd have ridden hard to fight beside his old rade。
 Now Orden had to satisfy himself by watching the city burn from afar; awaiting reports from the scouts who rode ahead。 He had six scouts on good force horses。 It would not be a long wait。 Though his soldiers and their horses needed rest; Mendellas would not sleep this night; perhaps not for many nights to e。 With some forty endowments of stamina; he need never sleep again; if he did not so desire。
 Certainly; Raj Ahten would not sleep tonight。
 On the rock above him sat Orden's Days; and his son's。 King Orden looked up at the men; wondering。 Why did Gaborn's Days not go to him? If Gaborn was at Castle Sylvarresta; then the Days should follow。 He'd know if another Days spotted Gaborn。 Or perhaps Gaborn's whereabouts did not matter。 Perhaps his son was captured; or dead?
 As he kept his slow watch over the next hour; letting his mind drift and dream; he considered his own defenses at home。 King Orden sometimes had。。。impressions。。。of danger; felt the presence of reavers on his southern border。 As a child; his father had told him that these impressions were the heritage of kings; a birthright。 He considered now; but felt nothing。
 He wondered about the fortresses on his borders。 Were they secure?
 A scout soon reached King Orden with news。 Sylvarresta had indeed fallencaptured at sunset without a fight。
 Worse than Orden had feared。 At that news; King Orden took a lacquered oak message case that had been tucked inside his belt。 It was a message to King Sylvarresta; sealed with the signet of the Duke of Longmont。
 King Orden's scouts had intercepted Longmot's messenger at dawn; if 〃intercepted〃 was the proper word。 More particularly; Orden's scout had found the man dead; his corpse concealed in the brush beside the road; killed by an assassin's arrow。 Orden's scouts would not have recovered the message box if not for the stink of the body。
 The countryside was crawling with assassins; set along the road in pairs。
 Under normal circumstances; Orden would have respected the privacy of the parties involved; would have delivered the message case to Sylvarresta himself。 But Sylvarresta had fallen; and Orden worried that Longmont had sent word of evil tidings。 Perhaps it; too; was besieged。 It was; next to Castle Sylvarresta; the most defensible fortress in all Heredon。 Though nineteen other fortifications dotted the kingdom; they guarded smaller cities and villages。 Five of the fortresses were only minor keeps。
 So King Orden broke the wax seal on the message case; pulled out the fine yellow parchment scroll; unrolled it; and read by starlight。 The flowing script was obviously written by a feminine hand; but had been written hastily; with words crossed out:
 To His Most Rightful Sovereign King; Jas Laren Sylvarresta: All Honor and Good Cheer Wishes; from His Most Devoted Subject; The Duchess Emmadine Ot Laren
 Dearest Uncle: You are betrayed。 Unbeknown to me; my husband has sold you; permitting Raj Ahten's forces to move through the Dunnwood。 Apparently; my husband hoped to rule as regent in your stead; should Heredon fall。
 But Raj Ahten himself was here two nights ago; with a powerful army。 My husband ordered the drawbridge lowered for him; kept our soldiers at bay。
 In one long night; Raj Ahten came and took endowments from many。 He repaid my husband's treachery with treachery of his own; hanging him by his guts from the iron grates outside the window of his own bedroom。
 Raj Ahten knows better than to trust a traitor。
 As for me; he treated me badly; using me as only a husband should use his wife。 Then he forced me to grant him an endowment of glamour; and he left a regent; some scholars; and a small army to manage the city in his absence。
 For two days his regent has tried to suck this land dry; taking endowments by the hundreds。 He cares little whether those who give the endowments live or die。 So many Dedicates lie heaped in the bailey; no one will be able to care for them。 I myself he used as a vector; taking glamour from hundreds of women; while my sons; Wren and Dru; though they are mere children; now vector stamina and grace to the Wolf Lord。
 It was not till an hour ago that our own servants and a few guards managed to revolt; overthrowing our tormentors。 It was a bloody struggle。
 But all was not for nothing。 We have captured forty thousand forcibles!
 Here; King Orden halted; for his breath sudd

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