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小说: df.therunelords 字数: 每页4000字

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 But to what purpose? If Raj Ahten could simply shatter the castle with a shout?
 She looked up on the hill; saw Gaborn kneeling in a patch of snow; in the field。 Gaborn had laid his father's body out on the hill above the castle; beneath a great oak tree。 A huge limb lay near them。
 Gaborn had collected dozens of spears; and he ringed these about his father's corpse; creating a fence of sorts; to keep out the wolves。
 In the tree above his father's corpse; he had hung his father's golden shield。 He took his father's helm; laid it in the snow at his father's feeta sign that his father had fallen in battle。
 She turned her horse; went to him; leading her father's stallion。 Behind King Sylvarresta followed the three Days: hers; her father's; and Gaborn's。 King Sylvarresta had verged on falling dead asleep in his saddle a few minutes before; but now stared about; grinning broadly at the snow through bleary eyes; a child filled with delight。
 Gaborn looked up at Iome as she approached; his face looked bleak; desolate。 Iome knew then that she would find no words to fort him。 She had nothing to offer him。 In the past few days; she'd lost nearly everythingher home; her parents; her beauty。。。and things less tangible。
 How will I ever sleep again? she wondered。 In her mind; the castle had always been the supreme icon of security。 In a world fraught with danger; it had always been a safe haven。
 No more。
 She felt now that she'd lost her childhood; her innocence。 Her peace of mind was torn from her。
 Not just because her mother lay dead and one of her castles lay in ruins。 As she rode that morning; she considered what had happened。 Yesterday; she'd feared that Borenson would sneak into Castle Sylvarresta; kill her Dedicates。 She imagined that secretly she'd known what he would do; though she hated it。
 By not challenging him; not confronting him; Iome had agreed to it。 The horror of it had all been creeping up on her since noon yesterday。 Now she found herself defenseless。 She hadn't slept for two nights。 She'd felt dizzy for hours; had feared she would topple from her horse。
 Now it seemed as if a great invisible beast; lurking beneath her consciousness; suddenly sprang and seized her。
 Iome had meant to say some word of fort to Gaborn; but suddenly found icy tears coursing down her cold cheeks。 She tried to wipe them; began shuddering quietly。
 Gaborn had prepared his father's body well。 The King's hair was bed; his face was pale in death。 The glamour he'd worn had died with him; so that the man she saw was not the King Orden who had seemed so regal; so powerful; during life。
 He looked like some aging statesman; with a broad face; skin somewhat weather…beaten。 He smiled enigmatically。 He was dressed in his armor; and lay on a plank。 His richly embroidered cape of shimmering samite covered him like a robe。
 In his hands; he clasped the bud of a single blue rose; perhaps taken from the Duke's garden。
 Gaborn turned to look up at Iome; saw the expression on her face; then stood slowly; as if the effort pained him。 He walked to her; grabbed her shoulders as she slid from her horse; and held her close。
 She thought he would kiss her; tell her not to weep。
 Instead his voice sounded hollow and dead as he whispered fiercely; 〃Grieve for us。 Grieve。〃
 Borenson thundered into Longmont in a red fury。 From the moment he had crested a ridge five miles back and seen the ruined towers; the crowd milling on the downs outside the castle; he'd known the news would be bad。 Among the crowd; many colors flew; but none for Raj Ahten。
 He wished Raj Ahten were dead; wanted to strike against him with a rage so burning that Borenson had never felt its like。
 So he was still in a frustrated rage when he galloped down the north road into Longmont and met the ragged moners milling about by the thousands。 He looked among the crowd for the colors of Orden; saw them nowhere。
 He rode up to a pair of teens who scrambled among the snow outside the castle; robbing the corpse of one of Raj Ahten's soldiers。 One young man was perhaps fourteen; another eighteen。 At first he thought the vermin were stealing money pouches or rings; and he'd have belittled them for doing so。 Then he recognized that one lad was wrestling the armor from the corpse; while the other helped lift the dead weight。
 Good。 They sought armor and weapons that they could never otherwise purchase。
 〃Where is King Orden?〃 Borenson asked; trying to keep the emotion from his voice。
 〃Dead; like all them buggers in the castle;〃 the youngest lad answered。 He had his back to Borenson; hadn't seen to whom he was speaking。
 A sound escaped Borenson's throat; something like a growl or a snort。 〃Everyone?〃
 Pain must have sounded in his voice; for the lad turned and looked up; eyes widening in fear。 He dropped the body and backed away; raising a hand in salute。 〃Yesyes; sir;〃 his older friend said formally。 〃Only one man lived to tell the tale。 Everyone else is dead。〃
 〃A man survived?〃 Borenson asked distantly; though he wanted to cry out; call Myrrima's name and see if she would answer。 Myrrima had been in this castle。
 〃Yes; sir;〃 the older lad said。 He staggered backward; afraid Borenson would strike。 〃Youyour men fought bravely。 King Orden made a serpent; and fought the Wolf Lord man…to…man。 Theywe won't forget such sacrifice。〃
 〃Whose sacrifice?〃 Borenson asked。 〃My king's; or the buggers'?〃
 The young men turned and ran as if Borenson would strike them both down; and he very nearly did; but he felt little anger toward them。
 Borenson scanned the downs wildly; as if Myrrima might stand on the brow of a hill waving to him; or as if he might see one of Raj Ahten's scouts crest a ridge。 Instead; as he looked up; he spotted Gaborn beneath an oak。
 The Prince had laid out King Orden's body; ringed it with spears from his fallen guards; as was the custom in Mystarria。 He just stood there; over his dead father; hugging Iome。 The Princess had her back to Borenson; and wore a hood; but there could be no mistaking the curves of her body。 A knot of three Days all huddled a few yards off to the side; watching the scene with studied patience。
 The idiot King Sylvarresta had e off his horse; was in the circle of spears; fawning over King Orden; gazing about dumbly; as if to beg for help。
 A sense of horror and desolation swept Borenson; so that he cried out in astonishment and despair。
 The fallen castle; the fallen king。
 I may have killed him; Borenson thought wildlymy own king。 Orden had fought Raj Ahten hand…to…hand; and lost。 I could have followed my king's orders; slain all the Dedicates。 Had I obeyed in every detail; perhaps it would have changed something。 Perhaps Raj Ahten would have died in that battle。
 I let my king die。
 The guilt that welled up in Borenson was a wild thing; a storm that came from everywhere and seemed to uproot every fiber of his sanity。
 An ancient law in Mystarria said the last mand of a king must be obeyed; even if the king falls in battle。 The mand must be obeyed。
 The air seemed to grow thick around Borenson。 From deep in his throat; the battle chuckle issued as he lowered his lance; flipped down the visor of his helm with a rapid nod of his chin; then spurred his horse into a gallop。
 His lips clenched tight against his teeth。
 White had fallen from gray clouds earlier。 Soft cold。 Frozen beauty; covering everything; sparkling when a patch of sunlight struck it。
 King Sylvarresta gaped in wonder; sometimes moaning in delight when he saw a new beautythe mounds of snow crusting a pool in the road; or clumps of melting snow dropping from a tree。 He had no word for 〃snow;〃 could not recall it。
 Everything seemed new; brimming with wonder。 He felt very tired; but could not sleep once he came to the castle。
 There were too many oddities here; people behind him crying out in pain。 He looked at the castle; saw fallen towers。 He could only marvel at how they had fallen。
 A woman led his horse up a hill; to a great tree where spears stood about in a circle。
 Sylvarresta listened to the young man talk to the woman; then gazed up in the tree。 An orange cat; the kind of half…wild mouser mon to farms; sat on a

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