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小说: df.therunelords 字数: 每页4000字

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 King Orden gave Gaborn a sidelong look。 〃I want you to take Iome and King Sylvarresta; now; and get away from here。 Go to Castle Groverman。 It should be well defended。〃
 〃I think not;〃 Gaborn said。 〃I'm tired of running。〃
 〃And if I order you to do it?〃 his father asked。 〃I'm not divided on this matter。 My heart and my mind both agree。〃
 〃No;〃 Gaborn said more firmly。 His father had always tried to protect him。 Now he saw that his father would continue to do so; even if it cost his own life。 But Gaborn was a Runelord; and though his endowments were few; they were over a broad spectrum。 With wit and grace and stamina; he could fight in a battle like this better than any mon soldier。 Besides; he'd trained a good deal in tactics and swordplay。 
 As the son of a king; he'd learned to defend himself; though he doubted he'd be much of a match for one of Raj Ahten's Invincibles。
 Iome grabbed the sleeve of Gaborn's tunic; whispered fiercely。 〃Do as your father says! Take me to Groverman。 When we reach him; I will order him to fight!〃
 With a sinking feeling; Gaborn realized she was right。 Groverman's castle stood little more than thirty miles away。 If he ran the horses; he could be there within a couple of hours。
 〃Do as she asks;〃 Orden said。 〃Perhaps it would help。 Groverman has been gathering his forces。 He may have ten thousand defenders on his walls by now。〃
 Gaborn knew he would have to do it; would have to take Iome to Groverman。 Yet he'd be five hours or more at the task。 He wouldn't be able to return here before noon。 By then Raj Ahten's troops would have reached Longmont; their siege would be set。
 If Raj Ahten's hundred thousand reinforcements arrived; Gaborn wouldn't be able to dislodge the Wolf Lord。
 〃Iome;〃 Gaborn asked; 〃may my father and I speak alone for a moment?〃
 〃Of course;〃 Iome said; and she left。 King Sylvarresta remained in the room; eating at the tables。 Gaborn's and his father's Days also stayed。
 Gaborn felt。。。strangely cognizant of their presence; embarrassed by it。 Still; when Iome left; he went to his father; put his arms around the man's shoulders; and cried。
 〃Here now;〃 his father whispered; 〃why should a prince weep?〃
 〃You're sending me on a fruitless mission;〃 Gaborn said。 〃I can feel it。 Something。。。is terribly wrong。〃 He did not know how to speak of it; but he felt that they needed to discuss thingswhat should happen if one of them died。 They'd spoken of this possibility many times over the years; after Gaborn's mother was murdered; other times since。 Yet this time; Gaborn felt a sense of inevitability。
 What he really wanted; what he needed; was to say goodbye。
 〃How can we know our fight is fruitless?〃 his father asked。 〃I can detain Raj Ahten until you return。
 〃I'll put mounted knights in the bailey; ready to issue from the castle gate。 When Groverman's men e in; I want you to have them sweep in from the north side of the hill。 It's a gentle slope down。 It should give your lancers a great deal of benefit。 Then my knights will ride out to your side; and we'll have the old monster in a vise
 〃But you must promise me one thing; Gaborn。 You will let me fight Raj Ahten personally。 I will be the serpent's head。 I alone am prepared for this fight。〃
 〃Raj Ahten may be more dangerous than you know;〃 Gaborn said。 〃He seeks to bee the Sum of All Men。 He has so many endowments of stamina; you cannot kill him easily。 You will need to strike for the head; take off his head。〃
 〃I surmised as much;〃 King Orden said; smiling down at his son。
 Gaborn looked into his father's eyes; felt his heart lightened a bit。 The castle walls were growing thick with men; and this was a small castle; easily defensible。 With six thousand men on those walls; his father should be able to hold this castle even against Raj Ahten's Invincibles。
 His father wasn't rushing headlong to his death。 He'd fight a measured battle。 Already the die had been cast。 As head of the serpent ring; his father would have to battle Raj Ahten。 In his heart; Gaborn knew that of all the men in the castle; his father was most qualified for this task。
 Yet it hurt; it hurt terribly to know what might e; to let it e without saying goodbye。
 〃Where is Binnesman?〃 Gaborn asked。 〃He can help protect you。〃
 〃Sylvarresta's wizard?〃 Orden asked。 〃I haven't the slightest idea。〃
 〃He said。。。he'd meet me here。 He called a wylde from the earth last night; and hopes to bring it into battle。 He is ing to Longmont。〃 Gaborn felt certain that Binnesman would e。
 Gaborn hugged his father; leaned his forehead against the older man's cheek。 I've been anointed to bee King of this Earth; Gaborn thought。 It was said that Erden Geboren had been so sensitive to the earth powers; to life; that when one of his chosen friends was in danger; he could sense that man's fear。 When one of them died; he sensed the loss of that life。
 Right now; Gaborn could smell danger around his father; and as he leaned against his father's face; he probed with his mind; sensed life there; like a lamp struggling to stay lit。 It was an odd sensation; one he'd never imagined before; and Gaborn wondered if he only imagined it now。
 Yet Gaborn had ridden all last night。 In that time; he'd seen the world more clearly than ever before。 The eyebright still affected him; long after he thought its effects would diminish。 Perhaps it always would affect him。
 It was but one change in him。 Something more wondrous was happening。 He suspected that if he only tried; he could see much farther; much deeper now。 He could use the Earth Sight。 He hugged his father tight; and closed his eyes; and with his heart; he sought to peer into King Orden。
 For a long moment; he saw nothing; and he wondered if he really had seen into Raj Ahten's heart last night。
 Then; as if at a great distance; a strange collage of sights and smells and sounds assaulted Gaborn。 First he saw the sea; the blue waves of the ocean rolling proud and strong under clear skies; the whitecaps rolling toward shore。 Gaborn's own mother and sisters and even himself rode in those waves; bobbing like seals in the water; and King Sylvarresta rode those waves; too。 Yet Gaborn's mother was larger than all the rest; as if she were a great walrus; while the others were mere harbor seals。 Gaborn tasted fresh pumpkin bread in his mouth; all covered with sunflower seeds; then washed it down with apple wine。 Distantly he heard the horns of the hunt。 As he listened; he sensed the motion of a horse running beneath him; then his chest seemed to swell wide in exultation as he looked out over the rooftops of the castle in Mystarria and heard the swell of people chanting 〃Orden; Orden; Orden。〃
 A tremendous swelling sensation rose in Gaborn's chest; a sense of love and warmth; as if all the tender feelings he'd ever felt rolled into one great burst。
 Gaborn could see more clearly today than ever before。 He could see into his father's heart; and these were the things his father loved: the sea; his family; pumpkin bread and apple wine; the hunt; and to please his people。
 At this insight; Gaborn pulled back; suddenly feeling guilty。 Why am I doing this? he wondered。 Looking into his father's soul was somehow embarrassing; an act of voyeurism。
 Clearly; Gaborn recalled his duty; remembered the tales of what Erden Geboren had done when choosing warriors。 Gaborn feared for his father; wished to do all that he could to protect him in this; his darkest hour。
 You will fight today; Gaborn whispered within himself; but I will fight beside you。
 Chapter 41
 The race from the Seven Stones to meet up with his army was long and hard; even for Raj Ahten。 A Runelord with endowments of stamina and metabolism can run faster than other men; and far longer; but it requires energy。 Even a Runelord cannot run forever。
 So it was that Raj Ahten reached his army well before dawn; but the toll was heavy。 In jogging well over a hundred miles in armor; with no food; he lost some twenty pounds of fat。 The sweat stormed off him in waves; so that even though he stopped frequently to drink from streams and puddles; he'd lost another ten pounds of water。 The pounding to his kidneys and bones lef

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